Why are there so many Czech prostitutes in Europe?

Why are there so many Czech prostitutes in Europe?

Attached: karolina_czech_casting.jpg (550x342, 26K)

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the milk's gone bad

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There's a gay version of this called Czech Hunter. A Jow Forums guy goes around and "pays strangers" who are supposedly "straight" to fuck. It shows multiple twinks/ chads willing to have sex for money.

Sauce of pic?

It says in the image title...

>Checks flag
>EU memeflag
Everything checks out.

Czech? No!

poor country, sex trafficked to wealthier ones for fucky fucky. what's the fucking mystery?

Lots of "Czech" prostitutes here are actually from Romania or Balkans, they just claim to be Czech prostitutes because they got good reputation and have image of quality service.


I think they're mostly Ukrainian. That being said, go to Prague and Czech women jump on tourist cock. Quite disgusting.

How about using the image search you dumb fuck?

I heard you can just go to villages in eastern europe and the females will be all over you.

Villages no, cities yes. Word gets around quickly in villages.

In the Czech Republic too we love pork, ever had our sausages?

you want a white Europe or not?

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>That being said, go to Prague and Czech women jump on tourist cock. Quite disgusting.

Have you seen it happen?

Why are there so many threads about prostitution?

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Godless atheist country

Yes. At least it's generally not black or arab "tourists"

Atheism rates, no morals

Why would you expect this of a dirty spic?

Any stories?

Is it me or are her tits different sizes?


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Why do you keep posting this shit?

It's usually one guy who sometimes flies under the Brazil flag (he hides behind a proxy, usually--same thread different flag). He posts EVERY DAY. Just fucking slide and sage that motherfucker.

Nah, we are godless atheist country with legal prostitution and it's very rare for Finnish women to practice it despite independent prostitutes making quite alright living.

It's lack of gibs that drives women to that.

Attached: 18.jpg (350x525, 35K)

this. I hate veiny tits

Well aren't chex from europe?
>too lazy to download chip chipperson image, use your imagination

Not really dude. It's nothing special.
>Many good looking women
>Popular tourist destination
>Clubs are a thing
>Bars are a thing
>Women being women
>Get to fuck Germans, Americans, Brits, Nords without lowering their social status.

You can replace Prague with any other tourist city and it's the same thing, except with the other cities you can throw blacks into the mix too.

Doing god's work!