The marriage meme

I'm 25 and now stepping into that icky 'when will we get married user?' territory.

My current girlfriend is a qt 28 y/o Asian and reasonably conservative. As in she humors me constantly sperging about how whites got it bad, the jews, society, etc. So it seemed to be working out but the thing is, her family keeps telling her that I'm going to 'use her up and leave her'. As if there was any fucking incentive for me to get married.

I'm really torn about it because this means
> If you want to date a mature woman prepare for marriage and babies soon after (or they leave you)
> Continue to fuck dumb ass 18 y/o's (which is unsustainable for tons of reasons)

I'm wondering if its the right choice to just let her slip through my fingers so that I can marry when I'm ready. Ya know at like fucking 40 years old.

I'm attached but far from 'in love'. No matter how much we bond I'm not going to fall for it. I honestly think this happens mostly to lonely people with low self esteem AKA massive cuck boys. I'm a MALE, I instinctual want to fuck beautiful woman. How could I possibly MARRY to someone who's not a 9/10? Some people call this shallow. Just seems realistic to me.

Someone please shed some light on this shit.

And she has more assets then me. Will I still get fucked in court?

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wait too long and you dying from old age will be your kids High-school graduation present.

Get married user. Dont listen to us were never right

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Just marry her you fucking autist. Be thankful for what you have because I can guarantee that if you don't have a 9/10 now you sure as fuck won't have one when you're 40. Get your head out of your ass user.

The lifespan for men who have never married is a hell of a lot shorter than men that have married. It's not even close. Loneliness is real, and despite the angry socialist cat lady memes on here, it hits men harder than it does women.

protip: keep stringing her along about the marriage idea until she hits 30. steady stream of pussy for you with little to no effort.

Seems dramatic. Even if I was 50 I would likely not die when my child graduates high school.

Thanks for the sentiment. The image is a little optimistic though. Looks like a bitch that would cheat then you have to deal with shared kids.

:( okay

this is where its been going. I'm pretty honest about my position though which is breeding tons of concern and insecurity

Could you just stop posting? Thanks.

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If you're not "in love" then don't do it. Just keep the relationship going for a bit. You can try and shift your tone into something which presumes the two of you will be together forever, but not outright committing to marriage.

Also please sudoku for rice-mixing. Asians are like boomers are steroids if you think about it. We don't need more of 'em.

A little skinny for a bait image OP
But she has a nice tummy
>t. tummyfag

>I'm 25
>My current girlfriend is a qt 28 y/o Asian


Real men date younger women.

nice. built like my sister, but with smaller tits. i wonder if she can take my dick as deep as sissy can?


Listen to this guy. Idk if you want to have kids or not OP but here's the way I see it.

>1. You want to have kids some day and she doesn't.
Dead end here. Cut it off and move on.

>2. She wants to have kids and you don't.
Also dead end here. You are wasting her fertile years and also your own happiness. This will become an issue for her at some point especially if she is nearing 30. A woman should have kids before she is 30 if she actually wants kids. I say this because not everyone is fit to be a parent and honestly it's probably better for society as a whole if the people who aren't fit for this responsibility realize it but they never seem to.

>3. You both want kids and you both want kids with each other.
Then what are you fucking waiting for. Get married and have some fucking kids.

>4. Neither of you wants kids.

Then who cares what you do. Do whatever you want.

Unless you are in the 4th scenario I laid out here then don't worry about it. If you are in any of the other 3 then you need to do some thinking and make a decision or else you are wasting everyone's time.

cone on man stop all the intellectualizing. you just dont like her that much. either settle or move on. you want 9/10? someone you actually in love with? then stop pussyfooting drop the anchor and go for it.

you don't marry for looks you dumb fuck. you marry for the convenience of raising children within a stable family structure so that your genes remain in the pool.
ive fucked enough decent to very attractive (and expensive) hookers, and I don't see marriage any different. if I ever had the urge to stop fucking beautiful women, i'd get married.

>uses the term icky

Opinion discarded.

I wish women actually looked like that in real life. : (

What the fuck are you doing?
You're 25... your future wife is currently 15. Only men without masculine guidance make the massive mistake you're about to make. This woman will never look up to you, she will see you as below her, enjoy your divorce in 3 years, after she has treated you like shit, and fuck the hood rats whilst you were at work.

