Been in coma since 1996. What happened ?

Attached: Screenshot_20181227-030042_YouTube Vanced.jpg (1080x1920, 696K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You came out of a coma

Sexually explicit music videos is the new normal

Attached: CardiB.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

Many things changed, but don't worry, OP. France is still a gay country

Just go back to sleep man, it's for your own good trust me.

Your country has yuge ass riots going on. Also your prez wantd to import muslims and start an eu army
If you arnt larping, I am so fucking sorry.

Only a matter of time before music videos show penetration. Only a matter of time before media idols start pushing multi-partner sex like gangbangs and pulling trains. Little girls are going to grow up thinking it's perfectly normal.


Anonymous (ID: 9wBfQ7d6) 12/23/18(Sun)20:45:06 No.197608266▶
File: pewds dailystormer 3.jpg (103 KB, 842x840)
103 KB

Pewds is a Nazbol commie promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).

>Here he is singing the Communist National Anthem:
>And here he is cucking out by denouncing E;R: (skip to 6:10)
>He defends anti-white Sargon here: (skip to 19:42)

If you're following ecelebs in the current year YOU are why white genocide continues. Kill yourself and get it over with.

Attached: pewds dailystormer 2.jpg (1099x713, 133K)

We're basically at Weimar levels of degeneracy

Attached: beautiful.png (1920x1080, 809K)

Wait till you see Bruce Jenner

>the bot exposes itself
it saw the word "pewdiepie" in the image and glitched the fuck out
hahahahaha archived for good measure.
fucking kikes trying to take down pewds

Attached: 1541959845080.gif (217x238, 245K)

>somehow goes on YouTube and figures out what rewind is
This is poor bait, François.

that video is about the worship of money, and the willingness to do anything for it. There's hella occult symbolism in it.

cardi b been sucking some powerful dicks

Attached: 1545687490598.jpg (822x1071, 213K)

If you have a choice, return to your coma.

Attached: we-have-to-go-back-jack-lost.gif (406x229, 2.19M)

Sorry, Larry, but you might want to hit yourself really hard in the head again.

Attached: prehistoric-ice-man.jpg (960x540, 50K)

First who exactly is this dude ? How did he became American president ?

Attached: 1200px-Donald_Trump_official_portrait.jpg (1200x1520, 463K)

>implying that you wouldn't know who Trump is in 1996

It's 1997.

youtube has been completely ruined by shitskins who'll watch anything that has even a hint of nudity in it

This video has full frontal nudity and women pissing.

Such beauty and glamor.

Attached: 1538957502907.gif (206x223, 2.04M)

Yes, but you have to verify your age. The ones I posted don't even have that.

Sometimes they ban people for it, sometimes not.

No one likes drag queens. They're unfunny revolting clowns. 100% being forced on everyone.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

This is why they call them drama queens.

t. Cannelloni

14 M , oh shit

They are so weird and gross

A holy war broke out in the middle east around 2001 and is showing zero signs of slowing down.

>fetishize your dysmorphia via wild clown makeup


Many of the first results of a search on a clean browser will be for youtube vids, from there, the youtube rewind is promoted on the home page

You need to have your GP re-induce you in a comatose state because your not going to like what your going to see! We have some work to do and it might take 10 20 yrs more.

Fuck that, it's time for boot camp. Give the man a rifle. Move out!