Trump supporters swipe left?

Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing "no Trump supporters or conservatives" on a woman's tinder profile. Living in Chicago, its about every 1 in 5. Do these women understand they are eliminating over half of their potential dating pool? It baffles me that any woman would prefer a liberal male.

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Some of these liberal woman look alright but most look like this fucking land whale thot.

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Red pilled

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sounds like you're another fat incel who got rejected and has to cope with the fact no one wants a reactionary retard

Then why is she wearing a MAGA hat?
Check mate atheist

It’s just a shit test. They’d spread their legs in a second for a right-wing Chad who plows right through their lefty nonsense.

>uses hookup app
>complains it's full of degenerates


how dumb are you
say you are a liberal, fuck her then leave. jesus.

I suspect that is a trap

>would a women really do that, just go and lie on a public forum?

so it's in her bio, guess that means she never needs to bringit up with you. it's just assumed. when did a horny man ever let that stop him?

I think you are a fool to trust them at their word. sometimes the simple fact is they are just trying to keep appearances with friends.

What a conservative is doing on tinder anyway. Tinder is cancer and full of whores.

She would be disgusted at your classist and racist views. And you would be disgusted that she want's Mexico and Africa to run a train on her blown-out snatch.
She's saving everyone time.

It’s a dating app. They’re looking for s o y boys they can use and abuse, so of course they’d want liberals to date.

imagine the smell

It's a shit test meant to deter cucks.

>on Tinder
Better try FarmersOnly or ChristianMingle, you degenerate heathen.

Diabetes in human form right there.

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They prefer being single. These are the same cat ladies posting the "Where have all the good men gone?" bullshit. That said, the most hardened feminist on Earth is one big-dicked alpha Chad away from opposing women's suffrage.

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with a name like that she was destined for failure, swipe left anyway bruh.

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Almost turned on until I saw the sleeve. Did not save.

What the fuck does identifying as pansexual or sapiosexual mean?

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>if you asked for nudes the whole world will know

good on ya! name & shame those whale watchers

it means her dildo is bigger than you but that doesn't mean she's cheating on you with it.

she's cheating with Raul. and her cat. maybe that weird-shaped christmas ornament too.

Left or right?

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Pure niggerdom.

She got some manly ass forearms and 10 mangled gorilla fingers

What's aab mean?

their slang for the men is "pay pigs"

>Taste tester at Trump steaks

Obviously a man wrote this, no woman would think of something that funny.

Any tinder advice? I just joined a few days ago

>I don't like sports
I would never have guessed.

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Auto-aggressive behaviour, aka self-harm.
"lame aab" = harming herself in some way that prevents walking?

What if you ask for photos of her with more clothes on? Preferably layers.

Left because I like the way the sun is hitting it

Is that rustling I hear?

based and milkypilled

How the fuck does it baffle you? Liberal men let women get away with murder why would they want anything else?

Just do what I do and pretend to be liberal being wiping their toothbrush in your ass and blocking their number.

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Why or when did it become okay to broadcast your insecurities to the world? I can't pinpoint when it begun but it's everywhere else.

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Round about way of saying white only. Racism regardless

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I've never dated a tinder girl but the ones I talked to seemed receptive even though I would antagonize them for being liberal and stuff. one time I called out a fake muslim bitch who didn't wear a hijab.

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based and siegepilled

wow! what hambeast.

beat me to it

Tinder advice?

1- If you have any doubt its a tranny... it is.

2- "No hookups" means she's a hookup.

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>using tinder

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Maybe because she’s looking for someone she’s compatible with your moron.

Sounds good
My swipe to match ratio isn’t as high as I’d like but what can you do

If i came across this i would assume its someone cat fishing.

If shes serious about that she needs to be a bit more subtle. like maybe normal pics and a 1488 at the bottom of bio.

Who da fuck asks this whale about nudes????

>i dont like sports

Who coulda thunk?

