Have I got this right?

> When women are in the ovulation phase of their menstrual cycle they are attracted to rugged, macho, high-testosterone guys or "alphas". They subliminally look for the best specimen to copulate with (usually ends in one night stands)
> Post-ovulation and premenstrual, they want the safer option and look for men with beta, 'feminine' qualities who can provide for them
> Ideally, they want a combination of the two but "alphas" often tend to make lousy providers and vice-versa
> Obviously it's a little more complicated than THAT but there's the gist of it, yea?

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No, and please stop posting. I see your threads every other day

If I'm wrong it shouldn't be hard to explain why.

You're overthinking this, it's nonsense.

Youre thinking of females as animals driven by hormones instead of actual people

You don't think our biological and evolutionary impulses are still hardwired into us at a subliminal level?

>Have I got this right?

You can't get right anything, 'cause you're a greentexting degenerate!

Dont bother. Such people think they are some higher beings instead of just very smart apes. Which we are. Hurrdurr I reign over my biology. They dont. Even less than a person accepting being a smart animal and doing the best with it.

So where's the proof this is real? It literally just sounds like an autist rambling, feel free to post a scientific study, bonus points if it mentions beta feminine men.

No, they're just more tired and some of them get a little more irritable. What type of person they're attracted to doesn't change, but their libido might get higher or lower.

You dont need to waste time proving an insane person wrong. They're not cogent enough to understand the logic anyway.

In other words you can't.


Anecdotal but...
The girls I have been good friends (and more) with have all been very communicative over their feelings and I always noticed how during ovulation (or period lel, we men can't seem to get the two apart) they crave rugged, brutish men and tend to give up easily on their "I want a sweet caring guy!" thoughts.
Maybe this is due to change in preference , or maybe they just want someone fit for the job. All I know is that they're way hornier during this time and easier to have out of the norm sexual experiences with.

>how during ovulation
nigger you have no idea of when this occurs, please stop being retarded

>Obviously it's a little more complicated than THAT
it's a lot less hyperbolic than that. dial the intensity down a whole hell of a lot and then yeah that's the basic gist of it

wew that comment really stuck with you. guessing it touched a nerve or something?
>accepting being a smart
e.g. observation, introspection, self-control
>animal and doing the best
e.g. willpower, consideration, discipline
>with it.
orangutans are very smart apes. people are something more.

you know it's a regular thing right? it's not hard to time it

nah man. ovulation is not required for a period my man. natural periods do not at all work on a normal 28 day predictable cycle for most women. in fact, it is more often than not very difficult to track. that's why actually trying to have kids causes a lot of couples problems, just bc you bleed at X and it's Y days from Z doesn't mean shit if your body is stupid or your hormones fluctuated or you're stressed or fat or sick or have diarrhea, whatever. it's an estimate, nothing more. only a blood test is gonna let you know what phase you're in.

also, if they're on birth control, then they don't ovulate and still bleed. some women keep that shit a secret. not even women are aware of their ovulation times.

And part of being that smart is not being driven solely by biological desires and urges. It's the reason I don't cheat on my wife, or smash open the skull of every asshole that challenges me, or blindly run screaming away every time I see a snake.

Biological urges are part of us; what makes us unique is the fact we aren't slaves to them.

Why are you tracking the menstruation cycle of your friends you absolute psycho? What the fuck is wrong with you?

See livescience.com/61537-women-ovulatory-cycle-men.html, the effect is a lot more nuanced and watered down in practice.

This is the thing with science, people see a news article of a study and it's the Holy Word for them, whereas MANY studies particularly when it comes to social sciences are not scientifically sound in that they have few respondents, don't control well enough for external factors etc because research is really expensive especially when it takes up a lot of people's time like a real time interview or a real time experiment. And unlike e.g. medical research they don't typically have huge sponsors paying a ton of cash to fund research.


calm your tits, the guy said they were very open with him about what they were feeling and stuff and that some were lovers rather than just friends

That’s basically the idea

Socially I have too much to lose if I act too alpha all the time, so I run mostly beta game and then act like a douche during her ovulation week

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There might be some truth to it, but it's ultimately bullshit to think of it as a rule of life.
I date the same guy and don't look at anyone else, ovulation or not. Never had a ONS, never cheated.

Thanks for saving me the time to do it bro.


Why is it so difficult for women to understand General scientific rules? I know that personal anecdotes are all you care about, but it still grinds my gears

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Again, you don't understand the concept either.
As I said, while there might be some truth to it, it is extremely watered down and it has little to no impact.
No woman is going to cheat on you every 28 days because she is ovulating or something. There might be some truth that during the ovulation women prefer more masculine traits, but that's it. Everything else you said is rather extreme and false.

Could it be that said girls tell me they're in their cycle? Ever considered that lol? Also

>is extremely watered down and it has little to no impact
Says who? You?
>No woman is going to cheat on you every 28 days because she is ovulating or something
Your reading comprehension is garbage. Women tend to stray more often when ovulating. That’s the fact. Tend.

I've never been attracted to "alpha" men, they always seem stupid and most of the time violent. I like the cute submissive type always

>Women tend to stray more often when ovulating. That’s the fact.
Gib link to support this fact

What advice are you looking for? If you really are wondering if this is the case, post on /sci/ or something.

>Says who? You?
Says the tenants of basic scientific principal. You're using an extremely rough, broad supposition about a general scientific hypothesis, skipping dozens of steps and proposing dozens of assumptions to confirm an extremely specific statement about human behavior. Not only have you not posted any scientific evidence whatsoever to support your claim but you're using generalized meme terms like "alpha" and "beta" to describe the behavior and characteristics of incredibly complex, incredibly nuanced human beings. This also falsely implies that humans exist in a fixed state; that you can either be "alpha" or "beta" and that behavior never varies or evolves from person to person based on their experiences and/or growth. We know for a fact that to be objectively false. The thing is you're not interested in science. You're interested in using your limited understanding of science to validate a thing that you want to believe. You know as much about ovulation and how hormonal shifts objectively influence female behavior as much as my cat knows about trigonometry. Go back to the containment board where you belong, spaghetti boy.