Is Britain a shithole???

From 1 to 10 how would you rate Britain on Shithole level?
I will give it 10.

Attached: Ban knife.jpg (640x480, 71K)

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why is cookie monster on that sign?

Is there a score above 10? I give it that.

Attached: britshit 3.png (610x682, 229K)


Yes, it's called 11.

show your flag

Came to post this... wat do bongos..?

Official mascot of Britain

U cheeky cunt, that's the Queen

And a screwdriver too.

Attached: What Britain has become 2.jpg (615x409, 47K)

It's the new symbol of our police system

Stop asking questions

Attached: DagDuAiU0AASVKy.jpg (627x835, 100K)

England don't even have a good gastronomy.
No gastronomy = No culture
Baguette master race


I have additional questions...

every video about UK contais fucking pakis, pooloos and sand-niggers. even videos from deep inside the island where supposedly the population is 95%+ white

>1 to 10 scale
Anons, I...

Around 8/10 I reckon. It's overwhelmingly a shithole. Even the countryside has been destroyed.

Don't forget to bin that knife.

Attached: What Britain has become.jpg (700x466, 81K)

this cookie monster shit is baffling

considering your pic shows the biggest "accomplishment" they made in 2018 i'd also say 10
don't get me wrong bongers
the same applies to most countries in the western world
where technological advancement and innovations have become minuscule but at least you can now marry your genderfluid 6 y/o son and fuck your pets legally

Absolute shithole. I live in one of the worst shithole towns in this shithole country.
Full of violent Cossacks and pakis.

feels good to be cornish

Which one? Rotherham?

They're trying but they're not there yet. 8,5 or 9.


Even worse. Fucking hell

Unless you’ve been here and lived it you don’t know how multiculturalism fucks everything up. It’s so much worse over the last couple of years.

>all kitchen knives, seemingly no other types of knives

8, I guess

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The local authority now has 5 minutes of Islamic prayers before committee meetings.
I shit you not.

whats the overall feeling with locals? why havent you banded together and done something?


The British police are not perfect but are some of the most respected in the world. Would you rather have American or French or Russian or Chinese police? Thought not. In 2013 two psychotic niggers literally decapitated a British soldier on the streets of London in broad daylight in the name of Islam, and the police shot them only to wound so they could be arrested and punished according to the Law, rather than become the 'martyrs' they wanted to be. I feel like this speaks to the unbelievable professionalism of the metropolitan police, considering that the standard officer doesn't even have a gun and they have to call in armed units. Also during the London bridge attack in June 2017 another group of goatfucking sandniggers killed innocent people with their van and with knives, all of them were shot dead within 8 minutes of the attack starting (not the first 999 call).
Would you personally make it as a police officer in any British city? Do you have any idea how difficult a job like that is? I have worked in health and social care and I have spent a lot of time around the very dregs of society. There is no way I could deal with what the police have to put up with. I know a lot of them are cunts, I've been arrested for drug possession and was not happy about it. But I think that we do owe them some respect nonetheless, similar to paramedics and firemen. We would not have the society that we have without a competent police force whether we like it or not.

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Everyone who’s white and over 25 is fucked off with it but we’re massively outnumbered, also the police and council are majority Muslim.

White people under the age of 25 don’t know any better, they’re used to it and don’t see it as much of an issue.
It’s all so fucking depressing

>and the police shot them only to wound so they could be arrested and punished according to the Law, rather than become the 'martyrs' they wanted to be.
I wish my fellow Brits weren't so fucking retarded when it came to firearms. Fuck sake, you're an idiot

step away from big towns and cities and the uk is generally alright

Honestly, it’s starts locally. Once Muslims have their own people in power your fucked, they vote for their own interests first, inter trade with each other at the expense of others. Bury park is a Muslim stronghold, you wouldn’t believe the amount of money that rotates through their. They have their own sharia banks and courts as well.

2011 census. Educate yourself.

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For now, give it time.
Luton is 20 years further forward than most other multi cultural towns.
The demographics of the next local towns to us, St Albans, Hitchen and harpenden have started to change in the last 5 years.

>t. Cucks who suck american arse

If the UK is a 10, then the USA is a 100

Get out more

>where technological advancement and innovations have become minuscule but at least you can now marry your genderfluid 6 y/o son and fuck your pets legally

Britain or Europe isn't America or Canads tier yet.

I live in London and it's supposed to be a shithole according to bitter norferners and americlaps.

2011?? That’s a long way out of date.

Not as bad as people thing but look at Londonistan.

