Why would she post this? This makes me extremely sad. What a fucked up world. Is she under drugs? someone help her
Hannah Hay new video
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are her emotional support lizards in this video? because i am not interested otherwise
Those tits are horrible
she just posted of her cleaning her nipples
on youtube of all places
she also looks very distressed and under drugs
Atleast that dumb thot kept her small firm tight loli tits instead of getting jew implant
She's awesome
fuck off pedo sandnigger shit
illegal in Australia
Daily reminder that she would rather fuck niggers than be with any white knight faggot on Jow Forums.
Hello? FBI?
It's not illegal in australia, it was a meme from some faggot who got laughed out of the building.. Unlike UK porn licenses
she is 20
project harder
yea that's because landwhales from british empires (UK, USA, AUS) drink fucking cow growth hormones and get floated as fucking shit.
Anyone feel disgusted by these underage thots? inb4 low test. I am 19 and only attracted to 20+ women who look grown.
she is clearly under drugs, look at her eyes
>Fucking pussy that already has bled for years is baaaad.
Sholmo detected, uncle hitler bring the gas
she is 20
>Woman aren't retarde-
>Woman deserve to vot-
fucking gross
hitler would have gassed your kind after the war
20 my ass
First of all, the phrase is "on drugs", second, are you a doctor or medically trained professional of any kind? Have you even done lots of drugs before?
no shes just mentally handicapped
yes and yes
Cope. Hitler admired Islam. He knew it was the religion of BVLLS and constantly fantasised alpha TÜRK BVLLS raping German towns to convert G*rmans to MUSLIM BVLLS.
t. Knower
She doesn't even have the intelligence to understand that such videos aren't allowed on YouTube. She really is retarded.
No, you aren't.
Hitler was very based and liked us Pure Arabains. Anyone outside our borders is a conquest rape nigger and only arab by name.
That doesnt mean shit
hitler also admired japs but had plans to go to war against them after WW2
He would have killed all sandniggers and asians
This isn't r9k you fucking faggot
Nobody gives a shit about Internet whores!
you are just mixed mongrels
even niggers are purer than you
Sieg Heil mein Arab
you're attracted to anything since you're not even allowed to look at your women.
why would someone do that if you have to clean it that way every day?
are they monarchists?
Hitler was evil so his admiration of islam might not be the wonderful recommendation you make it out to be...
>it takes a medical professional to determine when someone is high out of their mind
She is legit retarded and also probably drugged too.
Source: a PornHub comment by a guy who claimed he was in HS with her.
>muh hitler total global plans of conquest and muh sex grilliom
Shill harder next time noseberg
I don’t think you have to clean it every day. I’m 100% sure this is a petty self help video that qualifies for loopholes that allow her to show her tits on YouTube
Lol these are tits? My God what passes for tits these days.
WRONG. you still can detect her body type even if shes covered. I could tell if shes hot or ugly just by some ques..
Are you sure this ain't a dude?
those tits are normal. stop watching porn of fat lardass women.. they give you a wrong perception of reality.
Stop giving this coalburner attention you fucking disgusting beta male orbiters. I swear some people here would kill to catch a whiff of her nigger semen encrusted hole.
she clearly needs professional help though.
>conquest rape nigger and only arab by name
Can you fill me in on the history of this? I'm a Palestinian diaspora who took an extensive DNA test for my anthro class that said we had no J1 haplogroup in my blood. It said I was a mixture of Phoenician, Bosnian, Turk, Greek, Romanian, Assyrian, Circassian and Persian and minor traces of other stuff. Im majority nothing. Dad almost had a heart attack.
She's just marketing her persona to sell more porn. Think of it as product advertising. Incels and beta knights like you assume she's in distress and needs rescuing, while she's only playing a character.
Have you seen her cunt? It’s even worse
Why is Jow Forums beta orbiting a retarded ponstar roastie?
Fucking wasted trips from a guy who watches tranny porn and is used to no tits
Why are retards allowed piercings?
She has a body of a 13-year old
I dont think thats true
Ive never seen someone say they liked her porn
her pussy is gross and she looks distressed in all her scenes
lol she's retarded
theres hormones in the water in the US thats why your women have disgusting cow tits
outside of the US, those tits are normal
she doesn't sound like a retard to me. she sounds like an average IQ person who experienced some kind of head trauma that gave her a speech impediment. i've met people like that and they are not the same as literal retards. all of her social cues when talking seem normal. im not trying to justify jerking off to her because i dont, but im just saying i think people falsely accuse her of being mentally retarded
Thats a matter of time lol. She's saving money for them.
Those are still small for an average woman but they're tiny for American standards since their country is full of whores who slam 1600cc of silicone into their tits.
Hannah Hay is the Chris-Chan of the
Z generation.
Fucking Niggers stole her tits.
Looks like an elite trannie
>2th video
>when your tits are so small you can post them on YouTube and the video stays up
Hmm whats that accent?
I doubt that, honestly.
you faggots that do this white knight save the poor little coal burner shit need to be gassed asap. you fuckers are worse than the niggers she's fucking.
Those tits would be considered very small in most of northern europe.
Retard and southern America
>Is she under drugs? someone help her
We already digged out that she is mentally handicapped and the jews are abusing her for "modelling jobs"
what tits?
she seems sweet. She was cute until she started talking.
She is possessed, the flies are buzzing.
lol why ask if you're gonna reject their answer anyway?
why do americans love getting BLACKED? is it because of to much fluoride in the water?
There aren't any tits. This could be a boy's chest
What abuse? Retards need jobs too you fucking commie.
You are jew, you worship dicks
Shut up
oy vey
she looks like she took a bit to much