Einstein on Racism

"Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man's quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition.

The ancient Greeks also had slaves. They were not Negroes but white men who had been taken captive in war. There could be no talk of racial differences. And yet Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, declared slaves inferior beings who were justly subdued and deprived of their liberty. It is clear that he was enmeshed in a traditional prejudice from which, despite his extraordinary intellect, he could not free himself."

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((( white man’s ))) quest for shekels

He's partially right. Had Angl*s not been greedy, we would not have to live with the scourge of niggers today.

We should have taken exclusively white slaves imo.

>Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes
werent most of the negro slave traders jewish?

The ones on the boats weren't the jews. It was the financiers of the expeditions that ate lox and bagels. Like all organized crime, the ones on top don't get dirty themselves.


spoken like someone who has never met a black person

Every black man in America should have been shipped back to Africa. The only way either race would've had a chance to flourish outside of hostility toward each other is having the Atlantic ocean between us. Despite the fact that NO American slave owners exist today, owning exactly ZERO slaves in America of any color, the negro will never forget that they were subjugated. It will always be war between us. They have a batter chance at life amongst their own people - people who wouldn't discriminate them because of their skin color, but instead just because they're an evil, ruthless, stupid and violent race of primates who kill each other anyway.

>your ancestors
Stopped reading right there. I am not my ancestors.

Einstein was actually pretty racist before and not SJW. He visited Sri Lanka and called the Indians, “lazy, inferior” people and then in China calling the Chinese “filthy, and obtuse”, and that “it would be a pity if the Chinese were to supplant all races.”

Only kikes get free off their racism charges.

Einstein was a racist cunt who hates the Chinese

Einstein was a bisexual Jew.

Yes most white owned slaving ships were a jewish enterprise.

how can you deny einstein

the greatest intellect of the 20th century

Funny how kikes disproportionately owned slaves and slave ships. The average kike was 20 times more likely to own slaves than white southerner.

What useful invention did he create?

>Greatest intellect of the 20th century
According to the kike owned media

"Time as a concept was invented by white men. I their failure to grasp relativity the African has revealed his intellectual worth."

-Albert Einstein, letters to Otto Sechslinger 1946

>deny X
This phrasing always reminds me of phrases like "denying a man water should be a crime". Denying the holocaust, Jewish celebrities etc IS like denying a Jew water. These constructions are their sustenance.

Not most of them but a disproportionate amount

>Einstein was a racist cunt who hates the Chinese
All westerners were then, tough guy. It was popular and accepted.


Einstein is a Jew, so who gives a fuck what he thinks about anything.

nuclear bomb - instrumental in its creation, though no one man can be credited with it solely.

Who beat and abandoned his first wife, married his cousin and plagiarized most of his work.

>tfw you enslave a fucking nigger

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Jesus was a jew. Who the fuck cares what he says about anything. Intelligence supersedes established alliances.

>white owned
>were a jewish

fucking pick one fucking fucker

I said useful. He created something which killed hundreds of thousands of shitskins. Well he didn't actually create it cause he stole his research.What .assive hypocrite.


His ancestors, not my ancestors. And what homes? Bantu tribals enslaved other Bantu tribals and bushmen and then sold them to jewish slave merchants

No, jesus was a Christian KYS

Ahh, classic.

One of the biggest Jewish frauds throughout history. Doesn’t surprise he’s got the situation completely and utterly misinterpreted.

I don't give a shit about Jesus either. He's not even real.

>Your ancestors
I'm not a nigger.

Something half of 1 percent of all whites had slaves. Something like 40% of all Jews had slaves. Numbers are something like that.

he had autism, highly improbable that he was deceitful himself. Proof: started talking when he was 7.

Lol, are you for real? I started talking when I was 7 too. Big deal.

it's almost like lumping in the white masses together with the white elites is a purposeful slight of hand

user, I...

I'd say that the ability to create a nuclear fission reaction no demand is quite useful. You're foolish if you believe that your power grid gained nothing from the nuclear research done during the development of the atomic bomb.

Sauces on the stolen research. Just so you're not operating on the retarded notion that great advances come only from brilliant people who don't have any help at all, nearly every great invention on the modern world came about as a collaboration, credited or not. Edison was a raging cunt who claimed credit for everything every inventor in his company ever did, but he was still brilliant.