I'd wife her. Chicks do retarded shit for attention. Obviously. This at least proves she's not a tranny. And she could clearly be moulded into an upstanding mother. Plus, she is quite easy on the eyes.

they're saving you your time. you should appreciate that.

Not the Tinder in my area. It's full of thots, Mexican thots, christian girl thots, the occasional nice looking farm girl, and champagne lefties.

Such is the life in the Central Valley. There aren't any hambeasts on Tinder here. Just girls who have incredibly high standards or low-key lefties.

Mate even the ‘sporty’ ones are disgusting. +99% of women don’t do ‘sports’. They are hobby joggers and do yoga at best most of the time.
>inb4 ‘they’re good for women’
No, men who do sports generally come closer to the peak of male performance than women come to the peaks of female performance. Women are a Jewish meme.


>pan sexual
Of course.

>"i constantly have a headache"

Whoever has to socially interact with her likely leaves with a headache as well.

If all your favorite conversation just involves you and your wine friends seeing who can out-virtue-signal one another, then a liberal male is the ONLY choice.

The only thing she's compatible with is a gas chamber.

No way I’m ever bringing up politics until I know a girl better. That could ruin everything.

>Knowing a tinder girl better
You'll only get a lifelong relationship with herpes.

looks like a nice stable woman.
kek. fucking retarded roastie.

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I live in DC and its about 2/5 here. I agree, it is pretty cringey (and childish). Don't expect much maturity from women these days.

>not married with at least 4 children
The eternal roastie...

looking for someone who will tolerate her bullshit*
something only a weak, leftist male will tolerate.

That’s what I said after being banned for putting the 14 words as my bio

i have never thought women are funny. this is an example of the talented tenth. very fucking funny.
>dem hands

>I hate niggers and jews
>>woww that's so hot haha xD

Funny thing is I'm a conservative (privately) and never really speak about politics publicly. Lefty women constantly try to ask me out and are always remarking how I'm "different" than a lot of guys. I brush them off politely of course because I'm taken and would never go for them anyway. These fucking whores don't even realize that the reason they like me is because I'm not a faggot soiboi and I take care of myself physically, hardly drink, and keep up with my appearances

>implying hate doesn't make women wet

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>I don’t like sports.

Consider it them doing you a favor, helping you to filter out the mentally ill.

Here’s a secret: 70% of the women that put that do it because they are either virtue signaling and don’t care, or they are on tinder which turns 4’s into 8’s and thus think they can get away from it.

In the real world, any screeching bitch who goes off on you about politics is legitamitely saving you, not herself.

at hobby lobby no less

It's a nigger baby, user

I went on a date with a girl who says no Trump supporters on her profile. We have plans to hookup soon and after I'm going to break the news. It will be glorious.

Should do a TrumpRodeo with her.
Once you mounted her, scream you love Trump and see how long you can stay on without falling off

>wife material


Bakersfield here senpai.

mfw went on 3 dates with qt CSUB nursing major.

mfw she randomly said she just wants to be friends

tfw too autistic to set up other dates, I just lost my job so I guess it is back to JAV for me

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>using tinder

more than half, they aren't attracted to democrat men

>be on bumble
>set politics to conservative
>get one match a week
>set to moderate
>get 4 matches a week

Also, apparently I am like catnip for teachers. every other match I get is a teacher

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keked and checked

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Tinder here is just boring girls telling you to contact them on snapchat or what seems like copypaste bios but are all completely different women.

I'm pretty sure she meant Ahab, as in she became lame when she took a harpoon to the knee.

yeah tinder is so low effort. I like jdate better

Do I need to start browsing tinder more seriously???? Where were these from, one must be from Europe since it says kilometers

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Well Jow Forums, would you breed this prime Aryan beauty?

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every match I get is a teacher or nurse. all liberal as shit white women whose most moderate belief is "orange man bad"

ask to see benis

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Most of these are obvious troll accounts made for "epic" reddit threads.