The West is the best. Why doesn't the left get that?

The West is the best. Why doesn't the left get that?

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You should add Romania Greece and Bulgaria to something as Western Ortodox

Jews and self-hatred.

Also subconcious muh white savior complex.

>Huntington's Clash of Civilizations
My man

It is one of those works that changes your worldview and outlook forever, isn't it?

Good map, now you should take a turd and put it over Israel and every leftist infested shithole city in the west

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Why would we fight over that shithole ?

>china is not interested in africa at all

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Natural resources rube

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Maybe the left are just regular people with different opinions to yours and each other’s.
Maybe you just want to label the left bad so you don’t need to make any specific points backed with scientific data.
Maybe you should define what is best, so people have an idea what goals you think we should strive for.
Or not.
Merry Christmas.

poor muslims with oil?
john, start the van

Chinese sick of these lazy africans

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The left unironically believes it’s the government that make thier countries great. Probably because 90% of them just moved here

>tfw ur a gay

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are you fucking retarded??

>Papua New Guinea

those gooks gonna get those nigger m8

where the fuck do i sign up

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