Why do liberals support endless foreign wars for oil now?
Why do liberals support endless foreign wars for oil now?
What the fuck does that have to do with television & film you braindead faggot mechanic.
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Because DRUMPF
ok it took a few weeks but now he's finally learning how to fit in
they parrot whatever the (((media))) tells them
Why are conservatives incapable of understanding nuance? You retards have ZERO understanding of geopolitical events if you think what we're doing in Syria is comparable to 2003 Iraq.
Orange man bad!
Lmao shutup bitch and quit moving the goalposts
Did congress declare war in Syria? Should a president have unlimited power to send troops wherever he wants?
Orange man bad,
Can't wait for the mental gymnastics of Trump supporters when IS has a resurgence.
Explain to me how the Iraq War worked in terms of oil markets. No one's ever given me a clear answer on this.
This but unironically.
shut the fuck up neocon slime
How are the situations remotely comparable?
Literally blow your brains out, faggot.
Saddam was going to stop trading oil in US dollars. Same with Ghadaffi. Its really important that they keep trading that oil in dollars because it creates this huge demand for american currency.
>america having done nothing to stop isis or any terrorism
Imagine being this american
I don't know if it's true or just a conspiracy theory but I do know many people on the left believed we were in iraq and now syria because something something oil something something pipeline. Now that drumpf is pulling out they've turned into warhawks.
We would be doing more for the economy by demonstrating the value of the American dollar through quality products than buying other people’s products with them.
The romans didn’t make the Denari as popular as it was by using their Legions to enforce trade in denari, but by having a great empire and accepting sense I as currency.
What we're doing in Syria is comparable to what Obama did to Libya.
You leftist cocksuckers are the ones with a complete lack of awareness.
The left is also screaming about the Kurds, yet are suspiciously silent about the fact that if Assad was overthrown every Christian and other minority in Syria would be annihilated.
it's simple, as long it is the opposite of what trump does, they will support it, even if it means something as ridiculous as this
>accepting sense I as currency
What did autocorrect mean by this? Reminder I paid over $500 for this brand new Apple iPhone trash
Why dont conservatives now?
>haven't seen a film in a while
>head to /tv/ to see what everyone's talking about
>end up on Jow Forums anyway
tuxpepe did nothing wrong
Because it's another war we don't need to be fighting. Assad is just the new Sadam Hussain, except not even as bad. The Chemical Attacks were confirmed to just be dust storms and the white helmets were throwing water on people to make it look like they'd been attacked. Put that on top of a lot of fake images in the media and you have a whole bunch of false flags and emotional manipulation to make the (((rebels))) look like the good guys. ISIS were only a minor threat that were cleared out, but no America wants to destroy everything. Trump is one of the few guys who's actually hitting the brakes.
Dude, you forgot your vpn. It's fine but here is your awnser. It's bad since it is mostly a war to fund special people with special companys that give the us war supplies. America should.only go to war to benefit itself instead of bleeding because of it
lol, literally no. the global oil market it like what per day? many trillions of dollars. imagine if suddenly there was no demand for those dollars. foreign investors are going to want to trade them for something. anything and everything in our economy that isnt bolted down they would bid on. prices for everything would just skyrocket. you're fucking money wouldn't be buying dick basically. it would be a huge disaster. thats why we keep up the foreign wars. i want it to all come crashing down though, i mean i already have no money and cant buy dick so things couldn't get any worse for me
Petrodollar theory is stupid and cover for Israeli interests as the prime mover in Middle Eastern conflict. The global oil market is not so big that some fraction of it not being traded in USD would destroy the US, furthermore, what currency would people use instead?
In reality dumb goys think everything has to have one reason/purpose when (((they))) do everything for a shitload of reasons and keep at until something works. They want absolute Fed domination but they also want to destabilize those countries and instead create smaller provinces based on religious/ethnic differences instead of national arab countries. And you bet they made a lot of money selling weapons and became better at this black OPS thing they've been doing since even before WW2.
I dont know , but one thing i do know is this guy just saved our way of life and many will never know what he just achieved.
Now his most urgent priority has been completed he's free to lock u0 the traitors.