I'm in the 4th scenario but the odds that she changes her mind suddenly seem strong.

I feel you on this. really though I need to focus on my career now, and I'm very young looking. Not to mention a manlet. Basically its not the best time to pull. I think I will be all around more successful at 30

>ITT: white knight faggots
>she humors me constantly sperging about how whites got it bad, the jews, society, etc.
>let her slip through my fingers
>this happens mostly to lonely people with low self esteem AKA massive cuck boys
you are a massive cuck boy, faggot
you type like a roastie
grow some balls and tell this christmas cake to get the fuck out

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marry her r3t@rd

already found 3 plebbit cucks
OP, just keep stringing her along and don't marry. She isn't sperging with you, she is mirroring you to fool you into marriage.

I admit it does feel like something is missing, with her being older than me. The novelty wore off quick.

Sweet post my dude.
sage just 4 u

Stop being a fucking loser and put a ring on that and pump a baby in her.

you're just a low IQ inbred cleetus

finding someone intellectually capable of understanding the inherent tragic nature of life and willing to share the path of self-realization is not an easy task, but it is one of the few ones worth of putting true effort into

enjoy fucking while you can, there's a reason you're considering marrying at 40, that's the exact age most men hit the wall and become unfuckable bald creepers

If u neeed to ask, the answer is no.

Dog has spoken

>I'm in the 4th scenario but the odds that she changes her mind suddenly seem strong.

Then talk to her about it. Have an honest discussion about the issue and address your concerns and make sure she addresses hers. Other than that, there is not much you can do. How she deals with her parents is ultimately between her and them.

Just remember that her parents have legitimate concerns and try to understand where they are coming from. They're not just "old school". In their eyes, their daughter's significant other should be able to provide for her. They are worried about her well being. They have good intentions. If you're not going to follow the traditional path of marriage then they are going to be worried because marriage is essentially a contract saying that you will take care of their daughter. They are worried about your commitment because marriage is the ultimate commitment.

If you both are seriously in that 4th scenario then you should both be able to discuss these issues and be on the same page with her parents. She might have a hard time discussing this with her parents but if they love her they will get over it. If you love her you will do the best you can to provide for her regardless of marriage or not.

These issues are tough because there is honestly no real right or wrong answer. The best you can do is openly communicate with your significant other and make sure you are both on the same page. Being able to do this makes for a powerful relationship.

I would also note that being able to openly communicate makes for powerful relationships not just with significant others but with friends and family members that you hope to keep close.

Best of luck user. Remember that these issues are important and deserve more than whatever advice can be provided on a mongolian cave painting forum. You need to do some serious thinking yourself about where you want your life to go and whether or not it best benefits your gf.

this is literally sad. why did the man not keep his wife in check? white men have truly lost.

I remember tradcucks on Jow Forums used this couple hundreds and hundreds of times as an example of "finding the right one".


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Don't put it off and compromise is a real, real thing. It's how prior generations stayed married for life and if you are unable to compromise or accept how another person is you will be a foreveralone.

I got married six years ago at 35 and one of my biggest regrets is doing it that late. My whole life I wanted a mature family oriented woman and was to naive to settle with one in my 20s, I had several of them. Later all I met were throwaways.

If you have a good one and you have a good thing going together for a long time seal the deal.

Men and women both need to love each other and need one another, period.

>not birthed 6 children

thanks for this. It really does seem like there's no right answer. Whatever I do I will probably wonder what could have been. I've always been selfish and wanted more for myself.

It's really interesting to see evenly divided pol is on this concept. I appreciate everyone who participated so far. I know my shitty thread really deserves to be on Jow Forums

Enjoy the liability entailed by (((marriage))) that can include fun things like having to pay the woman a fucking allowance forever in the case of divorce. Having your property imperiled.

All for a bullshit piece of paper that says the (((state))) recognizes your business contract with a woman.

No wonder that shit is all but done.

If I could do it all over again, I'd start having babies at 25. Don't wait like I did. It might be too late.

The lifespan for men who are divorced in probably halved, after all of their money, sanity, and children have been taken from them by the system.

today i helped my son build some of his christmas gifts. tomorrow im going to teach him how to code this sweet robot toy thing. his mind works like mine so cultivating that is like building a better version of myself. have kids and do it now (if you can afford it).


