Should I divorce?

Should I divorce?

We have incomplete/crummy sex maybe 1 time a month, and zero foreplay. I try to initiate, but shes not game ever. She hates it when I grope her. She wont allow me to touch her vagina unless its for intercourse. 3yrs of this so far. Of course it was different before we were married.

Furthermore, she fucking stubborn as an ox, refuses to make any advances where she is thinking of increased sexuality in our marriage.
Shes not interested in having children either.

We get along in other arenas, but personality only goes so far. What is the point of marriage if there is no sex? I dont need security financially, I dont need a special friend to hear me bitch when I had a bad day. Why would I want to grow old with a woman unless I was completely infatuated and fucking her for years on the regular.

No sex, no kids.. no point.

At this point I fear getting close to the 10 yr point, and then we have to split all our shit if she cheats or I leave. Or the classic scenario of her getting pregnant and having the kid so I can pay child support for 17 yrs.

Very ironic shit, becuase shed be the perfect woman if she would fucking put out like a normal human.

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>im going to leave my wife over sex

have you tried fucking talking to her?

see a couples' therapist

Okay I'll ask the obvious. Have you had a sit down with her and told her how seriously it's affecting you? Unfortunately the western trope of "lol we're married, no more sex!!" has become such a self fulfilling prophecy that a lot of women don't see this as a serious issue. They think it's normal, but it isn't. How long have you been married?

You should tell her that it's bothering you. Though the times I've done this I get guilted into the "you only want me for sex" thing so don't get your hopes up.

>getting married without the intention of having kids
>getting married in general
Congrats on soon becoming another mediocre divorced conformist who only got married due to vague societal pressure.

Let me guess, you bought the broad a house/condo as well?

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Yes, I have "talked" to her/had a serious conversation/let her know my feelings. Tried to show her that intimacy between a man and wife/sex is a beautiful thing. ect.. mannny timesss over.

Yes, I have "talked" to her/had a serious conversation/let her know my feelings. Tried to show her that intimacy between a man and wife/sex is a beautiful thing. ect.. mannny timesss over.

And she said...?

Acktually.jpg - I have already been married once, and got ultra jewed but no money or property envolved. So with this wife I made her buy the house and not have my name on it. :^P

Shes said she has a low libido, and she was never really a sexual person in the first place. She jokes about it now, says she has to be flawed in some regard. She told me once that she thought sex was not attractive to her. Most of the time, when I tell her x and y about increasing frequency, she just agrees, but the deed never comes to fruition.

She refuses, shes asian, and thinks that other people knowing anything about your personal life is taboo, in fear of gossip.. Its like the worst case scenario for asian women, and its ingrained in their DNA.

Yeah, we get that you've told her what you want. How does she feel? Why does she feel that way? Why has her attitude towards sex changed?

Practice polygyny or divorce her clearly it's not working out for you.

Not joking.....

Shes said she has a low libido, and she was never really a sexual person in the first place. She jokes about it now, says she has to be flawed in some regard. She told me once that she thought sex was not attractive to her. Most of the time, when I tell her x and y about increasing frequency, she just agrees, but the deed never comes to fruition.

married 3 yrs 4mo

low libido women don’t exist
are you attractive to her? do you work out? do you got game?

either divorce or visit Jow Forumstheredpill
couplea therapy wont make her suddenly sexually attracted to you

So you married someone with a low libido, that wasn't ever that into sex, and now you're upset that she has a low libido and isn't into sex?

You... You are a fucking moron.

>getting married MULTIPLE TIMES

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And that is why lads you never marry. A womans game is only to get married. Once she does this she stops because her life is complete. She has finally found a host to leech off of. And can get heaps of mony after the divorce where she can live a comfy life, while her provider pays for her bills.

Her job is to give you sex and your job is to bring in money tell her that! If not then you are doing all the work and todon't fucking accept her "I'm cleaning the house and doing all the housework" bs. Any man can do that job. You don't need to marry a woman for her to do chores. You cna get a maid and it's cheaper

Jokes on my wife then, because she makes more than me, and I'm just going to fleece her for all she's worth when we get divorced.

oh ho ho. And I thought you were the typical beta provider. nice job user

Gotta try.. kinda like being gay ya? How can ya not know ya like it till ya touch balls together?

>So you married someone with a low libido, that wasn't ever that into sex, and now you're upset that she has a low libido and isn't into sex?

From the OP
> Of course it was different before we were married

Learn to read.

The information about her apparent low libido didn't come into light before they were married.

I do work out enough to not be physically repulsive, and have muscle tone.

Game - I have had sex with over 30 women.. Stopped counting. Some of them I had sex with over 100 times. Getting a chick isnt hard lol..

Low libido is a thing, do you interwebs at all?

Unique scenario here - I make money to go to school full time (military benefits scholarships grants), and she basically pays for everything else. I haven't worked since early 2016. About to finish my degree here in Dec, I want to continue to finish my masters.