Other urls found in this thread:
t. room temperature IQ skinhead
>meme flag
>lose your jobs again goyim
>go to prison goyim
genuinely based but ruined by meme flag pilled
>B R I T B O N G
>sit back and act like the defeatist brit-bongs, goy, there's no hope anyway, goy!
>tfw your country is in africa but you're still white
One day..
Was it worth it?
Cringe. Diversity is our strength, loser.
I only use a memeflag because I'm diaspora. If I used a geo flag I'd come off as a bong and that'd be straight up misleading. Ask the Jow Forums staff to add a Diaspora flag and I'll use that one instead.
>lose more jobs goy
>get nowhere goy
Solely responsible for the rise in sodomy, transgenderism, drugs and liberalism. White men rise up!
Why does this cocksucker look like a smug, evil dickbag in every photo he has? Is it a larping thing where he tries to look as edgy as possible? Whatever it is, it's sad and embarrassing.
inshallah my paki friend
t. buttfucking faggot
>shirking from responsibility that is was Whites that allowed this
Right because a white nationalist would talk like this, I don't even know why half of you bongs even come on here anymore lol, basically jewish demoralizers at this point.
Shut up burger I'm 100% pureblood Balkanite. As a matter of fact I just got done shitting up a Slav thread.
They're fucking with you because you're a Tikifag.
>"bruh wouldn't it be so cool if we like, embarrassed the entire movement publicly! dude!!! based!!!!!!!"
I’d rather not. Diversity is going well thank you very much
>burning cross as firewood.
Varg would have no problem with this.
Bullshit. At least hes out there trying, at best hes led a vanguard.
Ain’t white mans country Scandinavia and Russia?
White "nationalists" who praise homosexuality because "muh romans did it". The "movement" is full of sodomising drug-abusers.
When will people realise that whites and their jew allies are solely responsibly for the massive degeneracy that has destroyed our societies? Same fucktards who call Jesus a "kike" despite Christianity being very explicitly against every single piece of degeneracy that they themselves support.
White nationalism is a fucking joke, and white people made it that way (with a little help from their kike friends)
now whenever I see alex jones I am reminded that he masturbates to tranny porn. I thought he was married to a jewess and had children but maybe I was wrong and he's an incel
Because he's a CIA plant at the head of a massive honeypot.
>can't take hints that you fucked up
>lets do it again XD
I spent years building that fucking faggy shit up online and you fucking mutts shat on it.
When will amerimemes ever fucking learn? They are too stuck up to be worth anything.
An orthorhombic-disphenoidal white gray mineral containing copper, mercury, silver, and sulfur.
So you're a mutt.
I can concede maybe that he's trying, but boy is he a huge fucking cocksucker. Put aside all the larping and the bullshit, have you listened to what he has to say of the common man? He's a spoiled, privileged bourgeois kid completely out of touch with the common man whose cause he allegedly champions. That would be easier to overlook if he was effective, or at the very least not damaging. Yet he's been one of the worst things to happen to the so-called Alt-Right. The only function I could see for him is gathering enough people so that someone with actual talent could eventually usurp him and lead a serious movement.
Fucked up what?, guess what
He is a total patsy to an upper floor
>Night of tiki torches
Yikes senpai, may as well just held up flashlights.
You cost people their fucking jobs with a pipedream. The movement was good but you shot your load too soon. This is why we tell you that you are dogshit Europeans. If you even are Europeans anymore. You can't handle this and this is why I fucking despise you.
Fucking move aside and quickly. Your lingering carcass fucking stinks.
Well I hope you stop obsessing over what we're doing and worry about your own failed Brexit, you sure have a lot of hatred for us, probably from some sort of inferiority complex.
>One of the worst things to happen to the so-called Alt-right.
That's impressive considering that one of the movements more prominent figures in a neo-pagan who actually calls himself "Augustus Sol Invictus." I mean, that's got to be the dumbest, LARPiest bullshit I've ever heard. It sounds like a fucking 40k character's name.
Why all the hate?
I'm afraid it's terminal. Nothing good has come out from America since 1776. And even then the only good thing to come out of there was taxes that helped Anglo people actually make stuff.
Sure. Maybe so, Cletus. But at least I'm no burger.
Literally whiter than you. I would take 1000 Christian conservative niggers over 1 of you sodomising, drug abusing subhuman whites. They aren't the ones subjecting our children to hormone replacement therapy.
White nationlists are fucking retards. We need a conservative movement, not a racial one full of buttfucking, liberal druggies.
What can I say man?
>Right-wing in current year
It's over. Things will probably need to get much worse before we can find some good people to put at the helm.
You wish you were an American. How many AR-15's have you bought this month?
I'm actually 80% british according to the jewish gene website but sure whatever you say bud.
>buying guns in bongoland
Hahaha sure. There's fairly lax gun laws back home though. Back in the 90s the Mafia used to employ actual bazookas in car chases.
Ah, so you're a Civnat, good to know that I don't need to treat you like any of your opinions have merit. With the exception of the Japanese, Whites are literally the only conservative ethnic group on the planet. At least, conservative in an appreciable, civilized way. I suppose there are plenty of African tribes that are technically "conservative" in that they haven't succumbed to the influences of modern vices like "plumbing" and "agriculture."
Lol. Yeah that's neat. Anyhow I've got a CCW permit so I just walk into the gunstore and walk out with whatever I can afford. America is pretty cool that way. We have lots of forest and mountains too. Sadly our cities are infested with vermin, niggers, faggots, Jews etc. We need to Balkanize and then exterminate the undesirables. They're making us look bad.
