Redpill me on the NPC meme
How do I know if i'm not a NPC?
Easy. Question one: Why do men like boobs?
NPC answer: "evolution"
normal answer: "texture/mouthfeel"
ascended answer: evolution and/or God caused us to like the texture and mouthfeel
Do you have a personal narrator?
If not you are an NPC.
Why do we like the texture/mouthfeel? Because on the day you were unceremoniously popped out of your mother's cunt, the first thing she put in your mouth was a tit.
Would an npc be able to question if they were an npc?
it's just the latest evolution of the "everyone that disagrees with me is wrong"-meme.
If you're asking yourself this question, you aren't one.
Boobs are just replacement asses.
Everyone is an NPC. There is no free will, time is a flat circle etc
das deep brah
How many dimensions can you think in?
You post on Jow Forums (and parrot typical views here) unironically.
too abstract. not grounded in reality. literally artschool memes.
If you are one you'll know, that's why it's so funny when they try to "NO U" you. It's an immutable characteristic of a thinking person, the two sides can never understand each other.
if you're thinking about being an npc, you're not an npc
>believing a guy walked on water two thousand years ago makes you not an NPC
k den
>If you are one you'll know
>if you're thinking about being an npc, you're not an npc
>Why do men like boobs?
>Do you have a personal narrator?
like a literal voice in my head? no. I literally only thought crazy people/schizophrenics had that
guess I'm an NPC
so, pretty much..
>if I call you an NPC it means you're an NPC
>if you call me an NPC then it means you're an NPC
the duality of man
>There is no free will
Do you have autonomous thought?
I'm not joking, it's hilarious when you see the NPCs panic when they realize you have something they'll never even get to understand. Sad as it is they feel the void of consciousness.
My sister asked me a great question yesterday, Christmas dinner - "Are you one of those people who thinks Trump can do no wrong?"
And I realized I actually know when he says some dumb shit, but also give him credit when he does something right.
are you able to imagine sound? Think of a dog barking, now imagine the sound of said dog barking. That's not "a voice in your head", but simply your imagination -no different from imagining someone talking, be it yourself or your mom or whomever. If you can imagine images, like the image of a guitar, then you can also imagine the sound the guitar makes when the strings are strummed.
it's all there is to it, it's really not deep or exotic at all.
Oh, you got me wrong, me calling them NPCs is not a factor in weather they are or not, same as they calling me one is not a factor on weather I am one. It's all based on consciousness, and the terror one exhibits when realizing it's absence is like no other in the world.
.. also known as "disagreement".
truth be told, I don't really believe "NPC"s exist. If they truly have no conscious thought, they wouldn't get mad and lash out when confronted with not being able to concert inner monologue/dialogue.. they'd just dismiss it and go about their business.
Consciousness and Free Will are not the same thing. One can exist without the other.
realizing the absence of something requires conscience, you cannot realize the absence of conscience without conscience. That would be like believing that dead people could realize that they're dead.
They have no filter to keep their feelings in check, that is why the terror and panic take over in an instant.
It's a feeling, a dread. Imagine the fear of the unknown, without being able to rationalize it. We're talking first caveman out in the sun levels of existential panic.
If you have to ask..
Are your people still bombarding Hezbollah?
I really have to concentrate to conjure up "barking dog sound" in my head and I'm not sure I'm really "hearing" it like some people claim they can.
I certainly can't imagine someone speaking complete sentences. It's just too many sounds in quick succession to try and create in my mind.
>Easy. Question one: Why do men like boobs?
>NPC answer: "evolution"
>normal answer: "texture/mouthfeel"
muh instincts
muh God
Instincts are simply another false God
If you have to ask..
if they were nothing but "programming", as the meme goes, then they would be programmed to have said filter because it's an advantage to not behave erratically in modern society.
>Imagine the fear of the unknown
can't do that without imagination, see? and if your NPC can imagine something, then he can imagine sound and thus have an inner dialogue and boom -he's no longer an NPC.
Ok, you got me, you go in the oven last.
try with music.. it comes more natural to most people. Imagine hearing a song you like.
failed the test
There are 4 we can see, 6 we can't.
