Circumcision is child abuse and extreme genital mutilation. For the sake of the next generation our generation must outlaw this disgusting act.
The human foreskin is one of the most erogenous zones of the body, contains more nerves than a clitoris, and has many functions during, and outside sex. Amputating a healthy functional body part is objectively abusive.
It is time to apply the same logic we have used in regards to female genital mutilation for ages to male genital mutilation.
If you are mutilated, or if you want to help, donate to foregen and also watch Eric Cloppers video: Sex and Circumcision. Harvard illegally terminated his employment after he spoke out against MGM and he also has a defense fund on gofundme.
People everywhere are trying to mitigate and outright censor the push against this. Dont let them.
Circumcision is neither child abuse nor mutilation. Cutting the useless foreskin off leaves the penis looking more aesthetic, less prone to disease and infection, smells better, tastes better, cleaner, and women like it better. I wonder why they don't make dildos with foreskin n why porno actors are cut
Kevin Taylor
Lets bump this Can anyone provide links on the history of circumcision, and it’s effect upon societies and government. I would love to see objective stuff to redpill me about how this act affects politics today?
Thanks guys
Leo Murphy
stop making these threads, all your gonna get is pro-cut shills like first post
what bullshit... taste a lot of cock i see
Robert Allen
Stop posting this shit. How many times do you have to see the truth?
Thanks mate. At least this thread isn’t filled with b tier shit like furries and just endless cock pics Bump
Alexander Reyes
>stop making these threads
Are you insane? No. These need to be made. This is a very popular political board and this is the most important issue right now, one that doesnt even get enough traction to force the (((msm))) to mention it or even act like we exist.
This needs to be posted all the time. This needs to fill the boards to the degree that Trump shit does.
Elijah Parker
The other threads had similar discussion in them and it didnt stop (((them))) from removing it.
Nolan Ward
Found the ((Goldstein)), who sells foreskin for tons of shekels.
I truly without a shrivel of doubt in my brain think this earth would be 10 times better without jewish people. just delete them altogether.
Kevin Reyes
So you'd rather mutilate your son rather than teaching him to use a condom? (((you))) should try harder
Lucas Gomez
Its fact at this point. I agree. Very few are worth anything and most of them perpetuate harm and trauma. They are sick in the head. Clopper is a supremely rare case.
>Circumcision is both child abuse and mutilation. Cutting the multi-purpose foreskin off leaves the penis looking like a horrible scarred dried up piece of callosed shit, more prone to disease and infection, no cleaner, and women like it less because it hurts more, dries them out, and gives them less orgasms. FIFY.
Look at the crater where the other dude's butthole used to be!
Kevin Stewart
Why did they do this to us? It hurts deep bros
Levi Foster
He needs gassed for real
Brayden Russell
Made up health reasons from jews. Bogus ones. If the jews didnt make up reasons for this to be acceptable they know that their nation of their best cattle would question it. Questioning it questions one of the required tenants of Judaism in their stupid sandnigger book.
It didnt help either that christfag Puritans here like Kellogg helped push it either.
Its sick. Personally I blame abrahamic religion as a whole, but the majority of the blame is solely on judaism.
Logan Hill
CIRCUMCISION: AN ALLEGORY Imagine this. You have your nails removed when you were a baby. You cannot get the relief of scratching an itch. You do not have the ability to scratch off dirt from yourself. You shall not grip things with such ease. You will never experience those things, all because the (((doctors))) said it's cleaner without the grit under your nails.
Ask anyone with a prosthetic limb, do you like your new limb? You already know the answer
Parker Hill
Chase Nelson
If youre comparing a prosthetic limb to what foregen promises I dont think thats entirely fair.
Carson Cruz
They would always hate it, longing for their old one of flesh. Losing a part of yourself and replacing it with something foreign and cold
Austin Powell
I'm comparing uncircumcised to circumcised, not Foregen, but I'm sure it still wouldn't be the same, although a relief
Jayden Watson
Fuck the "intactivist" anti-circumcision bullshit! Fuck the idiots that fall for the compound kike trickery!! Fuck off!
