How to stop the furry menace

Each day I browse pol and more and more do I keep seeing gay furry threads. Obviously these are shills considering they use meme flags. So I say the best way to counter this is to start a proxy race war amongst the furfags.
Whites= wolves or lions
Blacks=skunks or apes
Asians= pandas
Spics= rats
It be like fucking with the steven universe fandom all over agin. Remember the tumblr wars

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How do we stop the concerned trolls?

Here’s the thing. The furry thread/pic attaches itself to a redundant, yet somewhat legit Jow Forums topic (i.e circumcision). Then they pretend they got banned for the content and not the pics of furry shit.

It’s a very very clever shill tactic

They are advancing their shill skills

>Obviously these are shills considering they use meme flags

which is why memeflags were a mistake.

i got targeted by one too, he tried to frame me as a kike.

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Imagine a world where separatism is okay, but that world is a furry one.

It's sad that race segregation is only ok to furries

That's terrible - who would do such a thing??

fags with meme flags like (((You)))!

Together we can stop this scourge by propping up the MGTOW movement

stop using my name, and show your true flag first.

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Begone like shill

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the shill was exposed!

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> yfw I've been posting aaaaallll over the board using your name
> yfw I've set your name for my default user name instead of Anonymous

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>some faggot wants attention and a circlejerk of furryshit in his thread
>must be shills

i wonder why....

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>tfw i now know when shills will post against me

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Nice trips

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Off topic. Nobody gives a fuck about furries here or anywhere else. Belongs on /b/.


too bad they were not quads...

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>announcing sage
hello outsider

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Does anyone actually know what forum / site it's coming from?

Fuck off.

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hy mongolian