Is your IQ around 100, or less? Then you're 100% an npc. If it's 110 and above, you might be one but you can at least gain control. 110 is borderline though
Oh you got it wrong, the meme just became a leftist put down, it has nothing to do with the original philosophical roots of the "Human without an inner monologue."
And I'm asking YOU to IMAGINE a felling, the NPCs don't imagine it, they feel it, weather they like it or not.
I may be wrong, but it seems that npcs always think everything from the perspective of their place in society/ the hierarchy and what would benefit them to say and do in the moment to ensure continued survival and if possible elevation in the hierarchy. Their mind is completely systemized, they are a system humanoid, similar to how a prison inmate of 40 years is only able to think in terms of the prison rules and system.
A non-npc is theoretically able to think outside his miserable position for a second. Forget for a second instinctively who and what he is in the hierarchy and examine a thought attempting in a pure state. Meditating over a thought
I can easily do that.
But I don't think it's the same thing because it's just repeating in my mind an exact thing I've heard a hundred times before
like how when I think of the answer to 1+1, the answer is just 2, there's no thinking involved
I guess my argument is a normal person uses their five senses rather than "social construct data" like an NPC. whatever they call it, evolution/instinct/psychology/etc, it's the same. they can be religious, scientific, whatever. but what labels them all together as NPCs is their dogma, their lack of ability to propel any of "their arguments" into their own life situations. there is no connect.
like their mind is just storage for other people.
Trust me, you are one.
I think user is talking about "conscious" like Jiminy Cricket was the "conscious" for Pinocchio. A moral center and an inner voice.
What do you "hear" when you read?
nothing unless I'm reading out loud
do you hear morgan freeman narrating your book in your head or something?
false, I know people mensa level IQ who don't employ inner dialogue at all. It brakes down to imagination, not intelligence. The two often correlate, but one is not causal of the other.
Are you the Bulgarian posting in my WHITE GUILT thread?
>Oh you got it wrong, the meme just became a leftist put down, it has nothing to do with the original philosophical roots of the "Human without an inner monologue."
It really is that simple. The fact that leftists got offended because they are the definition of a person without an innervoice is where the meme came from. It actually triggered them into freaking out on social media about being NPC's. They made a meme out of themselves. Who says leftists can't meme?
>It's just too many sounds in quick succession to try and create in my mind.
yep, you're an npc
Pic related
>I think, therefore I am
If you question things - not npc
If you go with the flow - npc
s.o.y, cuck spotted
>the NPC mind is just storage for other people.
This kills the NPC
>I can easily do that.
then you have an inner voice, voila. Work from that, imagine your own voice saying something.. anything, for example your own name. It's all about imagination.
>do you hear morgan freeman narrating your book in your head or something?
sometimes I read the book of mormon in his voice for fun
There will always be outliers like people who can actually see sound. I however severely doubt you know enough, if even any, people of "Mensa level IQ" intimately enough to know weather or not they employ inner monologue.
No but link me I'd love to shitpost a jewish thread to death.
Pyschopaths have no inner voice. They lack empathy. Leftists are the dictionary definition of psychopaths. So it makes sense they are all NPCs. Empathy is the ability to understand how someone feels when not experiencing the same history/events that person has gone through. Leftists can't do that.
I am aware of hearing my voice,but I don't really feel the sound as if I was speaking.
Funny enough I remember that when in elementary school they taught us to read "in our minds" and most kids bailed-out or didn't even bother,in middleschool and highschool a lot of people either mimicked reading with their lips or read using their voice, not a lot of people were able to read silently, in their head if you may.
Give me back my foreskin, kike!
Your foreign, inbred desert infiltrators stole it for me!
I want it back!
>And I'm asking YOU to IMAGINE a felling, the NPCs don't imagine it, they feel it, weather they like it or not.
now you're onto something, this is actually interesting. I'm perfectly capable of imagining feelings, emotions, and also to shut them down/out to some extent, but I've always believed most people can do this with some training, if they put their minds to it.
Too late he already ate it.
this is meme bullshit, and I think you know it.
