Is wisdom teeth removal actually bluepilled? Why do (((dentist)))s shill it so hard? Pic related...

Is wisdom teeth removal actually bluepilled? Why do (((dentist)))s shill it so hard? Pic related, my younger brother got these four perfectly healthy teeth removed and seems to be fucking proud of the fact
Help me ruin his mood, Jow Forums.

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Wisdom teeth secretly keep your logic intact. That's why they're called wisdom teeth. Once you remove them you forcibly become liberal and lose all logic.

The teeth may be healthy, but the spacing could be fucked up, Mohammed.

They almost always don't have room to grow in your mouth.

If you used floss then you would know how hard it is to get back there. My mouth works perfectly fine without wisdom teeth and is still cosmetically appealing.

It's like circumcision

Thanks to inbred Anglo genes my wisdom teeth were coming in at 90 degree angles. My mother once woke up to her mouth being locked shut due to her wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the biggest profit margins for (((dentists))). They shill you to take wisdom teeth removal procedure, even when you don't need it, just to make money.

99.99999% of people who got it removed never actually need their wisdom teeth removed. They are teeth in your jaw, why wouldn't they be there? Why would removing teeth, given to you by nature, be normal and healthy?

Wisdom teeth removal also will change the shape of your jaw, into a jawlet. It will give you a recessed jaw. Hope he mews.

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Extremely bluepilled. My dentist accidentally removed two extra molars in addition to the wisdom teeth as well.

I didn't even know I had them until the dentist said me an xray they are completely sideways and never exposed they don't cause pain so I told them no about getting them out

Wisdom teeth often 'impact' your gums and push your other teeth. This is a simple as fuck concept. I had braces twice because I did not get them out sooner. My dad always spewed that "ull never get ur teef back, dont give em away" garbage. Thats fine if you dont care your mouth looks fucked.

Depends on the situation. Normally people would have used up or lost their back teeth from use over a lifespan..think chewing leather back in the days.

Today, a responsible dentist would only remove them if they will cause a problem. I will only remove wisdom teeth if they will cause problems in the future.
For example, sometimes they grow too deep and cause pressure on the jaw bone...leading to infections and headaches.

Holy shit. Did you sue?

Cringe and jewpilled

I was told 3 years ago I need to get them removed, but my teeth are all straight and I have not had issues. I brush and use mouthwash. Should I get them out or nah?

I ignored my dentist for years about my wisdom teeth and eventually exactly what he said would happen happened. One of them pushed against the molar next to it until that molar just cracked in half so instead of needing two teeth pulled I need two plus the broken half tooth removed.

In a natural world without dental hygiene your teeth erode slightly and there would be tiny spaces between your teeth. When the wisdom teeth come in, those small spaces allow your teeth to move to make space for the large molars. But since dental hygiene, there is no room for the wisdom teeth and they can damage your other teeth or make your gum line susceptible to infection.
So your options are;
>Don’t practice dental hygiene, but also don’t eat processed sugar and enjoy natural and healthy wisdom teeth
>Eat anything you want but get wisdom teeth removal so you don’t get infections.
It’s worth mentioning some people (mostly East Asians) don’t even have wisdom teeth, and some people with exceptionally large jaws can accommodate wisdom teeth growth regardless of dental hygiene health.

Nonsense. Removing them almost guarantees you will become a chinlet mouth breather.

Based and nippilled

you only have to floss the front teeth dummy. Nobody sees food stuck in the back ones lmao

are they impacted? if they arent, no

But how common are those problems really? How many people will have problems of this kind? One in five? One in ten?

can you post pictures of your little brother's mouth please? lol....

I had 3 at 45 degree angles and one normal insurance paid for it and they started to hurt so I didn't give a fuck and did all 4

Leave him alone. He feels like total garbage right now. Leave yours in and enjoy your crooked and painful smile.

No. Not unless they cause problems.

post teeth faggot

yes goyim, we need more sheckles. The 4rth temple shall be risen on a foundation of teeth

I am part of the no wisdom teeth master race

>Blue pilled to remove teeth that are coming in sideways

incorrect and retarded

>Today, a responsible dentist would only remove them if they will cause a problem. I will only remove wisdom teeth if they will cause problems in the future.
>For example, sometimes they grow too deep and cause pressure on the jaw bone...leading to infections and headaches.
Not in the Army. I had mine removed and developed headaches and infections afterwards. They claimed there was decay on them under the gumline, but when they removed them, the "decay" turned out to be cement from when I had braces.

My jaw has plenty of space for my wisdom teeth. When I was a teenager my ((orthodontist)) warned me that he would need to take them out once they surfaced. Ten years later and my oral health is impeccable despite his threats.

Let's see your grill, snaggletooth.

Don't get your wisdom teeth removed.

They only come in once you've come of age, dumb dumb


In my case, my upper right wisdom tooth was pushing against my molar, and making my gums feel like hell in the back. Once it was out, everything was back to normal.

Appeal to nature. Fallacy.
The appendix is natural too. If you have pain in your side and your doctor removes your appendix is he harming you?
No you dumb cunt.

showed him haha

Not true. I had my wisdom teeth removed 18 years ago and id personally throw kikes in the ovens myself given the opportunity

Wow. You must be one of the few with room for them. Happy fucking congratulations. My lowers never came in. I guess I break all the rules too. Doesn't negate any fucking argument here.

