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Why do Asians eat cats and dogs?
Carson Smith
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Nolan Taylor
We consume the innocent to subsist in a cruel universe ruled by a mad Lizard God
Lucas Butler
they are insectoids
Nathaniel Peterson
they'll eat anything, their entire history is filled with cannibalism on a massive scale
Mason Hall
chinks are nasty
Cameron Butler
try it, dog meat is good.
Joseph Thomas
because communism and you ether eat the dog or get eaten by dogs
or other chinks in that matter
Cameron Ortiz
Adrian Moore
The same reason Americans eat pigs. For food.
You'd sink in a bath filled with mercury.
Kayden Anderson
Someone should shoop the “if only you knew how bad things really are” post onto that pic
Eli Turner
wrong, pig is not carnivore.
Lincoln Sullivan
I would if animal cruelty wasn't such a huge social taboo for women (who cannot hunt their own meat)
Jack Long
The ones who do, are some of the poorest in the world.
>Be poor schmuck in Philippines.
>Have dirt floor.
>Have no electricity
>Have no running water.
>Make on average of $2-5 US dollars a day
>Eat rice cause its cheap and filling
>Find fruit and veggies in woods, or buy for cheap
>Crave protein.
>Crave MEAT
Here comes that wild dog that ate your chicken last month.
>Free nasty slimy meat, but it's meat.
You idiots forget most of the planet it super poor.
Jaxon Roberts
They're omnivores like us, and more intellectually advanced than any canine. What's your excuse?
Sebastian Williams
cuz they're dirt poor and starving
Michael Rodriguez
They're just another animal, that some people arbitrarily assign an inflated sense of worth
Angel Moore
Nothing has innate worth. I'd sell your soul for a corn ship.
Jaxson Reed
slanty eyed fucking insects
Grayson Adams
this i can understand, but chinks will literally walk right past a screaming disembowled toddler and not even bat an eyelid.
they are brutal ijn their lack of empathy and morality. chinks are degenerate subhumans
Mason Nelson
>eat cats and dogs
>eat dogs
Other Asians don't eat them.
Connor Bailey
They have loads of guns and they're accomplished fishermen (dynamite fishing)
I think the insect argument is still the strongest as to why they eat pets.
Hudson Smith
subhuman slant eyed gooks disgust me.
Jordan Hill
why do white people eat deer and cows and pigs?
white people do this shit
Angel Ramirez
I really wanted him to get that last one but she scurried off just in time.
Josiah Smith
It's one thing to raise animals as food, it's another to steal someone's pets to eat.
Benjamin James
Because they taste delicious
Dylan Ross
how can the ugliest people with the ugliest language and the worst personalities breed the most?
i hate these savages.
Aaron Walker
Because Mao. They have no religion, but that will soon change. Christianizing them will give them empathy.
Charles Adams
>why do you human's eat normal food?
Oh that's easy, see dogs and cats eat garbage and meat which translates to bad tasting meat and parasites. Basically the food chain argument.
This is why eating herbivore's (cattle, deer, chickens) makes total sense. If you want to eat pork, it's best not to raise it on suspicious meat based feed. Pigs are omnivores of course, but that's why as a competent farmer you don't let them eat things that will make their meat unsafe for human consumption.
Also we're civilised.
Thomas Richardson
we dont steal peoples pets from their gardens and eat them.
but otherwise, i agree with you, despite the fact that i think its terrible to eat dogs and somehow ok to eat pigs.
just cultural difference.
but, a white person wont walk past a disembowled screming child in the street ans shrug their shoulders
absolute subhumans, dishonest, lying, kniving, brutal, lacking all empathy.
all that IQ and for what?
Colton Moore
Jow Forums straight up exists for this thread and yet the mods will sit here staring at it, furiously assblasting themselves with the XXL How to Tame Your Dragon Dildo Latex Special™ and refusing to do the one thing they actually actively pursued that they were able to obtain.
Off topic, low quality shitposting. Saged
Oliver Peterson
I got to a level physically and mentally where I actually saw a jewel encrusted lizard with my own eyes.
Connor Reed
dont hold your breath mate.
think about their genetic history, they have never had empathy, honesty or honour.
they sure talk the big talk about honour, but nothing asians do is honourable, its entirely self serving at every step.
christianizing them will acomplish nothing, they lack the fundamental behavioural characteristics of empathy
Gabriel Brooks
same cat???
Wyatt Cox
dogs having a great time though
even if its an actual retard
Samuel James
Why can't they import a bunch of chickens and factory farm enough to feed their own country?
Carson Davis
Look at the difference between Mainland Chinese and Diaspora Chinese. The difference is vast. A significant portion of the Diaspora Chinese are Christian now, and it shows.
Julian Carter
What's wrong with it?
