Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures, Jow Forums?

Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures, Jow Forums?

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They fought the whole world, and it was close. No embarrassment there.

They were just the 1st wave. Just wait for round 2. We hit harder.

you're literally a kike, I saw you post in the /sg/ thread

they bit off more than they could chew

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Ok jamal

>declare war on the whole world
>they fight back

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Well they killed 6 million Jews so I guess they were successful.


And this

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did more than you ever will in your sad meaningless life, no matter how much of an embaressement you see them to the statement is true

They were led by a cringy edgy lord who fed them extremely propaganda making them think they 'really invicible,also germans can't think for them selves,they are genetically engineered to be the perfact slave.

>it was close
they couldn't even defeat the British

because whites will never will successful

based illiterate shitskin

Why didn't we fight back against those embarassing failures?

They were about too. But Hitler fucked up and stopped the assault to focus on bombing London. The RAF was about to collapse but managed to recover.

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their investors disagree

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Hitler needed to let his generals be generals.
He had great leadership qualities, string as fuck army, lethal soldiers, but needed to be reigned in, which no one could do.

Happy hannuka kike.
Finally learned to use VPNs ?

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All brothers under one banner.

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Notre honneur est loyauté

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Ou lands, our blood, our fight. Never forget.
Slavs, latin, french, germans, we are Europa. And we are under siege.

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>"Nazis were failures"
>provided the east and west with all their groundbreaking STEM professionals
>their technology was so good it made the allies jealous
>nearly took over the entire planet
>arguably only lost because Italy was useless and Japan were retards
>gave Jews PTSD over something that didn't even happen for 100 years
>coolest uniforms

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Never forget the sacrifices. Be ready for round 2.

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The good guys lost the last time. Are you ready to make them win this time ?

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because Hitler was a retard that fought on 3 fronts and ignored his generals.

We will not be replaced. And will not suffer satanists and pedos.

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>make a bunch of fake countries in eastern europe after ww1
>be surprised when they start getting reconquered

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Is this the america you want ? The fate of europe you desire ?
Because it's what jews will give you.

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There is only one choice.
You stand by your blood or fight against your own. Any compromise is a treason.
Any negociation or tolerance is a treason.
Europa needs you !
Choose your party. There is no middle ground

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Fascism is just a perversion of romanticism when said concept is seasoned liberally with reactionary thought and nostalgia. So you answered his question right there. Hitler could have won. If Hitler hadn't been an irrational, emotion driven wreck of a person. Attacking the USSR alone demonstrates the absolute irrationality of this mindset; the narcotics his doctor fed him hand over fist probably didn't help either tho.
I could get into how their take on history. eugenics, and a mess of other things were simply a giant chimp out of kraut we wuzzing, but the point is they were a fucking trainwreck leadership wise.

>posting from the fakest country on the planet


You chose you camp traitor.
You are no longer one of us, if you were one in the first place.
You deserve the rope for your speech.

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Shilling for niggers. A different subspecies ruining everything they touch. Your own parents would put you to death if they knew.

How is any of what I said wrong? These idiots burned down half the history of Europe because a drug addict and some of his closeted gay/jewish friends felt some of it was packaged wrong. Just the art and historical architecture lost to their chimp-out is incalculable. If you're actually in France, you know what I'm talking about. How much of your nation's artwork was literally stolen at gunpoint? The only Axis power that honestly had a fair point in their we wuzzing was Italy, and even then they weren't into the LARP nearly so much as the krauts. Even they had to go back to Rome for their propaganda (lol holyromanempirewewuzzing). No one can discount that the Germans produced some very impressive technological advancements. The cult of scientific advancement helped wonderfully; even if not universally as it was often ineptly, and unethically applied. Just their leaders weren't logical, rational actors. Hitler's drug abuse, and likely PTSD, emotional reactivity, and bizarre personal antics were a fucking albatross around his nation's neck. His shitshow of an inner circle was even worse. Inb4 you start reeing about heeby jeebies.

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Conserning USSR, it was only a matter of time when Germany had to fight with them. Problem was in planning for USSR conquest which should have been planned FROM THE START as taking several years. It was not realistic to think it could be done in six months.

Also, when there was no clear strategy in defeating Britain first, those air forces which were wasted in the blitz, should have been saved for use in operation Barbarossa.

Planning wasn't as good as would have been needed. There are lessons to be learned from those mistakes.

Stfu kike. Natsocs fought to the last man against the whole world to save Europa. And you, you shill for our victory. Great victory indeed. Our boys turned into fucktoys. Our women into coalburners and preys. They had flaws. But you are still a race traitor. The future guys like you created is pic related. Blood and soil. And fuck liberty and burgers

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This is what I'll never fucking get about people like you, you KNOW how media is dishonest, you KNOW how much a false narrative can be viewed as true, and still you look back at times like those, where people could barely speak to neighboring communities on a daily basis, and you just fucking believe whatever is told you, when a massive amount of the modern day's problems can be traced to ideologies that took root RIGHT during that time.