3 years older doesn't mean shit, especially at your ages, and even more so, since she's asian, and will probably look roughly the same 10 years from now, if she doesn't get fat

>I'm 25 and now stepping into that icky 'when will we get married user?' territory.

My current girlfriend is a qt 28 y/o Asian and reasonably conservative. As in she humors me constantly sperging about how whites got it bad, the jews, society, etc.
What the flying fuck? Are we twins?

If you are as happy as this guy and have been going out for 2 years or more, propose already and start planning the wedding

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if you are hesitant at all then don't do it. there are very few logical reasons to get married in this day and age, so unless you're head-over-heels in love then you should get out while you still can. it's inevitable anyway since if you don't marry her soon she'll probably break up with you and marry someone else like a year later to make her family happy

Congrats on the asian puss user, but we probably aren't twins. I say this because twins usually don't happen to date girls who are the same age and race.

Get married just don't do it in the west. The fact some onahole is entitled to half your shit and your kids in the event of a divorce is retarded as fuck.

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We are the same age too and are in the same situation. Just strange.

Well I hope this thread was of value then. What are you going to do?

If anyone is wondering I most likely wont commit in the end. I just never thought it would happen so soon, and I really do cringe at the idea of a wedding, sharing assets, and babies.

I don’t cringe at marriage, but if you decide to get married I would get a prenup.

The tattoos absolutely ruined her. I hadn't known the outcome either myself.

if you dont know for a fact you want to marry her then dont marry her, i dont see what else needs to be said. you will regret it for the rest of your life if you do, and constantly question your decision until you inevitably get divorced

It's a lot of work to keep your woman locked down and in check and happy but I understand why many men do it, pussy is a helluva drug.

same here, except swap the ages. im the 28yo, she 25

You should kill yourself for race mixing.
Or change. Change now.

clearly the work of a black brotha
once they taste the bbc snowbunnies can't go back to their boring lives

I'm fcking a young hot 19 year old Jewish dude zero regrets

If you find comfort in her presence and ease, marry. If you’re looking for someone else, don’t.
Stop pretending you’ll be young forever, because you won’t. Frankly it’s not worthwhile to even entertain “what could be” because it never was.

Being an older-fag and married for coming on a decade, you’ve struck gold if your g/f isn’t insane, is a QT and wants you to marry. Women like that are rare now. I’m sure some of the femanons can back me up here.

This post is satanic

>muh dick

How so?
>swarthy ass skin
>tight ass
>dark curly hair
>tells me he loves me daily

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with race, yet you had to mention shes asian. bait. thread.

Modern White women think that the get serious point is somewhere in their 30s, for Asian women they expect to be settled with somebody much younger and marriage also kind of still means something. Your gf is no doubt under pressure from her friends, family and peers to work out if you are actually serious about being with her and clearly you are not and are giving her shit excuses which is devastating her whether you can see it or not. She probably doesn't even like you that much but is afraid that you will be her last chance at having a partner. Don't fuck around with "maybe" or suggest a cooling off period because she'll probably sudoku whilst you're jacking it to the thought of other girls.
The court will fuck you up a lot harder in a 6+ month relationship than in prenup'ed marriage.
She has more assets so just suggest prenup and get married, that's what I did with my gf, she bought our land and house and would never ask for anything from me other than commitment

>My current girlfriend is a qt 28 y/o Asian

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Its not a great difference and it is because people that don't marry are more likely to be disabled, retarded, in prison, addicted, depressed, gay, or have another condition associated with shortened lifespan. Statistics.

whatever lies you roasties have to make up to help you sleep at night. how come monks live to be 80-100 years old then?

Do what you think is right, marry her in her 20's and she will have peak fertility to have the best quality babies. 28 is close to 30, her eggs will start to lose quality, get married immediately or don't at all. It's a loss for men to get married anyway.

I hate how the government needs to know about your marriage, the community should know, not the fuckin' government. Just know that if she divorces, you are fucked because the judicial system is biased in favor of the woman, you should think about this carefully and wonder if she is the ONE, and for her to think you are the ONE. Marriage is something that must be carefully thought out or else you'll just be a slave to the government and lose your wealth to your ex.