Blake Wright
I would think it will be. We can wait for people who got cut as adults and then go through with foregen for confirmation.
Its basically yours. Your stem cells and your skin after the procedure.
I hope its the same. I'll just kms if not.
Please commit suicide.
Xavier James
>Hmm I wonder why the jewish porn companies hire circumcised actors really gets the neurons firin'
Alexander Price
Where do they source the stem cells? Better not be fetuses But remember, prevention is always better than a cure. It should be a high priority that none of our kids have it done to them.
Austin Peterson
Its not. They can get stem cells from you as an adult these days. They are also firmly against using anything derived from unconsensual surgery on infants.
I agree with prevention. Even when I solve the physical the mental damage won't go away, and I can never forget what happened to me.
Henry Barnes
Are you restoring? Foregen at this point is a complete pipe dream, but there is something that you can do to improve things at least.
Jeremiah White
tell the universe you want it back, more people who fervently want it to return the more likely the universal mind will give it
Ryder Roberts
I am pregnant with our first. A son. My husband is very adamant of getting him circumcised. I refused, and sent him many links saying it is not a medical necessity, and causes more harm than good. His rebuttal was that he will be less prone to infection.
Hate to break it to you, but "The Secret" is bullshit. What needs to do is stop waiting for someone else to fix the problem and do what he can to improve his lot as best he can now.
Blake Bennett
No. I was going to wait for foregens trials in the next year or two. Ive got fairly annoying shaft hair and am very tight so restoring would be fairly difficult to me. Further no ridged band and no full frenelum puts me off a bit.
If nothing happens I will start though. I still dont know if it will make me happy though. I will constantly still be wondering what I'm missing.
Christopher Taylor
Restore. Foregen has been "starting trials" for 8 years now. Pic very related. Note the date.
Dont do it. Please. If there is any risk at all that your son will feel how I do about it it isnt worth it. I will link you a study done that shows increased risk of sti and std in circumcised men.
Which is what Enzo has said since the beginning of Foregen. They've done not a single thing to make anyone believe anything they've said, but they sure made a lot of money.
Fools and their money are soon parted, especially those who have a very strong and emotional interest in the outcome.
Riddle me this, if you create a foundation a decade ago (Foregen was first an International IPO before being registered in the US) and the only thing you've accomplished in 10 years with $100,000s+ in donations is a single article in a self-publish journal (lead owner is a dentist) what sort of organization do you have?
A. Legit B. A money funnel
Ayden Fisher
He said clinical trials at the beginning? How when they didnt even have a base established?
What about their two new papers ? Or them going for profit? Granted they havent yet.
Cameron Cook
Did you not even read? The primary article was approved has a power factor of like 0.4. It is something like the 30,000th most viewed journal which in real science means.
Hey I will pay you money to publish this article. Okay Article published.
No one cites it, no one sees it, but it is "published". That is why I said the journal that the Foregen article was published in has a lead author who is a dentist? Since when are dentists subject experts in regenerative medicine which is supposed to be what we are talking about?
Fucking grow up and look at reality rather than being led by emotion. You are being used precisely because you are a victim.
Anthony Hughes
I'm not talking about the first paper youre referring to I'm talking about the two new ones they have just published, I think they are awaiting review.
Stop being such a rude dick when you didnt even cite anything where he said clinical trials at the very start of the company. Which doesnt even make sense how would you start clinical trials when you dont even have a method or understanding established?
I get you think youre being "tough" by shitting on any hope someone has to justify your position and to justify what youre currently doing to "fix" yourself but there is no need for that. Be comfortable in what youre doing if you wish but dont presume or dare to treat me like dirt because I want more.