>My jaw has plenty of space for my wisdom teeth.
>South Korean
I'm not surprised.

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It doesn't cause crooked teeth and pain in everyone.

Besides, if pain for a few weeks out of the year is the only only symptom you shouldn't get them removed. Just take OTC painkillers. There's a high risk of complications with wisdom teeth removal, not worth it.

Thx, I'm keeping them for the time being

Your answers deliver extremely conflicting information
I take that as further evidence that (((they))) are involved

they help fill out your chin & jawline so removing them makes your jaw fall back and look like an inbred chinless boi. unless they're fucking something up, like being impacted or causing abscesses, throwing off the rest of your teeth, then there's no reason to take em out.

I was in the US Army and kept my wisdom teeth, and you should blame incompetent Army dentistry for misidentifying your braces gunk. I had to get my initial entry fillings completely redone because the first army dentist was a complete fucking moron.

Had to remove mines on both side the way the came in it created a flap on my gums that i had to constantly keep clean.

One day got fed up with them and got them pull didnt have to pay anything cause I have insurance.

Being a chinlet who has to have his to have his wisdom teeth removed is the result of being a mouth breather

If you're to the point you need have your wisdom teeth removed, you've fucked up years ago. If you properly developed your jaw, there'd be enough room for them to grow in straight.

I was scared of the dentist and fought my parents about getting them removed, they ended up cracking most of my molars. Cost me 4k to fix, I should have listened to my parents.

It's not appeal to nature fallacy. You can't just scream a fallacy and not explain why. You have to explain fallacy. Nature obviously has millions of examples where when it is kept natural, it is better. Not removing your fingers is better naturally. Not cutting out your eyes is better naturally.

The "Appendix is useless" argument has been debunked. The Appendix houses stores of beneficial bacteria for the body. It is obviously harmful if you get the appendix removed.

Honestly, it is case by case....I have had patients with so many extra teeth it makes no sense...these are very rare cases.

You are not wrong when you ask about (((them))) and wisdom tooth is (I would estimate) 85% only to make profit.
Most dentists (as most doctors) are greedy cunts.

A good dentist should show you the X-ray, let YOU decide if it is a good idea.
Look at it this way...if you come to me tomorrow and ask if you should remove them, I would have you take an x-ray, we would determine the chances of complications.

In all honesty, most cases can be easily solved (removal) if the patient has discomfort.
Doing a "let us not take chances" is jew all the way.

My best guess (from experience)...only 1 in 50 should have them removed.

the dentists want the money. those jews have been trying to get my wisdom teeth since I was 8 yrs old. fuck you dentists 27 still got my teeth. no sheckels for you

I had one removed on my upper jaw because I kept getting pericoronitis and one infection spead to the lymph nodes in my neck, swelling my jaw shut. Since it was removed, I've not had a problem or infection since.

Depends. If it grew normally, definitely bluepilled. If it grows all twisted and doesn’t come out entirely and shit like that then it’s acceptable. Of course if you go to a clothes shop they’re gonna tell you everything suits you great, as well as dentists trying to push you every procedure they can manage for the easy money.

It is always case by case.

By the way, (((braces))) are highly profitable and they should only be used in extreme cases.

Doc says I need my top two removed because they will likely cause issue later (I'm 23) and its better to do it younger. Two have said it would be a good idea. They also tried to get me to wear braces but I said no because I would need a tooth pulled.

I'm having no issues currently I'm thinking no. My dumb fuck parents already burned me with one amerikike procedure to remove healthy things (circumcised) I dont think I want to get Jewed again.


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So if you're having no problems with your wisdom teeth there's obviously no need to remove them, the same as your appendix? Glad we're all in agreement.

You had a good a good mechanic, we are hard to find but once you find one, stick with them.

Mine are coming in right now and it’s making my teeth crooked again. The top ones fit in fine but the bottom ones are pushing everything out of place.

I have a very narrow mouth due to inferior genetics, so i had to get my wisdom teeth removed as they were crowding my teeth as they grew out. Wisdom teeth are fine to leave in if they don't cause any problems as they grow out. It is a case-by-case basis. That being said, i wouldn't doubt that a jew-dentist would lie to their patients in order to get more money. Ive been ripped off by greedy business owners so many times due to lack of knowledge.

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You said it yourself. You have no issues, so don't get it removed. It's like getting a teeth lobotomy for no reason.

>You can't just scream a fallacy and not explain why
Never ceases to amaze me how stupid Australians are.

You are one nasty bitch

>Wisdom teeth removal is one of the biggest profit margins for (((dentists)))
I got it for free

>wisdome teeth
>at 8
Go outside and neck yourself

I think it's that there are legitimate reasons to remove wisdom teeth, but I also believe that because everyone has them, and the operations make dentists quite a bit of cash that they often recommend it for people that might not actually need to get them removed. I still have mine, I'm 30 and they give me no discomfort and my teeth aren't crooked or anything.