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Clean your room then clean your penis and then go marry that gook you faget

its totally worth mentioning. Some posters have brought it into the equation and offered some reasonable insight

Post pic so we can determine if you are a faggot or not. Even a 6/10 Asian gf is better than 90% of white roasties.

A powerful and focused mind that will never break is stronger than all needs or wants of the world. Monks live a much cleaner life that isn't dominated by unhealthy foods or materialistic thoughts, they think of the world and of the divine. I praise the monks who are able to resist urges from the reptilian parts of the mind.

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>her family keeps telling her that I'm going to 'use her up and leave her'.
>28 y/o
A bit late for that buddy.
If you really must fall for the marriage meme at least get one age 18-20 so they don't start at the wall.

I can 100% confirm you will think im a faggot. I have a small frame and a fuck boy face / haircut. No picture necessary

>not dating a 9/10 to begin with
you made your bed now lay in it

>i'm not in love

who the fuck cares, marry her and breed. The west is dying and your worried about true love like a fucking moron.

lmao I am too selfish to actually give a fuck about contributing to the cause.

Wont there technically always be pure bred whites anyway? It's not like there's any chance of us competing with the rate at which other races are expanding

post your best asians!

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Man, especially to an Asian woman. In my experience, they're fucking ballbusters. They know they've got a relatively high SMV and won't let you forget it. If you marry them, they know they have you by the balls. Something about those Asian women, they lack a certain empathy for their husbands ..


>I can 100% confirm you will think im a faggot. I have a small frame and a fuck boy face / haircut. No picture necessary

Jeez. Man, there is a good chance she'll eat you alive. But, if you're a manlet .. why would you even shoot for a 9/10? That's out of your league. I'd say if you have a QT Asian gf, she's probably out of your league as is. Not a good situation ..

>cant commit
no user, you are the onions boy

Watch Chinese videos showing empathy to run over kids. There's a reason why Vietnamese women fought with Vietnamese men, they are one and the same.
Whereas white women are or should be 2/3 the size of their male counterparts the same is not said about Asians.

If I was you I'd mgtow and fuck women from other towns. Don't get tied down. 42yo user knows the sex dries up after marriage

since you're a murican i suggest you never get married

is there anyone thinking about getting married here and from the US? listen to tom leykis on youtube first

while true, the other side of the coin is that asian women are pretty easy and plentiful if you're white, at least compared to their white relative equivalents. some say high standards, but that is not my experience with them. higher than a desperate nigger or spic fatass or even white fatass? sure. but a 7/10 east asian tends to be easier than a 7/10 white

I rarely post on here, but I may have advice that will help.

I was with a Chinese woman for three years, recently left her about 3-4 months ago. I am 27, she is 24. Neither of us wanted kids and the relationship was meh at best. The idea of dating an Asian woman was cool at first, experiencing a different culture was interesting as well. At least from what she told me, in Chinese culture, if a woman doesn’t marry by 27 she is considered “damaged goods” so she started pushing hard for marriage. It just wasn’t going to happen.

Now, I am dating my high school sweetheart, a woman I’ve known for 10 years, she’s a classic, traditional 1950s styled woman. Comes from a great upper middle class white family. For the first time in my life, I am considering having children with this woman. I do believe men get better with age, higher paying jobs and the ability to provide for oneself and for a family increases as your career progresses.
I’m sure the Asian woman I was with was worse then most, but overall she was a nightmare in the marriage aspect of things, no drive to succeed or progress, she was willing to backburner everything for herself and let me handle things for her. I was essentially a babysitter at times. I would love to say that, as a man I would be able to provide 100% income and everything to a household in my relationships, but I don’t think it’s that way anymore. You need to find a woman who has the same drive and ambition as you, and is willing to put in the work to carve out a future with you. I don’t care how attractive someone is, unless you’re making the big bucks, you’ll need a partner who will contribute. If you don’t immeditely jump at the thought of marriage with someone, it is not worth your time.

I would recommend doing what I did, start thinking of your exit strategy, save money, hit the gym, and prepare to find someone younger and better for you.

I have no idea what you're talking about but she is Viet. Yeah she has already said that the sex isnt going to last. "I usually don't have sex this much", "After the beginning I don't have as much sex with my boyfriends", "my boyfriends never ask for blow jobs".

I heard chinese girls don't know how to cook compared to other east asians. Is this true?