So I spent 1 month away from any sort of electronics specifically to try and meet women in person. I met 4 women...

So I spent 1 month away from any sort of electronics specifically to try and meet women in person. I met 4 women, all white from a small town.

The one chick was smoking hot and home for the holidays but dtf only (liked parties and promiscuous). Met a chick at church but shes 18 and really stupid. Met chick #3, girl-next-door homebody who ended up being a transsexual (almost impossible to tell till she told me). The other one was a dtf promiscuous I met at the workplace but she rejected me.

I'm 26. Where can I meet a traditional woman in the real world again? Looking equally impossible to find someone decent just like with online. I don't see hope for the white race lads...

Attached: hazbin.jpg (363x391, 51K)

>Met a chick at church but shes 18 and really stupid
Are you fucking retarded user

I don't see any problem with the second one, unless she's ugly. If you're looking for 'intelligence' in a woman, you might as well fuck men.

she thought aliens were outside the church...


her name is Charli from "Hazbin Hotel", these are the only pictures like this and the OC is just a regular cartoon not a Hentai for those interested.

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#2 is your only option, and to be frank unless she's butt ugly she doesn't sound bad compared to most women.

Waitresses at high end restaurants.

Good women can not be found out in the wild. Men have to create them. The behavior of a woman is nothing but a reaction to the behavior of the men around her.

Weak men = Degenerate, promiscuous women

Is she wrong though?

Thanks Ahmed.

Just convince her that everyone other than you and family/friends are lizard people in skin suits or something.

You still have to find raw material, though.

The only deal breaker in your situation is if the girl is schizophrenic, otherwise you're fucking up.

>when the fanart is drawn better than the OC

Women are house pets, the dumber the better as long as they're good Christian girls ("be submissive to your husbands"). I can't believe you would give up an opportunity like that. She would have married you and happily given you 20 children.

this. op is a homosexual

Your a faggot Kys

>4 women
user, I...

I shuld clarify she isnt a virgin either. im not only being shafted by her stupidity

>2/10 blackpill thread
Fuck off Moshe, and don't come back until you've got something new, this shill is weak
>in all fields boys

oh well then nevermind, into the trash it goes

marry ay lmao girl
pol has spoken

>She isn't a virgin either
How many guys did she fuck exactly?Or well,to be less specific,was she a churchthot?

I commend you for your efforts but you have to keep looking. Good women have never been easy to find. Also, stop using that Jewish memeflag.

If triple digits op marries trans "girl"
If double digits op marries ayy lmao girl
If strange digits op converts to Buddhism

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Half of your childrens genes will come from your wife. If you don't select a woman of good quality, then your children will suffer for it.
You don't want a decent white girl to get with a white guy of 90 - 80 IQ either, do you?


> transsexual (almost impossible to tell till she told me)
Maybe it really was a she and was just fucking with you.

how hard was it abstaining from electronics? worth it?

Ayy lmao aliens or illegal aliens? She was probably correct about illegals.

If you cant abstain then you have a problem.

I'm 26 and have made the mistake twice of ditching 2 cute mildly stupid white church girls. I was 20 and 21 at the time, I was such a pessimistic impatient dumbass that I didn't want to take the time to mold them and they weren't dtf. Anything is possible with time.

fine taste in waifus my friend

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Join the LDS (Mormon) Church.
Wait a year. Stay active in the church.
Pick from any number of very attractive, very conservative, very smart women.
Enjoy your trad life.

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wasn't difficult to start but 3 weeks in i was dying. was a happier person but the boredom didn't fix my procrastination when it came to hobbies. gym and shopping was all i did, cost a lot.

Artist name? Don’t wanna save this to my phone

mormons are a fucking satanic cult

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>being a transsexual (almost impossible to tell till she told me)
holy fucking shit what? did you fuck it?

thats awesome fuck her

no shit nigger

I gotta try it again. lasted about a week and a half last time. Before I knew it I'm back here.