Each day I browse pol and more and more do I keep seeing gay furry threads. Obviously these are shills considering they use meme flags. So I say the best way to counter this is to start a proxy race war amongst the furfags.
Whites= wolves or lions
Blacks=skunks or apes
Asians= pandas
Spics= rats
It be like fucking with the steven universe fandom all over agin. Remember the tumblr wars
How to stop the furry menace
How do we stop the concerned trolls?
Here’s the thing. The furry thread/pic attaches itself to a redundant, yet somewhat legit Jow Forums topic (i.e circumcision). Then they pretend they got banned for the content and not the pics of furry shit.
It’s a very very clever shill tactic
They are advancing their shill skills
>Obviously these are shills considering they use meme flags
which is why memeflags were a mistake.
i got targeted by one too, he tried to frame me as a kike.
Imagine a world where separatism is okay, but that world is a furry one.
It's sad that race segregation is only ok to furries
That's terrible - who would do such a thing??
fags with meme flags like (((You)))!
Together we can stop this scourge by propping up the MGTOW movement
stop using my name, and show your true flag first.
Begone like shill
the shill was exposed!
> yfw I've been posting aaaaallll over the board using your name
> yfw I've set your name for my default user name instead of Anonymous
>some faggot wants attention and a circlejerk of furryshit in his thread
>must be shills
i wonder why....
>tfw i now know when shills will post against me
Nice trips
Off topic. Nobody gives a fuck about furries here or anywhere else. Belongs on /b/.
too bad they were not quads...
>announcing sage
hello outsider
Does anyone actually know what forum / site it's coming from?
Fuck off.
hy mongolian