Ryan Walker
To add, if you end up being right and nothing comes about in the next year or two, then yes, I'll start stretching. I'm not being unrealistic here just stating I wish to wait in the hopes of being actually whole.
Leo Bell
an anonymous forum that spends most its time talking about traps and Hitler, being important or getting anything of value mentioned by the mainstream media... hahah
Connor Campbell
fuckin kike bootlicking faggot. you arent even taking a critical look at the long game here. when its all said and done- off your efforts- children will be able to "choose" to have sex changes and shit. you and your (((friends))) are a bunch of fucking degenerates.
Ryan Baker
i'm not talking about "The Secret"
unless you are talking about the occult.
Jace Garcia
To not acknowledge this sites popularity is insane.
Calling me a kike while defending literal Jewish ritualistic mutilation. Hopefully someone kills you soon you stupid jew.
>but muh .0001 percent transgenders!!!
Meanwhile millions get mutilated and you dont give a fuck. You can't take a moral high ground here conservacuck
I can't cite anything because Enzo was a member of a forum which ended up getting deleted years ago which was entirely devoted to restoration and regenerative medicine and the like due to issues with the internet host. He was asking for funding claiming they'd have FDA Phase 1 level human trials within a "year or two" a decade ago.
You think I'm being rude, I'm trying to save you money? There have been periodic Foregen threads on Jow Forums and /b/ before that for half a decade, which have had the same content. You know the only thing I care about? Outcome.
Why do you think all of the Intactivists who were on the original Foregen Board of Directors left? Hell, Ron Lowe who created the TLC Tugger was the treasurer (and who also had been on Howard Stern) multiple times to promote intactivism left because of the mismanagment of funds.
You know what, believe what you want to believe. I just don't like when people who know nothing or think they know more than they really do buy into some snake oil solution which has done nothing of note. Restoring at least works fairly well, so those people reading this thread should think about start that (which is free) rather than waiting for a ship that will never sail (by design).
Jordan Collins
popular vs relevant...
Nathan Hughes
You are a pedophile and should be arrested.
Liam Miller
Jow Forums supporting 4gen. Such pottery
James Nelson
If you are right about your first paragraph then that is truly depressing. I havent poured a lot into foregen or anything but I have donated, and if it doesnt end up going anywhere or something else takes its place I honestly dont know if I can take it.
I'm not worried about the money I have thrown into foregen at this point. This is the only issue I really care about anymore and it has been eating me for years. I hope something comes of it, if not soon then I guess I will try and accept mediocrity and stretch to "restore" but I dont know that I'm willing to accept or go on with that.
The people here are relevant, where they learn the info or hear of it is less so. It will spread and pass around.
Benjamin Bennett
1860: 0.001% of the U.S. male population circumcised "In cases of masturbation we must, I believe, break the habit by inducing such a condition of the parts as will cause too much local suffering to allow of the practice being continued. For this purpose, if the prepuce is long, we may circumcise the male patient with present and probably with future advantage; the operation, too, should not be performed under chloroform, so that the pain experienced may be associated with the habit we wish to eradicate." Athol A. W. Johnson, On An Injurious Habit Occasionally Met with in Infancy and Early Childhood, The Lancet, vol. 1 (7 April 1860): pp. 344-345.
best way to convince your dumbass that it isnt a jew trick is to tell you that your fighting against the jew tricks. fuck your brainless bullshit you fuckin bandwagon fag.
Dylan Lee
90% of this website is shills or bots, you ever think there might be a bot from foregen trying to get you to "invest"? no probably not
Benjamin Reyes
>trusting a guy l*terally named after the act of jerking off to cartoon horses
During the circumcision operation, a doctor will tie your baby to a table and then cut part of his body off without using anaesthetic.
Tell your husband that you don't want to do it because it's barbaric.
Also, on the off chance that your kid gets an infection you can just give him antibiotics, which is what doctors do when girls get infections.
Blake Adams
I only hope you hang soon. Or get gassed. Either is acceptable.