Jose Allen
ahh, but they keep themselves to themselves for the most part and still havent distanced themselves from their shifty ways.
crime is still rampant and they are renowned for being one of the absolute worst possible races to have as a boss.
Chase Ward
tastes like butter
Leo Jackson
cause fish taste like fish
Blake Powell
>worst possible races to have as a boss
I doubt they're any worse than a Boomer.
Adam Ward
same reason the swiss eats them
Joshua Young
Confirmed. Boomers are cancer.
Zachary Robinson
You’d sell your mom down the river.
David Perez
Hahahahahaaha! (tear rolling down my cheek) Best laugh today.
Dominic Rogers
"the old guys are bad"
what are you? fucking children?
we are comparing whites to a culture that literally packs kids into sweatshops and works them day and night, a culture that pays so little, people are forced to share houses like pakis, a culture who has companies with actual suicide nets round the building.
>worse than boomers
get a fucking grip
Brayden Green
>Why do Asians eat cats
coz it tastes like pussy
Charles Russell
is this the trailer for gta VI?
Owen Fisher
EurasianTiger dead dog meat all you can eat buffet.
r/hapas dead dog feast
Daniel Clark
r/hapas dead dog meat festival
Luis Edwards
the wonderful world of communism
Michael Lewis
They're delicious.
Kayden Ortiz
It's just meat like any other animal i guess. Not all of them do. Koreans treat Golden Retrivers very well.
Easton Peterson
ok wong
Ethan Mitchell
White people worship animals over people. Meanwhile, Asians enjoy shark fin soup.
Colton Nelson
you have been invited to a pet meat fest
what do? lmao
Ryan Phillips
There are humane ways to kill and cruel ways to kill.
Asher Wilson
Jaxson Johnson
>packs kids into sweatshops and works them day and night
We had that as well not too long ago. Where do you think child labor laws came from?
Christopher Carter
asians lack empathy entirely though, they dont feel bad about causing suffering at all, so the sight of a gog being burned alive is just entertainment to them.
they would quite happily walk past a disemboweled child without so much as batting an eyelid.
David Edwards
>what are you? fucking children?
And I've been fired by a Boomer after working my ass off because I sat down at the end of the shift. Worked 72 hours that week, and the fucker said I was lazy. You can kiss my ass.
Jaxson Bell
Jayden Price
"You're watching a stage play. A banquet is in progress. The guests are enjoying an appetizer of raw oysters. The entree consists of boiled dog..."
Xavier Barnes
the thing is, we created those laws, these laws didnt just come out of nowhere.
they came to be because our society didnt like the cruelty that came out of it and the majority decided to outlaw this behaviour so that a minority of non empathetic people could no longer take advantage of these kids.
do you see any such progress from asian society? a society that takes a step forward, then inexplicably takes 10 steps backward?
James Reed
>a boomer
weve all had bad bosses you retard, my point is that this behaviour is woven into asian culture and not into white culture.
just compare the 2 cultures for 1 second, there is no comparison whatsoever
Blake Brown
shut the fuck up and eat a dog. too appease a midget angel eat a fucking cat.
Jackson Ward
and also, thats YOUR side of the story, you know what people say when they get fired for producing barely any work output whatsoever?
"i worked my ass off"
Leo Sullivan
>the old guys are bad
Not only are they bad, but worthless too.
Coming to a factory near you. Better get those gibs ready for Ahmed. Guess who's still getting their pension (not you)
I work in Asia (obviously) with and for Asians. Boomers suck just to be difficult and try to flex their authority. Being effective is enough in Asia.
Carter Turner
what the fuck was that rambling bullshit supposed to mean?
I take it youre a butthurt chinky little faggot?
Lincoln Jenkins
Did Bolsheviks eat dog when they were starving?
Did the Cubans & other spics?
It's an insectoid thing bro, you sound like the conservatives who say niggers commit crime because they're fatherless or liberals who blame poverty or some shit.
Ethan Bell
cause they're Canaanites and Canaanites are
cannibals. they are spawned from Dog not
all gooks come from sino china and china
is listed under ham, the nation of niggers.
Zachary Bell
hunger user, hunger
Levi Green
Because they are insects
Landon Hughes
So are you a boomer or a bootlicker? Either way, the outlook isn't good. Better hope the current generation doesn't wise up to the prospect that you've leased their future for more comfort.
Robert Brooks
these old guys were young guys once.
the culture doesnt just go from being ok, to being exactly like communist china for 1 generation then swing back to being normal again.
there is a marked difference between white western culture and asian culture, so dont pretend like boomers are the worst thing ever.
I think its pretty obvious which country is doing better and has the highest standard of living
William Kelly
thats a fair point user, mostly just wanted to take a dig at my communisms post
Jose Cruz
It's not the west. 1980 has come and gone.