Attached: disgust2.png (176x150, 20K)

american cop: be nigger get shot
>british cop: be nigger get props

Attached: 2ac79026933644723598073c822254a653d48ae5195377237f2d18f533dde22f.webm (362x640, 990K)

>be dark green area
>literally uninhabitable
>muh white race dominance
>literally not even trying

I'd rather have American cops who don't take shit from anyone and actually protect me from Tweakers and Spics.


>american insulting london.

Look at the state of your country and your demographics. You guys will sleep walk into a minority majority with Trump still there.

>american cop: be nigger get shot
Then get your life destroyed by the mob.

>british cop: be youtuber get props

We were built on random people coming here for a better life and you and the Portuguese jews brought all the nignogs here. Britain has no excuse.

Eleventy Quadrillion

Rubbish, maybe you soulless people should have abolished slavery earlier then mate. Don't blame us, euros or da joos.

Most Americans love hollywood, their black sportsmen and artists. Most american pol users likely support a nfl team as welm.

A lot of those if not most look like kitchen knives. Are chef knives contraband in the UK or something??

I would rate it a 4.

I used to agree that it was a complete shithole, but then I went travelling and I saw things that make Britain look like paradise.

Has it's problems agreed, but is still much better than 90% of countries in the world.

Most importantly, is an extremely safe country. Even the completely lost nog areas have a murder rate of 2 per 100,000 whereas the average American city has a murder rate of 20 per 100,000.

Southeast - 7.5/10
Outer London - 11/10
City of London - 9.5/10
Southwest - 5/10
Welsh Border - 6.5/10
Midland - 7/10
West Midlands + South of Leeds - 6.5/10
Leeds + Surrounding - 8.5/10
Anywhere around York - 8/10
York - 6/10
Anywhere north but Glasgow - 6.5/10
Glasgow - 9.5/10
Manchester - 9.5/10
Scotland - 6.5/10
Edinburgh - 8.5/10

Half scores during the daytime, remove 1/3 for any cities instead.

yes, it's the only thing pakis and niggers can get hold of now
i would even argue that niggers here are less intelligent than american niggers

>the average American city has a murder rate of 20 per 100,000.

You completely missed the news story about London being more of a murder capital than New York, didn't you?

>you and the Portuguese jews brought all the nignogs here
>Country is majority Mexican

Are you backward?
Besides that, Columbus's trip was literally financed by Jews. America has been a Jewish experiment since the very beginning.

That was a meme. It overtook it for like 2 months. New York was way below average for these 2 months and violence exploded in London for these 2 months. It has since regressed to the mean.

Also, New York is by far the safest large city in the USA, but still has a murder rate 3 times higher than London on average.

If you want to see a true shithole, go to Los Angeles. It makes London look like 1970's Scandinavia.

>Has it's problems agreed, but is still much better than 90% of countries in the world.

I would put that figure at 95%. Britain is easily in top 5-10 countries to live in now and in the future.

>Most importantly, is an extremely safe country. Even the completely lost nog areas have a murder rate of 2 per 100,000 whereas the average American city has a murder rate of 20 per 100,000

Americans think those murder rates are a norm in America and blame it on muh gangs, but when it's London or Paris it's always the same neckbeardy memes.

Britain has the worst police in the world.

The big cities would be a 10, but London sets such a standard for shitholery that most of them look like paradises in comparison.

Police, food, women...

How hard is it to break those knife bins open? Break one open, grab couple knives and start ganking Muslims and Somalis left and right.

I'm from the dark green area and it's absolutely fucking gorgeous (wiltshire/somerset). I have no idea what you mean by 'uninhabitable' it's extremely habitable lol

>That was a meme. It overtook it for like 2 months. New York was way below average for these 2 months and violence exploded in London for these 2 months. It has since regressed to the mean.

London has a lower murder rate than most major cities in the west, Sweden and France

>Also, New York is by far the safest large city in the USA, but still has a murder rate 3 times higher than London on average.

Most people on here are stupid, anything that makes america look bad gets hidden so that it gives a delusion that the usa is still the land of opportunity.

>If you want to see a true shithole, go to Los Angeles. It makes London look like 1970's Scandinavia.


>some of the most respected in the world.

Aus police are basically the jewish mafia. they don't give a fuck about murders, arson or drug crime. it's all about putting on a good appearance, selling themselves and selling their "need",

but the community would be better off without them.