It wasnt a bot that got me to invest, it was watching Cloppers video and then finding he was a spokesperson for foregen. I donated after that and I also donated to Cloppers defense fund.
Sebastian Williams
chiseled... they don't cut statues...
David Green
Look, I didn't mean to come off as a giant dick, but I was at a similar point years ago thinking Foregen had something to offer, and I put off restoring a long time because of it.
The thing is, your skin gets less pliable as you age so the earlier the better. You get more pliable fauxskin and less risks of stretch marks etc. Also, it IS a huge improvement.
I hope I'm wrong about Foregen and they really care about going all the way with regeneration, and this is still an issue that burns me too, but Enzo even if he is well meaning, seems to be incompetent at running a research institution. He is just some Italian guy who is either over his head and well-meaning, or feeding on peoples' pain.
I don't know. The way I see it, do what you can now because you could be done with restoring by the time any of the regenerative stuff comes around. FDA trials take 10-15 years on average anyway to go through all the phases.
Brandon Phillips
still it will never happen, you may as well learn how to do "magic" and regrow it with your mind.
Owen Walker
My thing is I'm just so tight, and my frenelum is small and not attached to my glans. I dont get how it would look right, and then the taper as well.
I'm also entirely willing to go to italy or somewhere else to circumvent the garbage FDA delay if it becomes a thing, and if I stretch it will mean cutting off all of my real skin and inner foreskin left. Meaning everything "original" I have left will be gone.
I'm 23 right now.
Saying never is absurd. Even if not foregen someone else will manage in the future. Its a matter of time.
Isaac Garcia
you realize everyone that spearheading this "intactivist movement" is fucking jewish right? you realize it takes a significant amount of money to produce documentaries among other things mingled in this fuckery right? you realize netflix is absolutely leftist trash right? you fuckin chump keep fighting for the jew cause! Its non compulsory to circumcise so all thats needed is to become educated and to educate others and thats where the buck stops. you dont think there is an agenda beyond that? fuckin moron.
Grayson Collins
This and showing him a video of an actual circumcision should change his mind. There is no way a loving father would want to torture his baby like that...
Luke Anderson
>people who are victims of mutilation are spearheading an attack against mutilation
Woah dude. Theyre not "all jewish" either. Your fucking saying to accept the mutilation because some jews also push against it. Are you fucking insane?
>it's okay to mutilate our kids! Its optional!
Please kill yourself. I'm dead serious. Youre a fucking moron.
Robert Harris
you said they arent all jewish and so they just arent? fuck off douchebag - go fucking check. the first nigger to pop up with this anti-circumcision trash was admittedly a jew and im sure thats who you got gassed up by (((clopper))) then theres the bloodymen who parade around texas a whole bunch - oddly where that custody battle is taking place with that boy who is a girl at his moms house and a boy at dads... and mom just happens to be a pediatrician... so what law you think they want to pass? You want to ignore your (((friends))) fucking political agenda? go back to eating tide pods you fuckin easy puppet!
Noah Davis
>t was watching Cloppers video and then finding he was a spokesperson for foregen.
a Jew got you all hot and bothered about your missing foreskin and then just happened to be a spokesman for a company promising to regrow yours... hahahaha
Jeremiah Hill
>clopper is the first one who hates circumcision
You have no clue what youre talking about and I remember your dumbass from the other day. Ive been against this before anyone knew who clopper was as well, so were others in this thread undoubtedly. Probably plenty more than me.
Youre fucking obsessed with the super rare transgender shit which I guarantee has jews against it too.
Jews also breath air and drink water. Stop both of those as well for the world's sake.