One in 50... That's fucking scary. Almost everybody gets theirs removed here.

I have shit teeth though to be honest. Top is crowded. So I didnt know if that would change things. I dont have wisdom teeth on the bottom

Do you even know how fallacys work? You have to explain why it is a fallacy. You cannot just name a fallacy and leave the argument at that. Is this your first time using "fallacy"?

There are things in nature which are obviously better left natural.

Nature did not intend for the use of toothpaste and dental hygiene. See my postIt’s a bit over simplified but that’s why wisdom teeth are a problem is a post-dental hygiene world.
Also evolution does not create perfection. It just selects for traits to survive environmental challenges. In nature people’s teeth eroded, so extra molars coming in at adulthood presented no disadvantage.

For once I think the blue pill choice is correct. In ancient times before dental care you weren't likely to have all healthy teeth by your adult years.

It bothers me that I never questioned why I wad having surgery at the time but unlike circumcision I think it was the right decision to have them removed.

Can't speak to some of the other anons here who have experienced complications from having wisdom teeth but I've dated/fucked quite a few of my dental hygensits over the years and the teeth topic always comes up.

It's gnerally accepted that if your xrays show signs of crowding/complications that braces cannot fix then you will most likely need to get one ore more of them removed.

My younger sister who was a super hippie/homeopathic medicine girl eventually caved when she started experiencing debilitating lower jaw pain.

Not everything is a conspiracy OP. Use facts and judgement to determine for yourself.

My teeth came in no problem. My wisdom teeth at least. One of my molars is still a baby tooth recessed in by a 45 degree angle since the adult tooth just never actually grew in.

You are stupid, very stupid.

Keep an eye on your back molars. Make sure you brush your teeth all the way back there.

If you start experiencing pain or loose teeth or your lower teeth start getting crowded, you might want to get them pulled.

I had x rays and they still told me to but I dont know shit about looking at them besides my top row looked crowded.

Yellow teeth for yellow people. Brown teeth for brown people. White teeth for everybody!

If you eat a no-carb no-sugar diet you do not need to brush your teeth. Sugar and carbs feed the bacteria in your mouth leading to decay.

Eating a natural diet of carnivore would lead to zero tooth decays even without brushing.

If it's not broken don't fix it. Only recently did one cause shifting. I had it removed. Rest are in place. It's that simple. As long as you're not a retard who can clean them properly, unless they grow at an odd angle, no reason to remove them.

God damn, you keep digging that hole deeper you're gonna end up in China. Not that it will look much different than what you're used to.

No need to remove them, if they don't cause problems. My lower ones were growing crooked (and one of them shattered), so they had to go. Still got my upper ones, though.


My lower teeth? I only have wisdom on top I think

So basically if I experience pain do it. How far does it have to go before you get cracked molars and shit?

Keep ignoring the argument. How's it feel to be running away from the argument? Can't come up with anything to say so you just strawman?

Well bless my fuck, a coherent thought. Thanks user

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Here also....
everybody here gets (((bleaching))) and (((braces))), very irresponsible.

It really makes me hate my profession sometimes. I was red pilled because people come in and ASK ME to do the work or refer me to somebody who will do the work...

The biggest demon...(((veneers)))....I won't do or refer people for basically destroy a person's mouth

Good. Then we can agree that if we had photos of the appendix showing impending rupture, then we would remove it, Instead of waiting until it ruptures.

Because once it goes bad. The wisdom tooth will hurt a shit ton.

Wrong. Bacteria in your mouth can feed on amino acids. You would experience VERY marginal tooth decay that would be optimal for wisdom teeth growth. That would be very good dental health, but I still prefer brushing and just getting wisdom teeth removed.

I bet you think circumcision is healthy to huh cunt?

Why, lizard brained leaf?

The rule of thumb that was primarily used before it became an industry standard to remove them (read: $$$) was "If they fit, keep them; else remove them" Wisdom teeth are in between an evolutionary hold over from eating tubers and our change into eating primarily meat. They are for masticating tougher materials, like roots and tubers. Being in the back and having a wide area they offer a lot of leverage for your bite, but for many people they do not actually fit in the mouth.

Anybody have wisdom teeth removed at age 30? Mine grew in and are fine but one is weird and bleeds a lot and I feel like it's broken or some shit.

Ah, the old "appeal to nature" fallacy. Opinion discarded.

What is Jow Forums's opinion of Orthotropics? It's a group of people who claim that crooked teeth and bad jaws are caused by soft diets, improper mouth and body posture, and mouth breathing. They also claim that braces and teeth extractions aren't necessary as long as you correct posture and function at an early age. Thoughts?

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Why would you need wisdom teeth removed anyway? If you eat carbs + practice dental hygiene (brush+floss). Would dental hygiene not counter the negative effects of the sugar?

Your dentist should give you an x-ray during puberty...when your mouth is shifting and ask YOU if you feel discomfort.

He should guide you when looking at the X-ray and explain the ramifications...tell you what he is concerned about. Doing work because he feels you will HAVE a problem before you start feeling some discomfort is a little radical in my opinion.


Really? I can literally floss to the back of my wisdom teeth, you’re ether lazy or full of shit.

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