You claim a lot, you make few arguments, and you provide even less proof because it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to provide proof at this point. Stop acting like a fucking drone.

Okay. So Hitler's generals wanted to wait until 1945. They would have had an armored corps that would have rolled all the way to the sea of Japan in two seasons without needing to slow down, and had a U-boat fleet 500 strong that could starve Britain into surrender within a year. Of course Hitler didn't want to do this. Because he was too emotional and impatient. Which is the point of how he fucked things up so badly. He wanted his conquest, he wanted it NOW, and GODDAMNIT IF HE WASN'T GOING TO HAVE IT THOSE DAMN COMMIEREEEEEE … you see we cycle back to my point. Emotion. No logic. Or not enough. Perversion of romanticism. That's why this didn't work. Here, have some gay interracial D/s raceplay woodcuts. Pic related; Hitler's allies?

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*their victory

There is indeed much to be criticised in leadership of Germany in those years. Especially with their generals. If Rommel would have received those reinforcements which he asked for in Africa, he would have singlehandedly defeated allies there. His skills were never utilized fully. Also generals were not given enough leeway to conduct war in eastern front which would have helped in saving manpower when retreating could have been used tactically and strategically, when needed.

>arguably only lost because Italy was useless

If Germany gave them more time to prepare for war they might have had a fighting chance.

>military errors are a proof kikes are right about politics.
Ok. Don't forget to pay a foreskin tribute to your masters.
You mix 2 unrelated things untermensh.

i agree only having 300,000 jews die from natural causes (starvation & disease) while in the camps was a failure ... if they only worked them a little harder and gave them a little less food maybe we could of got that death toll to near 1 million ... a def fail in my book

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>13+ posts from this ID

wew lad. Are you a muslim? go celebrate the holidays achmed.

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??? your previous post was about the political ideology, now you talk about military tactics? What the fuck is this shit?

He didn't want to fight the british, he wanted peace with them because his sight was put into the east.

>whiter than you mohammed
The last line of defense of people bellow 70iq pts. Kys plz.


It sounds to me like you and Adolf would have gotten along really well. Lots of REEEEing about stuff you don't like, no better options, and a lot of impotent anger and fury. Honestly brosef, you're just helping prove my point.

I'm not sure where you claim I'm being dishonest. I fully understand that entertainment industry companies are often times willing to mislead consumers. The problem here is this thread started with the question of how the Nazis fucked up so badly. I'm postulating that a philosophy based on the irrational (romanticism) is very hard to translate into a rational system of governance. The Nazi elite had problems, like any leadership/elite caste. They just had no oversight, and so were able to indulge in the worst of their natures. Which were pretty bad.

The RAF was no where near collapse.

It's the same thing. The policy made the tactics. That's your core problem. Because the policy wasn't rational, the tactics couldn't be effective. You see this play out across their economy, social structure, and military throughout the war. It's like putting a communist country on FF, and setting everything on fire, lol.

Thank you. Have some pictures of loving tenderness between male and girls.

Hitler made grave mistakes. Many mistakes. He is unique orator with marvelous speaking skills, but didn't have enough self-restraint to understand when to listen those who were wiser than him. A good leader ALWAYS listens those who are wiser than him. Of course, good leader also possesses the skill to know when someone is wiser than himself. This was the achilles heel of Adolf.

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Its looks like you were BTFO hard.
Political stance and military victories are unrelated.
Yet the Reich fought the whole world and held for years.
Stay mad burger brainlet.

>Hitler needed to let his generals be generals.
If Hitler listened to his generals all the time, he wouldn't break through Belgium. The notion that wise German generals argued with foolish Hitler was created by said generals, after they've lost the war.


Also this is a shill thread.

Unrelated. Politics and tactics have no link. Brainlet.

I never said I was whiter than a muslim, user. Having poor reading comprehension and a susceptible ego is also a trace of having low IQ.

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>transgenders or shemales
The very people he sent to camps and medical institutes.
Kys kike.

because hitler was an actual homosexual, and a junkie
they are just cringy losers

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>whiter than you mohammed number 2
When brainlet really want to show how stupid they are.

Oh come on. Everyone knows Rommel was very good at his job. He could have destroyed everything in his path if he'd had the tools. No matter how you slice it though, Germany couldn't beat the USSR, AND Britain, BOTH with American support, and without effective backing from Japan and Italy, AND Hitler was told this. Dude invaded Poland anyway. Looping back to the point again though, it was all kneejerk, reactionary policy. I.E. it was bad policy.
It wasn't a military error. It was a policy error. The actual generals wanted to *not* be emotional children about it. The Nazis wanted to fuck French women ASAP. It didn't pan out for the generals.