Its not like he advertised it in the video, I went and looked Clopper up and saw that. If he mentioned in his video at all it was barely at all and in passing. Clopper did mention stretching to restore, you want to call that a Jewish trick as well?
youre fucking obsessed with penises, faggot. defend that! concerned about other peoples dicks! degenerate faggot! drop some more fucking buzzwords on me you stupid commie faggot! you wont even touch the political agenda shit! you think its just some "super rare" thing that fuckin faggots and trannys are political? dumb motherfucker. get the fuck off my board you fag sympathizing piece of jew by association shit!
Hunter Sanchez
stretching wont do anything for you, its all just crap they want to sell you man, hang this thing on your dick for 8+hrs a day for 22 months and you'll have it back... nope
Carter Jenkins
Such a weird barbaric practice. should be outlawed
Colton Watson
When I started, I couldn't even use a device and just had to do manual stretches. It took months until I could keep one on, and months after that before I got 'rollover'. Also, I had a few weeks of agony and pain when the glans dekeritinized once I had constant coverage.
However, each step came with improved function. You know, is the gliding action from restoring better than the original with a natural frenulum and band, probably not. It is a sure as hell better than when I started.
>how it would look right, and then the taper as well
The enemy of the good is the perfect. You aren't going to get 100% of the same as you had before. The point is improvement. This is something you can do for yourself with your own effort. You might feel some vindication from it too. I know people who felt very smug when they went to a new doc and the doc listed them as uncirc'd after restoring.
>if I stretch it will mean cutting off all of my real skin and inner foreskin left. Meaning everything "original" I have left will be gone.
Actually they will likely have to do this anyway because they'll need a fresh cellular surface to create a regenerative scaffold. You have to imagine someone still might want this who was loosely circumcised, do you think they'd have to get snipped again too? What they need to do for the regeneration they will do. Don't let that hold you back from improving what you can.
Leo Cooper
I'm obsessed with you disgusting rat kikes mutilating kids penises because I see what it does to me. No one should have to feel the way I do or contemplate the things I have. Its fucking inhuman and a violation of a beings most basic rights.
You defending circumcision as an "optional" procedure ENFORCES the tranny fags and their pushes. Are you stupid that you can't see that?
So I just sit here with my mutilated dick? Ill just hang my fucking self instead if hang weights then.
Isnt it more rolling than gliding when you stretch though?
>they will have to do cut anyway
I bet they would just need a slight incision around my scar to attach instead of chopping off loose skin.
>loose circ
In that case their skin would be in the appropriate place still. They dont have skin that needs to be removed. They just add on top.
At least thats how I see it. I dont see how anything else makes sense.
I'd really like to see tests done on pressure sensitivity and the like from restored men to see if it actually works and what difference it makes.
Nathan Gutierrez
LO MOTHERFUCKING L You fucking idiot! LOOOOOOOL thx for the laugh! LOOOOOL holy shit! LOL
Nathan Richardson
you are quite possibly thee dumbest motherfucker on this or any other planet. sage advice: fuckin cut your whole penis off and never EVER have children you stupid kikepuppet. You realize its NOT COMPULSORY to circumcise right? If there is no political agenda then why the FUCK are you posting this dumbass bullshit on pol? If you want to go, with your grown ass mentally ill self, and have a god damn sex change so be it. Go! Do it you fuckin closet queer! I dont give a shit just stay away from me and mine. If people are educated about the decision to circumcise chances are that they will not. Thats fine too. I dont care. You think you have more to add to this fuckin "movement" than the god damn netflix docu does? Go fuck yourself, idiot. This shit is political and STILL you wont touch the facts of the matter with a 10 foot dickskin regenerator. fag. fuck you and your puppet friends.
Noah Collins
>Isnt it more rolling than gliding when you stretch though?
Maybe sorta. I mean there isn't a frenulum, but I don't keep track of the exact mechanism of movement.
>I'd really like to see tests done on pressure sensitivity and the like from restored men to see if it actually works and what difference it makes.
I mean you aren't going to get the advantages of certain receptors because you don't have Meissner's corpuscles as they were removed. However sensitivity will still increase due to dekeritinizing and moisture, effectively creating a faux membrane.