Replace white with Jewish and suddenly you see the Jews playing both sides of the fence

Shut the fuck up you kike, black people's past as slaves is a black and Jewish issue, not a black and white issue. Period.

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Kikes were only 2% of the population and that no it was not 1% of whites. Stop trying to deny that whites were involved in slavery. The founding fathers were all gentiles and many owned slaves. Jews did own slaves at a disproportionate rate just like blacks commit more crime per capita. Quit lying and saying Jews ran the majority of the slave trade. It makes us seem like uninformed liars. Jews ran about 10% of all slave ships yet were less than 2% of the population.

Kys Jew.

He was not the greatest mind of the 20th century.

How long did it take you to start shitposting?

>Jews ran about 10% of all slave ships
Name one slave ship owned by whites and not Jews. Protip: you can't.

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Learn how to read statistics you fucking brainlet. Do I really need to educate you what half a percent of all whites and 40% of all Jews, who make up less than 2% really means?

Is being racist against chinese possible ?

40% of slave owners were Jewish, that's the statistic he's citing. Period. You've fuckin' failed you pathetic little kike rat, now get the fuck off my board before I fuck you up faggot.

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Einstein was a thieving cunt and his ideas are mostly wrong (commence the chimpout /po/) and Edison was not fucking brilliant at all. He was an even bigger thieving cunt.

And I got the statistic.

At the height of slavery .35% white Americans owned slaves. 40% of Jews owned slaves. Wrap your head around these stats, schlomo.

>Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force

False, they were enslaved by different tribes around them. Euros just facilitated their trade all over the world, and it was also whites enslaved too.

Why so much is spoken about black slavery but not the fact that the Vatican walls were built purposely to keep marauding nogs out. What about the white slaves?

I kinda doubt the authenticity of this quote.

>not a black and white issue. Period.
Funny how niggers don't see it that way, brainlet. No matter how much your autism wants to make you believe that modern whites are uninvolved, they're involved because niggers are too stupid to realize that no one alive today (in America) owns slaves. They hate and distrust us just like we hate and distrust muslims. Stop trying to derail the issue, shill cunt.

Who said he was? What's your vote for? Hitler?

Einstein was a Jew who plagiarized most of his stuff

>be a jew
>work at a patent office
>"invent" things.


Words are cheap, faggot.
Sauces. Now.

>What about the white slaves?
This, it seems the Barbary Coast Wars are just not taught in school anymore.

Are you actually retarded enough to believe those 10 ships brought over every slave that ever came to America? How fucking dense are you?

No because your stats are fake. You pulled them out of your ass.

ALL the ships are documented and none were owned by whites. There were many more than ten.

>hey have a batter chance at life amongst their own people
They are their own people. They're culturally a lot closer to other Americans than they are to a Congolese tribesman.

Post the source, faggot. Even then that would still make 60% non Jewish whites but those are fake stats pulled out your ass so it's irrelevant.

Charleston, SC was started by jews as a slave trading port city.

There were hundreds of thousands of slaves brought to America. That is 10 ships. It's a tiny fraction of all the slave ships.

It was your ancestors you fraud

Einstein's travel diaries reveal he was racist towards Chinese people: theguardian.com/books/2018/jun/12/einsteins-travel-diaries-reveal-shocking-xenophobia

In a few decades at most the Einstein cult will be dead.

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Yes, but in Africa, we wouldn't have to look at/hear/smell/support them.

Relativity and contributions to quantum mechanics. That shit changed physics completely.

quick google search shows that the Amistad was owned by a Spanish nobleman. The picture is pretty meaningless, it means that there were jew slavers. duh.

this is a stupid argument, and a stupid hill to fight on. It's literally a dindu nuffin type argument. Most owners were white. A significant minority were jewish. that's it.