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>shill number 345716th shows up
Stop projecting

Military errors are unrelevant to politic stance relevance.
Stay mad brainlet.

Germany only had months worth of oil for all its whole army in 1941, they had to attack then and win fast because they would be severely impaired by lack of oil to mount strategic offensives (no more front wide offensives after barbarossa) and the climate. Check this video it explains it in detail.


>I'm not sure where you claim I'm being dishonest
I'm unsure whether you're being dishonest or just fucking retarded.
>entertainment industry companies are often times willing to mislead consumers
News organizations, governments, education organizations, everyone has a fucking agenda that in one way or another doesn't benefit from telling the truth.
>the question of how the Nazis fucked up so badly
The answer is that it's not possible to know whether or not they fucked up badly or if they had far too many cards stacked against them. In great part because it's almost impossible to have a clear picture of what happened during those times.
>I'm postulating that a philosophy based on the irrational (romanticism) is very hard to translate into a rational system of governance
Ridiculous, you need your population following you, and most people are absolutely not rational in the slightest, so attempting to reason with them is useless, a political system that inspires countrymen to do the decisions taken with logic by the leaders is the only solution, it's what every single political ideology does, the difference is always what emotions it uses and what direction the logical decisions are focused on.
>The Nazi elite had problems, like any leadership/elite caste. They just had no oversight, and so were able to indulge in the worst of their natures. Which were pretty bad.
Absolutely fucking ridiculous that you think you are able to infer that when information manipulation back them could be, and was proved to be, so rampant due to the lack of proper channels of communication between ordinary people. It's the single reason why so many propaganda scandals are known to exist today, the nature of leaders didn't suddenly change.

No no they absolutely fucking didn't. The type of mind that's able to create proper tactics of growth and prosperity for peacetime have no correlation to the mentality needed for the tactics during a war. It's a world of difference.

hitler did nothing wrong

Yes, there's literally nothing incorrect in your posts. It's just when you have a totalitarian leadership based on romanticism, there's no way to question poor planning, or ideologically motivated bad decision making. You do that, and you get dead.

LMFAO, tell that to the poor fuckers in Iraq who couldn't shoot back at the terrorists based on political orders passed down by civilian leadership to military commanders. Brosef. The worst tactics are the most political. Sorry man.

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Your point? Are you saying that these kind of people were loved elsewhere and persecuted only under eeeeevil nazis?

Also, who the hell cares these days anymore where other males put their dicks in? Why think other penises? Suck one if you cannot cure yourself other way from penis thinking.

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I cant tell if this is ironic or not

>Design the first jet airplane
>Design the first assault rifle
>Design the best tank

I mean they lost the war but that’s what happens when literally the entire planet turns against you. No nation is strong enough to survive that. Not even the USA.

>Calls everyone brainlet
>Nazi larping
When a newfag wants to show how new he is. I have never seen a notable french poster.

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I don't disagree with you. There should have been a MUCH more rational stance towards war, especially after the fall of France. That was the pivotal moment. There should have been absolutely no squandering of manpower for futile battle of Britain, especially when there was no realistic plan for subduing UK.

We agree.

According to Hitler himself he underestimated how the USSR would just throw people at them as expendable resources, underestimated how a country full of famine focused on creating war machines, he never expected the communists to value human life so little.

>Japan were retards
No, they basically got cheated.

Sound politics are sound, yet the same men can be bad tacticians. Yet they held years againt the whole world.
Stay mad moron.
Nazis wanted to fuck french women and it shaped their strategy ? My fucking sides.
Burgers everyone. The absolute retards. Kek. Go shart in the mart and learn your place.

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Enjoy you ban kiddo.

Then the offensive should have never happened, at least not that soon. There was research and production of synthetic diesel. It would have been wiser to wait for that production to rise, before attempting Barbarossa. Also if USSR were given the ability to strike first (estimated to would have happened in 1943), there probably would have been bigger consentration of USSR forced near German border. Meaning, more of them could been taken out in first stages of war. (We also expect Germany to be aware of impending USSR attack on them, which they then use to their own advantage)

This is all a speculation, of course.

I know you *want* this ideology to work. I know you do. Because it's pretty, and makes you feel safe, and gets rid of people you feel threatened by, and resets culture to a time you feel secure in. It's just that it falls into the same category as communism. It doesn't work because the leadership has no oversight. Communism doesn't work because people aren't cogs. Fascism doesn't work because humans are social animals, not herd animals. The end result of this line of thinking though is that saying 'all history is a lie' isn't a way to debate a system. The decisions Hitler made were openly broadcast at the time within, and without Germany in many cases. In a few, even the direct reasoning of the man himself were included in his own voice. It's not intellectually honest to say he wasn't calling the military shots in that nation. I'm sorry man.
Are you kidding? They had access to a wide selection of fuel options, and this wasn't including what came into reach during the period in which the von ribbentrop pact was intact where they could kick the teeth out of anything French, or British and not offend the USSR. I mean come on dude.