This actually becomes more and more important as people age because increased exposure and drying seems to be correlated with ED with years of continued damage. The differences between restoration vs. not likely increase over time with continued wear and tear.
Hunter Brown
Jose Young
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE they didnt teach you what to respond to my arguments in rape victim class, huh? dipshit come fucking try me, kikefag.
Nathaniel King
bumpity bump bump bump
In no other area is forced amputation considered legitimate a legitimate preventative medical procedure. Forced preventative mastectomies? Appendectomies? No. Only because this is an ancient blood sacrifice ritual does this continue on. Only because a serious questioning of it forces us to come to terms with the extreme perversity of certain religions and cultures, and the collective guilt of the world is it allowed to continue. Most people don't want to face the truth, because the truth is horrifying and would break their spirit. It would break their world.
I know it will be better but I just dont know how much. Especially when sorrells study shows the glans isnt that sensitive anyway, it would seem to suggest most is from the foreskin.
I guess what's left of the inner foreskin becomes sort of normal when stretched back over but thats precious little.
Also I thought that no matter when you restored it returned to "normal". Not that I was on some kind of ticking time bomb gradually losing more I will never get back.
Blake Adams
this guy is probably a bot for the company...
Colton Williams
you listen to all these dipshit dick extremists and does it really reflect your experiences as a circumcised individual? I mean, for me sex is great and I can still take a piss and I'll never have to deal with smega and my mom didnt have to clean piss or shit out of my dick skin when she changed my diapers. these faggot kike dickskin niggers are just making a humongous deal out of something that doesnt fuckin matter at all. nearly 2019 and were still listing to these boomers and their kike fuckin friends man! my dick works fine and Im personally not interested in having a fuckin ant eater. Its not a big deal to me.
Josiah Thomas
what fucking company would benefit from me destroying you and your (((friends))) dick obsession?
Tyler Peterson
no i meant the guy who started the thread
Jonathan Foster
Nathaniel Hughes
ohhhh okay my bad brother. true tho. bet they are selling dick skin stretchers. that shits about as odd as circumcision is imo
Dominic Taylor
i failed to speculate who i was talking about, so no offense taken
Bentley Evans
Back from the beach I’m an uncut virgin, any questions? I want to understand how bad things really are In Australia, it used to be big here, but people just stopped doing it
Robert Hill
You dont know what its like to be normal but stats show we are missing 30k nerves and also 30-60 percent of skin. Common sense and studies shoe that has large effect on feeling and enjoyment. That is in no way shocking. It is worse than removing the clit in terms of nerves
Robert Price
I'm sorry you got mutilated, user. You should look into foreskin restoration. If nothing else, it will protect the head of your dick to prevent it from getting keratinised. Some of the cutfags who have tried it say that it was worth the investment of time.
Don't get angry at the wrong people. The anons on this board aren't the people who mutilated you. People who spend time trying to raise awareness of this issue are doing so because they want it to stop, not because they are motivated by malice or ill feelings.
Kayden Howard
its cool... was askin an honest question there tho! if I can be getting a paycheck for trashin on these retards I need to know where to go! lol
Ian Green
lol, i'll just throw it out there, when i trip magic mushrooms my foreskin(the real deal not stretched skin) comes back... only a matter of time before its back for good one of these days... the mind is the answer to all questions
Jace Morgan
you cant be circumcised AND uncircumcised at the same time! holy shit, that works both ways doesnt it!? wow. really makes the noggin start joggin doesnt it? my dick works just fine. I promise. If you need proof I'll nut in your fuckin eye and you can see where im comin from. Im not mutilated. Thanks for the buzzword tho! No matter how much dickskin you have youll still forever have a micropenis, bud. sucks. see above reply to become reassured that my penis is in proper working order and everything is a-okay! no troubles to report. Its really not that big a deal, friendo. Stop being a jew, immediately.