The correct argument is that:
-the vast majority of slaves of the transatlantic slave trade were not heading to North America
-the vast majority of white people did not participate in slavery in any way,
-slavery was not a uniquely white on black phenomenon
-white people were the ones to abolish slavery worldwide

not "jews ruled everything forever"

How are you fucking retarded enough to believe those 10 listed names were responsible for the hundreds of thousands if not millions of niggers which were brought to America? You fucking pussy you are just scared of niggers and afraid one with beat you up for slavery so you deny it happened. Thomas Jefferson was known to own slaves. Was he a kike now? Real white men who aren't scared of niggers like sissies like you are PROUD of slavery and know it represents white power and dominance.e

>Only kikes get free off their racism charges.
Leo Frank's entire defense was that Jim Conley was too much of a stupid nigger to remember his damning testimony of helping Frank conceal Mary Phagan's body with such vivid detail

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Einstein's works reveal he didn't discovered much. Or anything.
Thx Henri Poincaré.

> they dun stole muh peepo from they homes n sheit

Niggers owned other niggers long before the white man showed up. All the white man did was participate in an already existing slave economy.

I know honestly. This slavery denialism has gotten absolutely fucking pathetic.

And it was a Jewish monopoly. Name one ship not owned by Jews.

>patenting theories

stop being embarrassing and making ethnonationalists look bad


> kike shilling for disillusionment and powerlessness days after niggerball's biggest star was forced to apologize to all Jews for posting song lyrics and hebes on twitter started sperging out at any blacks who defended the post
You're Jewish, we get it. Now stay the fuck off my site before I fuckin' slit your throat like a hog.

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>The ancient Greeks also had slaves. They were not Negroes but white men who had been taken captive in war. There could be no talk of racial differences.
Oh I beg to differ, Jewstein.

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>plagiarist kikestein lying
what else is new

The Flying Shekel


As I understand it the basic conceptual germ of relativity was derived from Lorenz and Poincare. However, Einstein generalised it using differential geometry, which was a tool invented by the mighty Riemann.

No mean feat by any standards but it does make Einstein's star seem less bright compared to these other great thinkers.

There's nothing wrong with owning slaves, it's just that they are way overpriced in today's market.

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Not only is the contemporary 'slavery' meme another jewish HOAX, but what trans-atlantic slaving there was, was ENTIRELY a Sephardic Jewish operation.
It wasn't about the need for cheap labour. White people have always worked fields and farms. The Ruling Class Sephardic Jews deliberately took the opportunity to shit 'n' mix things up in America to ensure there could be no organic 'ethnic' challenge to their own plutocratic social position.
Sephardic Jews were in the driving seat in the Americas from the get go.

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>my site
Come at me, bitch.

Jews were 2% of the population, whites were 95% of the population. The fact that 'only 40%' of slave owners were Jewish is not an argument, that ratio is exceptionally skewed towards said 2% of the population. Learn how to interpret statistics you retarded cocksucker. Or else I'm gonna fuckin' kill you you god damn boomer dumb ass.

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While 90%+ of slavers were jewish. Rest being adventurers and scums.
Really activates the almonds.

>t. Triggered kike
My sides. Give up. Its not a TV set. You are on /pol.

Are we going to suddenly forget the massive Jewish hand in the transatlantic slave trade?
(((Einstein))) sure thought we should I'm sure

Not to mention that the true mistake was not castrating the slaves they did bring over here, as you can see Muslims don't have a nigger problem in their lands since they did castrate theirs. Whites empathy their undoing as usual. Teach niggers to read and speak English and they organize politically against us, etc. Shame shit. Niggers need to be removed from white societies for their own benefits.

If niggers had their eyes opened to this fact, race relations in the West would be completely turned on its head. The Jews would have fucking nothing if the blacks stopped being their pets. It's just so pathetic that practically none of them have made this realization, too blinded by taima and pussy to crack open a fuckin' book. They literally don't even read when they're in prison, apart from (((the bible))).

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>not castrating the slaves they did bring over here
Castrated slaves couldn't father more slaves. A slave's reproduction ability was part of its value.

Says them man who made it possible for one man to extinct all life on earth with a push of a bottom.

>apart from (((the bible))).
You mean the quran, or how ever those fuckers spell it now.

>Teach niggers to read and speak English and they organize politically against us
It was illegal to teach slaves anything. After they were freed, it wasn't really a matter of just not letting them learn.

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