DESU I would dig America if it wasn't full of so many things I hate. Sorry to say this but you guys strangled Europe to death. Then you strangled yourselves to death too since your society, culture and civic structure is a time bomb.
I also hate this fucking notion of balkanisation. I live on the Balkans and trust me it's not a good thing. People would be happy to die for an inch of land and you've got allegedly right-wing Americans willingly giving up on huge landmasses like California. I get why it's blackpilling to try and get all of the US, but balkanisation is a really dumb strategy desu. You'd be throwing away everything that the worthwhile Americans of the past worked towards and you'd be left extremely vulnerable. The Chinese would have a vastly superior position compared to before as well. It's a bad idea.
So what do we do? The only way to completely defeat an enemy that is from a different race is either through genocide or suppression, either way we have to dominate otherwise we leave and do our own thing and give up the land, nothing else works.
It really fucking sucks and it isn't going to end well. They have pushed too far and your criticism is justified. Literal RWDS is the only way to fix this. The Jews and their cohorts are too well established, violence is the only way forward and (((they))) know it, that's why they keep a tight grip on our media. If people knew the truth there's be bloody revolution tomorrow.
Take your med pack
>why all the hate
Says the amerimutt who is in decline. Not so fucking mouthy now are you? You know I am fucking right and you are scared because time is fucking ticking and all you have done is boast about muh murica cus you killed Europeans while we were weak. How hilarious is it now that you are exposed and can't even turn around these events with all those guns and all that land and money?
They are pathetic and have been exposed for being the sludge of our people.
>nu uh
>muh guns
And you will die with them surrounded and outnumbered.
>dominate and suppress
You can't even fucking march with more than a 1000 mutts. What the fuck are you going to "dominate"? This is what I mean. Fucking john wayne hollywood brainwashed larping.
To think Europeans died for you fucking pieces of shit.
why? you sure they are ours?
Sure, but if you're not even going to try to win then might as well not bother at all. IMO the strategy of American nationalists rn should be building up reliable communities and institutions. Preferably strong and big enough that they can't just be banned and annihilated outright. So that would mean maintaining some degree of alliance with the moderate right, even if it'd grudging. Then after that, it's about seizing the right moment. Say, a big economic crisis. Or a political crisis. Military coups are also an option if the circumstances are extreme. Things like this are a lot about luck and fate.
IDK what RWDS stands for, but rn is definitely not the time for violence. The only context in which political violence is acceptable is in a civil war context and that isn't now. Now should be a time of campaigning, popularisation of views (which does mean some degree of watering them down, though vital principles should be maintained no matter the cost) and also polarisation. The left are doing their part in that. If the right does it as well, eventually the stronger faction will win. "White nationalism" is a poor match as a rallying ideology though. It might be a straightforward way to explain its goals in America, but it reeks of racial tones and normies are allergic to that. That's why they're generally against Affirmative Action etc as well. The left leadership may have moved on to the intersectional narrative, but normies still believe in the egalitarian dream.
You've got some serious mental issue bro. Show us on the doll where America hurt you.
>The only context in which political violence is acceptable is in a civil war context and that isn't now
It'll probably be right around 2020.
Right just like how revoultions and wars don't really happen anymore right, dude get help anyway you're not zinging anyone you're just pathetic
Yeah it's a long goal I was just being boisterous which I guess brits take as offense nowadays since all they can do is wallow in pity kek
It's not impossible but a lot of things would have to happen in a year for that to become reality.I suspect that if we see things kick off, it will probably be between five and twenty years from now.
>another delusional wh*toid
Being boisterous is good desu. If it looks like you're defending the Tiki people you're gonna get dogpiled tho. Hell I'd dogpile you.
The thing is that shit can happen in the blink of an eye, suddenly there's conflict and only after it's over can the cause be identified. Could be tomorrow, could be years, maybe never. Either way I'll keep myself prepared for it.
Yeah I just like the picture and what it stands for I never said I wanted another actual unite the right but I can see how it was seen that way.
The actual unite the right was a shit-show but honestly a probably a necessary one.
Yeah, that's true. A really large-scale, persisting conflict requires some prerequisites though.
I disagree with you on both counts but then again I don't dig alt-right aesthetic. Granted radical politics no longer do aesthetics anymore anyway, I guess. It's a lost art.
Well we've got those prerequisites already. When I was stationed in Germany during the Balkan wars I talked to a few refugees from there, they said that everything was normal, then the next day bombs are falling. Right now I'd say we in the USA are more divided than Yugoslavia was. We have all these "progressives" who want us dead, fucktons of niggers and spics who hate each other and us, plus the Jews stirring the pot. It's a matter of when not if in my honest opinion.
Well there are some prerequisites, but the thing about Yugoslavia was that it was federated by ethnic groups and those ethnic groups had a feeling of belonging to their state on an ethnic level. US states are different. There was also a political crisis as a result of socialist=>nationalist power transfer and an economic crisis given that market socialism collapsed. That's when we got the Yugoslav wars - the diverse populations had regional power bases, state apparatus through which to push their interests, competition for resources and a willing leadership. While you have general strife and conflict in America, I don't think those specific conditions have been achieved.
No, but nature will find a way.
You’re a faggot i don’t even know what your flag is irrelevant faggot
OK burger. Make sure to cut down on the fries.
Paid jewish shills are all over this thread.
Pic related is CIA nigger bait.
>burger >literally cuck the whole world
Who were all these good looking, well dressed people though? And where are they now? The hell was this episode even
Charlottesville style rallies fail because they exist without seizing the cultural hegemony from the left-liberal-Zionist power structure. Until you make a serious headway into the culture moves like that are counterproductive.
>Hit the alt-right with a fog light. See that red sheet? Used to be all white
My country will be just fine, thank you.