The post is Jewish, but very valid..
Jews can tell truth too!
>Meme flag
I'm keeping it
That seems a bit reductionist. I wouldn't say that a lack of empathy is a fault of the left. Rather an overabundance of pity. And their empathy makes them attach their own self pity to certain groups and therefore they attach themselves to this group.
>Empathy is the ability to understand how someone feels when not experiencing the same history/events that person has gone through
What if I decide to ignore what people feel,despite being able to understand,and be an asshole,asking rude things,seeking to irritate them or make them feel uneasy just for fun?
It might sound strange,but it is a legitimate question
My proud Aryan foreskin will probably be used in some weird kike ritual dedicated to their desert volcano God.
Oh god, too high verbal IQ, every post is a wall of text, I'm a drunken shitposter not an internet debater.
Joking aside, that's just coping with empathy. A human cannot function truly understanding the suffering of others all the time, they'd be unable to do anything.
The fuck are you even saying
The righties are the group that hates literally everyone except whites
If anyone has no empathy, it's you
Leftists are cowards- but they label their cowardice virtue, righting past wrongs.
>encounter word you don't know
>mispronounce it
>someone slowly and clearly gives you the correct pronunciation
>you continue to mispronounce it anyway
NPCs cannot reprogram their dialog content.
The mind is like a muscle. It must be consciously developed. Those who can avoid it tend to just like those who can get away without exercise (and many who can't) don't bother.
NPCs are just uhhh "humans" who follow what they're programmed to say. They never questions and they never break from the hivemind. If tv says orange man bad, than orange man bad no matter what!
You heartless bastard!
I have never been quite the same since I lost my foreskin.
>Oh god, too high verbal IQ, every post is a wall of text
>So I'll shitb post elsewhere
Someone has to battle the Aussies!
empathy does not stop people from knowing what's right and doing the right thing. I'm sure that I'll have some heavy feelings when we're lining you all up to be shot and buried in ditches.
How would you know? How old?
They don't have their own, or they'd never leave the house.
there are different assholes besides psychopaths. There are sadists, they know what other people feel but torturing them gives them pleasure. But it's mostly just a corrupted power impulse and the question is how easy you fall for impulses. Niggers fall easy
If you think trumps a fucking tool you’re an npc.
>It's all about imagination.
guess I don't have that, then
I know plenty, and I know what they tell me. Most tell me they have rich, inner dialogues and daydream in sound, vision, feel and smell (as do I) and a few tell me they never do any o this. In my experience, it boils down to temperament and imagination; your typical artist type will have rich, inner dialogues whereas your typical accountant or bank teller type will not -regardless of their respective intelligence.
if you can hear music in your mind, then you do.
98% of females and 90% of males are NPCs.
We are social animals, critical thinking is an evolutionary expensive cognitive attribute.
That's why it will never catch on and that's control of the media is so God damn important.
Say and think of your opinion on a controversial issue in 1 or 2 sentences. Do this a few times.
Now google that sentence, and then the next, and then the next.
Do you get exact, word for word matches? If yes, then you are an NPC. If no, then you are not.
For example: Are Jews good for America?
Answer: "No, Jews are terrible for America and hate Christianity. They are more loyal to Israel and believe they are superior to everyone else"
Another: Are Jews good for America?
Yes, they are God's chosen people. Israel has a right to exist.
The latter answer means you are an NPC. Don't believe me? Look this up. The phrases match up perfectly.
automated response detected
not just any music though, only music I already know
there's no imagination required there, it's just something that already exists being repeated
It's why leftists can't understand analogies. Why they are complete narcissists, and why you cannot have a productive conversation with a leftist, as they actively look for something offensive you say so they can completely dismiss everything you say no matter how true everything might be that you are saying. Leftists lack empathy for their own race and this is obvious when they think that a black transgender millionaire is less privileged than a white homeless quadriplegic man. If that doesn't show you how leftists lack empathy, I can't help you, you are obviously an NPC leftist.
Once again I don't dispute you know people with or without inner monologues, I dispute the fact more than 2 of them have Mensa level intelligence.
fuck off Yoda