In the white ethnostate, can a special exception be made for Asians? We have similar iq and love each other...

In the white ethnostate, can a special exception be made for Asians? We have similar iq and love each other. We also share a hatred of shitskins.

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Shitty threads like these should ban worthy.

(((asian man bad)))

In a perfect society, not even whites are safe. Merit ethnostate is supreme.

Asians already have ethnostates.
If you don't want to be a part of your own ethnostate that's all the reason we need to not want you in ours

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IQ is just one of many genetical traits and useless on its own - there is a reason europeans have brought so much more value with their lower IQ compared to civilization-destroying jews

Fuck off we're full.

No thanks. Just take a look at Sydney

Yellow Fever Faggot!

No. But you are still less worse.
But we are few, you are many.
This could only be a thing if the global asian male population was reduced to European levels.

Only WMAF is allowed.

How was your Christmas?

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How about this Asians can live in ghettos opposed to zoos or not at all. A fair compromise on all accounts. Im very glad we had this talk.

this, China is pretty far up there in the IQ scale, yet when you watch a rekt thread it’s an endless chinese shitshow.

Asians are insectoids

Asians and Europeans should leave eachother alone. We trade fairly and respect eachother. We don't need to live together.


If you want to date a white tranny, be my guest

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Sure thing, never could get /pol's concept of racism based on skin color or shape of eyes. The only things, that should be count are education, civility and support to the country's culture. For example, in Russia we count our koreans as civilized bros and "aryan" mountain churkas niggers as barbarians.

>lmao not choosing to be a dark elf massive cope
>no 1000 year life span
>no ability in destruction magic

northeast asians have an IQ about 10 points higher than Americans in many studies, they also have faster reaction times and musical pitch discrimination is far superior to caucasians

the only downside is that asians have higher scores on alexithymia tests meaning they have difficulty interpreting emotions similar to autism.

to be honest, any ethnostate would still be shit, for anyone with high intelligence, that is why people with high intelligence should have their own ethnostate to avoid normies, plus the GDP would be extremely high.

if there was an ethnostate the only good version would be a state where everyone had an IQ above 130 everything else is just massive cope

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no they are cruel to mans best friend, sub humans go with the rest of the trash

fuck off shitskin lover


please never subject me to this shit again

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There will never be an ethnostate, whites are done for, nor would 90% of people be bothered in kicking out some Chinese family

It's another Jow Forums fantasy that ignores the fact that our previously white, virtually ethnostate nations already collapsed because we killed each other by the millions

Whites bought into the idea that a free lunch exists and now they will pay for it

Great argument

gooklovers incoming
4/pol is truly based, diverse, and loves their chinese overlords who totally don't have zero concept of morality, eat dogs, hate nature, and spit in the face of humanity, spirituality, and emotion

>OMG can we also let in based black guys???
>they are cool and love Trump just like us
>c'mon man, we're all about saving western civilization here, this can include people that had nothing to do with building it, can never have a full appreciation of what is at stake and will always have a fundamental and biological sense of being other

>(((we))) killed each other by the millions

Yes, we can allow up to 5% Asians. All White men who married Asian QTs for whatever reason are allowed to stay and keep their family there.

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yet they also have a higher average IQ this is no fluke asians also score better on may other metrics like reaction time, and are overrepresented in colleges like jews which are also good, any smart person would know the real menace is just low intelligence and that it exists in ever race, the ideal world would just have a higher IQ and embryo selection to improve the health, and traits of the population

Only cute submissive Asian boi pucci allowed

found the buttblasted r/hapas incel

>can a special exception be made for Asians?
No, you fucks eat dogs

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Do you have any idea how many Chinese christians there are

>the friendless autists thinking people are autonomous units of iq with no historical baggage or social structures are at it again

Asians and Whites are the only civilizations that can advance humanity. The ingenuity of whites combined with Asians' propensity for improving upon the former's creations, I firmly believe mankind will leave this earth and rightfully take their place to the great sea of stars. Too bad other races are hellbent on taking these civilizations down to their level.

thats what i desire

no, >98% european only.

intelligence is by far the most important attribute
prove me wrong you cant,
fine ill have it your way the most important attribute is a low IQ therefore sentinelese are the master race and should replace the global population and we will return to the stone age

For 76 iq mutt.

whoopsy made a mistake the only people advancing humanity are a very small portion of the population talented engineers, scientists writers, musicians and other intelligent individuals therefore the ideal society would only contain individuals of that intelligence level

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Asians can enter but you will not be seen as equal to whites.

Dumbass there is variation within every race being white doesn’t automatically make you an individual of any value, look at the bell curve one more time to see that every population contains both idiots and people of intelligence that can make a contribution.race has nothing to due with the value of an individual if they are retarded. The master race is just the group of people with high intelligence

Great point, but i'd also add civility and loyalty to your culture.

Why don't you want to stay in your own Asian country?

They're your people and it's your home.

>The master race is just the group of people with high intelligence

Not fully.

Creativity and functional ability, such as building, planning and working well, need to be factored in, and IQ doesn't contain these things.

An IQ average of 100, where most are workers, with the smarter people in science, is the best way.

It's why Israel will never be a good country, or any country full of Jews.

>White Ethnostate
>Asian Ethnostate
>White/Asian Mix State

She looks like more of a man than he does

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