>Human beings like this exist
Gays gotta go man--enough is enough.

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=folsum street fair 1990s

So true. Great thread.

>poz parties to mix all the strains
>raping people who the think might spread it

based and pozpilled

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Come back CF

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Must have been one of the most sickest things I’ve ever read.

at least he's considerate so i know to avoid him.
can of like a Juden Star

cringe and negpilled

I see these people are devout followers of Nurgle

Yeah this is part of why being gay terrifies me. I've never done anything with another guy, but i think id rather not and not get aids at this point



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On old /b/, pre 08 where people got off to anything, from guro to holes, there was a futa comic where a guy at the beach gets fucked by futas on the beach.

People were fapping to it, til "wow, he doesn't even want a condom, my husband wouldn't ever let me fuck him without a condom, because of my AIDS" and shit just hit the fucking fan.

Bugchasers and gifters are the worst, worst than pedophiles arguably, and people always wonder where gays will go after they are allowed to fuck children, and it's giving every human being aids because if you don't have it, you won't be tolerant.

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And straight people like cuckoldry, i too can bring up the worst from a group of people

surprisingly accurate assumption (and digits) for a shitposter.

homosexuals are mentally insane, the media has portrayed a false image of them being wel ladjusted people but I'd say at most 1% of them are tolerable, 99% of them are narcissistic psychopaths that are a broken record of emotions of when they were molested as a child
they should be locked up

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This isnt hurting anyone holy shit if someone wants to have sex with someone else who has a STI so what, love is love. Atleast we dont believe in a magic man that lived 2000 years ago and kill people in his name (Jesus)

If your post was an image.

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even has the bio-hazzard chaos mark. I have long suspected that the left is being slowly groomed into Chaos Cultists.

>This isnt hurting anyone holy shit
>poz up unsuspecting negs
Pick one.

I agree.

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>le all gays are bugchasers
yeah i'm saying it makes bugchasers identifiable so we can send them to australia to die

>2020s fashion

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stop posting faggot channels on this board

Purge time?
Purge time.

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A common thing for men with AIDS to do is to rub their pee pee all over the toilet paper at public toilet stalls. When you are out and you have to shit the likelihood of you wiping your arse with AIDSY dick paper is quite high.

Got anymore aussie? Sounds good

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>It's love man
>Engages in primitive form of biological warfare
kek,and they wonder why people consider them insane

17 Innocent Selfies Turned Deadly
What Fairuza Balk Looks Like Now, Try Not to Cringe
27 Embarrassing Moments Captured by Cameras
90s Kids Only

This is one of the many reasons why I have never taken a shit in a public bathroom.

Smart move.
I rub my dick all over that paper.

O rlly user?

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its not real, it's just a fantasy. Ur dumb.


What are they talking about? Pozzed?

b-but faggots rub their dick on that.

And God will bless your nation for its removal.

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It should be legal to kill in self defense a person who expresses the desire to give you AIDS.

why is hiv considered a faggot problem and not a nigger problem?

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Good post

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didn't they just make it legal to give people aids in California?

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That would be nice but people are retarded.

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AIDS doesn't spread that way and dies quickly outside the body.

yes, spoiler it was a merchant. and grindr was made in tel aviv.

"positive" as in HIV-positive. It's a proud title for having acquired HIV.


Is it possible the bugcatcher/pozzie movement is an urban legend? Like is there actual proof other than some forum screengrabs that there is a real fetish/movement for this kind of activity?

This guy gets it. So what if I'm HIV+ and have sex with 12-15 year old boys without telling them? It's not hurting anyone. Love is love. Stop judging me you piece of shit bigot theocrat.

I wish someone would hire me to exterminate people like this. I would do it for free and have my own tools.

its real dog. Go to their faggot message boards and take a look. The three main things they are interested in is pozzing one another, abusing children and slamming/smoking meth.

no not really.
it's an extremely small minority of a minority.

>slamming/smoking meth.
Can somebody please post those forum posts about predators using crystal meth to seduce and bang young boys for hours.

I didn't save it because it disgusted me.

HIV/AIDS positive.

this dude puts :p at the end of every post definitely mentally ill

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This is deeply disturbing

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this guy gets off on negative attention

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Absolute filth.

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you could probably earn a crust removing fags in eastern europe somewhere desu

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I charged up a few twinks in my day. They called by Pozzi Bear. Now I'm on meds and no virus detected.

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>gets the whole forearm in there
i'm more impressed than anything

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What's wrong with people?

Niggers have too many problems to keep track of as it is

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What kind of degenerate scumbag takes shits in public toilets? Are you fucking homeless or what? Worse than sodomites desu.

There is no way this is real.

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It is though you stupid newfag. That's nothing compared to shit that gets posted on the regular too, this is pretty tame. Lurk moar!

how does fucking a poz person get you infected though? I thought it had to enter your blood stream or some shit, so how does fucking someone spread it to you unless you had a cut on your dick or some shit

thats a yikes from me

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Please read about the 1980s AIDS epidemic about how the disease is spread.


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What would Jesus say about this?

theres an absolutely degenerate documentary on utoob about the gay scene in cali and how they intentionally have gay aids sex.

Lmmfao and he's fucking Canadian. Jesus christ amerihatistan

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so normal!


god i hate faggots so much, the never fail to disgust me with their degeneracy.

also this is mandatory reading
>pic related

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>a broken record of emotions of when they were molested as a child
Surprisingly accurate. They repeat the sexual tension they suffered as children

Lol cucking vs aids spreading, yeah that's a proper comparison

the virus dies in when contacted with air

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>cum and piss started erupting from it at the same time
WTF, how is that possible?

top kek

Shut up bugman


He went limp, accepting the inevitable

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Niggers act as macho as they do because they have to counter signal how many of them would suck a cock and take it up the ass if the real thing were not available. Most niggers are also faggots.

These people deserve to be purged

how can normal gay sex even be enjoyable at that point of your ass being that loose?

this was probably the folsom street fair in SF btw, it use to not be so bad

youtube.com/results?search_query=folsum street fair 1990s

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Whites are mentally ill.

No other race has so many gays or trannies


Nice screen cap discount roo.