Parent refuse surgery for stage 4 gynecomastia

i have a severe case of gynecomastia and my parents are refusing to pay for the surgery, should i just jump under a train and be done with it?

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You could save money and pay it for yourself and just wear a hoodie in the meantime.

How old are you and why do you need your parents to pay for it

i'm worried it will progress while i am saving up money, in any case it will be very difficult for me to find a job i have multiple disabilities

get a job

pay for it yourself

I would be worried because it can be a symptom of low dopamine.

alright i am looking into it, i doubt i will be hired as i said i am disabled

that's illegal as long as your disability doens't interfere with work

Show tits or gtfo!

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Guy with slight gyno here

I need some info here
>your height
>your weight
>pic of your gyno
>since when you have it
>do you lift
>why arent you taking responsibility and working for surgery
>did you try telling docs iy hurts and shit

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And i was bullied since puberty about it
I dont care anymore since im 6'2 and im physically imposing enough other guys wouldnt dare to talk shit

I have never fought seriously in my life

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No you shouldn’t. Talk to a GP/plastic surgeon, get a hard diagnosis, the have him talk to your parents. They may think it’s not a real condition. Or are they poor maybe? If they simply won’t pay for it, they’re pretty much assholes, and you should try to build a life beyond them. For now, try Kickstarter. There’s a million medical campaigns on there. Add a picture of your naked titties if need be, you’ll get money in no time. Good luck!

Just work out more, you just look really fit.

My parents are pretty rich we are upper middle class

>as i said i am disabled
you're not disabled

you just have tits

stop saying your disabled you stupid fucking millennial snowflake

you've probably never had to work a day in your life

get a fucking job at Taco Bell

work your ass off
(or should I say tits)

save like a Jew

get your tits lopped off

There you go, so what do they give as a reason?

180 lb
i have had since 12(7 years)
no i don't lift
its hard for me to find work i have brain damage and other disabilities

it actually does hurt badly at times will tell my doctor

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i have a disability check but my parents don't let me have access to it

You don't have gynecomastia you're just fat, stop eating so much

its diagnosed by a doctor as stage 3-4

What? How old are you? Sounds like your parents are desperate to control you in every way. Like I said, get a circle of people outside of them, get your hands on that check, and start living your own life.

nigga my man boobs are bigger then that

you're fucking fine

First off

Fast till you are shredded

Youtube snake diet
Secondly lift weights

Third step, reevaluate if you still need surgery, ive seen worse cases, and surgery doesnt look 100% pretty either.

>brain damage
Provide proofs
Thanks for kind words but i think i look like shit and ibwould be insecure to take shirt off in front of female

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alright guys thanks for the help,
i convinced my parents to let me use my disability savings to pay for it, i will probably get a job afterwards to make money

What causes this?

>my disability savings

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disturbances in hormonal profile (obesity, steroids or some underlying endocrinal issue)

or unfortunate fat tissue placement
former is hard to fix and often requires surgery
latter is fixed by getting lean


At a curtain point of fitness man boobs just become pecks... serious had you not posted in this thread and pointed out you think you have man boobs, I would have never thought that. (Would blow you).


have you tried being less fat?

that usually works


Would cuddle with you and fall asleep togheter desu

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Save your disability money for it then
Better late than never

I'd be more worried about that back/neck

No. Im right. Op do you take some sort of antipsychotic?

There’s things called chest binders you can wear to make your chest look flatter. You can buy them online and they only cost like $30


Maybe a psychiatrist could write up how it destroys your life and your Medical insurance would cover it (then it’s not just cosmetic).

of course i will try to get it covered by insurance

JFC, gynecomastia is one of the better problems to have since it's barely visible if you wear a loose shirt and easily fixable with surgery. Just put up with it until you can afford it yourself. Your parents shouldn't have to pay for everything, especially when it comes to non-essential things like that.

Classic kyphotic posture combined with anterior pelvic tilt thabks to sedentary lifestyle

Go lift some fucning weights op
Use that damaged brain of yours to do physical activity

Squats, deadlifts, rows, pullups till you puke

Stretch pecs and tighten uooer back you will be fine just stop complaining and get to work Fag

I wonder what did she mean by this

My millshake brings all the boys to the yard

Do lower bench press fag. Paying someone to cut you open is dumb.