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Unrelated to politics brailet.
Happy hannuka. If only you knew how you are easy to spot. Kys.

That is a problem with fanatical politics, it is true. It's sad that such commitment and will most times mean unthinking mental processes.

There has to be a strong heart AND strong mind, together. One that is based on rationality and wisdom. That is the basis for good leadership.

You know it's bad policy when those men can't be questioned for their tactics, right? That's a policy issue. Not being able to challenge inept leadership decisions is a sign of bad policy. You're 'French' in the North African sense, aren't you? I love your nation though. Beautiful culture, history, art, fantastic food. I'm glad we managed to return so much to you after the krauts stole it. Sorry about what we couldn't find. That stuff is probably in a Swiss bank right now. :(

They were socialists.
>inb4 hurr durr it's not socialism it's national socialism
Literally the same argument all failed socialist states have used. Just change national socialism for whatever shitty version of socialism they tried to invent, like 21st century socialism or juche.

what movie were you watching, britfag here and I have to give it to them.

It took everyone to stop them

An old family friend of mine calls it being in our 'best' mind. Our emotional minds ignore the logical, the logical ignores the needs presented in the emotional. Wisdom is accepting the need for both to cooperate. :) Otherwise you just get pain and sorrow.

Wow, where'd my foreskin go, holy shit, those heebs are sneaky, if … oh. Wait. There it is. Sorry man. :(

Politics are unrelated to military abilities. Yet they held against the world for years . Sorry moshe. Several walls of text destroyed in two sentences . Kek.

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>I know you *want* this ideology to work
Literally retarded non argument, I never said anything about my opinion on it, and honestly I won't because that just gives you more material to focus less on arguments and logical points and more on retarded claims like this one.
>'s just that it falls into the same category as communism. It doesn't work because the leadership has no oversight
???? Are you fucking insane? Oversight is THE goddamn thing that natsoc focus on, LITERALLY THE most important thing on the ideology. That along with the insane rambling about emotions you did prior to this part makes me wish you faggots would just stay on reddit or whatever other shithole you crawled from.
>not herd animals
You have no fucking clue how wrong you are, first off, besides the period of war, Germany saw a magnificent growth and prosperity, while the entire world crashed and burnt because the great depression. You aren't making a single fucking logical point to defend your stances.
>The end result of this line of thinking though is that saying 'all history is a lie' isn't a way to debate a system
It literally fucking isn't, hell any fascist would disagree with my points because it invalidates both the bad and positive aspects of what the world claims about nazis. Jesus Christ you fucking brainlet.
>The decisions Hitler made were openly broadcast at the time within, and without Germany in many cases
Again are you fucking insane? What kind of technology you think that ordinary people had at the time? Cable television?
>It's not intellectually honest to say he wasn't calling the military shots in that nation
You are MADE of intellectual dishonesty, that's the ENTIRETY of your post, one of the biggest mistakes Hitler did was precisely based off of hearing his most trusted generals.

Are you up for 10 more of pilpul post ?

They can't wait it out because they are strangled by the british blockade, they are at their peak chances to win in 1941. They will not save up on oil if they don't attack, it will be consumed regardless also they are aware of the russians being in the middle of a military reorganization (basically they are with their pants down) and them massing forces at the border with Germany (formerly Poland)

what wide selection of fuel options? The video I provided accounts for the romanian oil and stuff. It was never enough. That's why Hitler was right and going for Moscow was a mistake, he tried to rectify in 1942 but then Stalingrad happened.

>Capitalism: a form of free market economy.
>Socialism: Seizing the means of production, no free market.
>NSDAP was against seizing the means, was very pro free market
>hUUR Duurr Nazis were commies because its in the name; "socialists". Steven Crowder talks about this guys.

Argentinian intellectuals, behold everybody

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Take another rip and get back to class, child. I know you think you sound well rounded and reasonable, but you sound incredibly naive. I get what you’re saying, but it’s all gay. If you don’t think humans are fucking cogs take a look at China.

The 1iq brainlet found a post he could reply to. Hey ! Everyone clap !

… why do you think they were in North Africa and the Middle East? Why do you think Hitler was all BFF with the Mufti of Jerusalem? They'd known there was oil there since 1908. That was ALL colonial French and British mandate holdings in the region (after the end of the Ottoman Empire). We get back to bad planning though, and why no one wanted him to actually start the war until 1945. When all of this was much more within reach. I mean early on? We didn't even have an embargo on them. Fucking IBM built computing gear for them, and GWB's grandpa sold truck parts to them. Again. Bad policy/national decision making from the top.

Irrelevant. Nice pilpul moshe. It almost worked. Almost.

Drink some wine and go to sleep.

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