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I think British food gets too much slack, a full English breakfast is some good shit, I really liked black pudding too. The police are a bit of a hit or miss, extremely polite and sensitive but then also ineffective. The women yeah I'd rate below average for Europe although there are some good English roses out there, so all in all don't be so glum.

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Are we supposed to entrust these fine, chocolate gentlemen with our stabbing implements?

Food is great, the police are better than the continental and american police and the women are either horrible or great.

British cops lack guns which makes it rather easy to conquer Britan if you manage to get yourself a gun or few guns and ton of ammo.

Yeah I'm not sure he knows what uninhabitable means. Sorry bong bro

You can't just say Britain. It's saying Birmingham and the Lake District are the same, which is just ridiculous.

I'd say 11. I'll describe my experience visiting England for a week on a business trip.

>Gypsies were all around London begging for money, gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.
>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of London.
>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to buy their shitty merchandise.
>Mosque on every other corner, more Arabic and Pakistani shops than English ones.
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.
>Everyday there was some kind of protest which usually ended with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them.
>One thing you'll always see in England is someone's car on fire.
>Young, white English women are only ever seen with either non-white men or mixed children.
>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keep happening.
>England has the world's strictest hate speech laws, complaining about migrants will result in years of imprisonment.
>Dangerous no go zone district all around London where ambulances and police are attacked.
>London is one of the dirtiest cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss.
>Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in London, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti.
>The most common belief among the English is that England's national identity, culture and ethnicity don't exist.

Attached: london2018.jpg (1410x900, 382K)

>if you manage to get yourself a gun or few guns and ton of ammo.

Crossbows are still legal here.

>The women yeah I'd rate below average for Europe

Depends where in Europe, majority of Meds are not that attractive. Germans are look strange. Problem with british women is that many of them are fat.

He probably lives in Liverpool. Hell, I'd consider that uninhabitable too.

Are you actually retarded?

Not only is almost every inch of land in Britain inhabitable, it's almost all inhabited, save for most of Scotland and the few national parks we have.

I don't mind the looks, it's more a problem with attitude in my opinion. They tend to dress very immodestly on social occasions and I think Britian has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe too, a lot of them seem to be open to the idea of having relations with niggers which is pretty unacceptable. This being said, like with any country there are some quality girls in the UK too.

>t. never been to london

I live there and what you are saying is just american propoganda

Guns are illegal in your country man. If you can smuggle one into your country, your cops won't be a threat since they lack them.

I'll describe my experience of visiting America

> Mentally Ill Fucking EVERYWHERE
> Needles on the street due to Opioid epidemic
> Human shit and piss on the street
> Had the feeling a mass murder/suicide could happen anywhere any time.
> Felt like total societal collapse is imminent.

Most of those aren't true. London's suburbs are probably shit, but the centre is generally okay.

>work as a hotel receptionist at crackhead central
>smiling police officers keep dropping deranged hobos, unstable gypsies and basically anyone they can't handle at my doorstep
>"give 'em a room if ya can, yeah thx bye"
>meanwhile when the actual raping and stabbing happens they take 4 hours to appear
Fucking pigs

heavy lad,

There are police with guns in England, they're called armed response units.

>I don't mind the looks, it's more a problem with attitude in my opinion

True, but you can say the same for Germany, Scandinavia, Balkans and the Netherlands.


There's a British military you retard.

>Would you rather have American or French or Russian or Chinese police?
I am a wealthy middle aged white male who doesn't break the law so I naturally would want the American police or possibly Russian.

The British Police are literally armed with Assault Rifles in every city centre you fucking mong.

>the police shot them only to wound so they could be arrested and punished according to the Law, rather than become the 'martyrs' they wanted to be
No, they did it because killing a muslim is a hate crime and the policemen would have been fired and lynched for killing an innocent spreader of peace

The Country side has certainly not be destroyed. I live in a city but make sure to go Lake District at least once a year, it is gorgeous and almost entirely white, save for Chinese tourists. I also go to Wales once a year which is all white. And both places are of course very low crime and pleasant.

Didn't they recently issue pepper spray to cops for them to have shits and giggles with?

10 is not even close.


C'mon, man, you're not fooling anybody.

Hard to say. I've only ever visited London, which is a rich, cultured and historically relevant city but was full to the brim with shitskins, so I'd give it a 5/10 shithole level (would be 1/10 w/o the shitskins).

the police ran over a man in my city on christmas day

7.5, only because it's an Orwellian police state.

The average Brit is probably better than the average Canadian though.

So armed response units carrying MP-5 automatics is not real? Armed cops exist in every UK city.