Appropriate places to meet women

Where does Jow Forums recommend meeting women? Its obvious that most of you see and understand moral problems issues with polygamy, however it doesn't seem like you guys ever focus on combating it; finding a good girl and settling down. In a few more years there may be very few good girls left to settle down with.

My uni major is mostly dudes, and the few girls there get bombarded with money and attention from rich guys in my year, or those several years older. I tried joining clubs, but we're a small enough university that any regular clubs are generally just lefties meeting up on weekends to do photography or whatever, theres no good women-meeting niches like outdoors clubs or traditionally oriented hobbies. I am strongly against meeting girls at bars or on tinder. Anyone have any alternative suggestions?

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Check your local dog shelter leaf

is that a young picture of the donkey commie?

You need a clean social media account and a mutual friend to make the introduction.
Women screen guys before giving any a chance.
You'll need a friend to make an introduction.

Jow Forums /soc/

I have a clean facebook account, but the issue isn't about how to approach or talk to girls, rather that I go to a university where most of them seem to be depraved to the extent that I believe they are undatable. Everyone seems to define themselves based on their opponents' political views instead of their own, and the campus often feels like a huge congested clusterfuck where its hard to find some decent chick with half a brain and a pretty face.

Yup. Women who are in college think they are supposed to be in charge, and that naturally fucks up the whole dynamic. You need a woman who didn't go to college, or a woman who went for nursing or elementary education.

that's what I thought

So you are in university. This is easy. Join a student christain group and/or visit every church around on sunday morning until you find a girl you click with

will try this and report results if this path seems to have potential for success with Jow Forums users

You will meet women with beginner Jow Forums values who know their place and have traditional values. Even if you aren’t christain, it’s nice to be around more traditonal people. An outspoken man who gets what christains want can have significant influnence in the congregation if you are in for the longhall. Find a church you like. Church keeps you honest and puts you around moral people who want to help the community and raise good children.
Don’t expect to hook up or go fast. Be patient and establish yourself in their community. Let them come to you and be a man.
The bible is an easy read. Spend the next several months reading it

stop hanging out with those women. For every guy who realizes how fucked up college is there is a women who also realized how degenerate is has become.
this go to church, be honest about your opinions

As an oldfag who has been fucked over by life here is my advice. Get married young, you are never going to find something better than when you are young. You think you will, but you won't. Instead you will miss out on a relatively sexy hottie who is committed to you and of childbearing age and instead you will be stuck trying to find a unicorn woman over 25 who doesn't have kids or gangbang experience.

shit advice

I met mine in highschool , she was the friend of my current girlfriend at the time

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The local whorehouse
The local slaughterhouse
The local orphanage

Your local gas station. You aim at cuties filling up their cars, not the druggies hanging at the side of the store.

Meets them at cafés, I'm going to try and hunt down one next month.

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Unironically in bars and at concerts.

Museums and galleries. That's it.

>For every guy who realizes how fucked up college is there is a women who also realized how degenerate is has become.
I don't know about that, chief.

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It is a combination of techniques and skills, you must learn how to identify different types of scat, how to follow tracks. Effective use of calls and decoys. I suggest masking yourself in musk or with their urine because they will catch your scent miles downwind. It often comes down to luck and patience, being able to sit in a tree stand quietly for hours. Once you bag one it's worth all the work!

I have zero social media. I wonder if that hurts me. Like do girls meet me and then look me up and see nothing so they assume I'm the ripper?

OP I'd suggest a combination of things, joining more activities. Make more guy and girl friends. Networking is key, someone can introduce you to a friend of theirs, which is great because your friends should screen out crazy chicks for you. I wouldn't give up on bars, just screen hard and be highly selective. No drug users, dumb tattoos, low intelligence, hoebaggery, etc. Not every chick who goes to a bar is a retard, many are, but not all.

Waitresses at high end restaurants, you’ll probably need to grow older a few more years. Even better is find out where they like to go after their shift is over. Most high end restaurants will close a few hours or just one hour before bars, so they will go have a drink with co workers to wind down. This is not the same as the average bar slut who goes out at the beginning of the night.

Next would be nurses around hospitals, same thing find out about their shifts. Although going for the doctors is definitely a better option, the nurses tend to get fat and resentful later in life.

Just get an Instagram. Its by far the best social media platform. Make a few token posts, a few stories here and there and follow people who show your passion. I follow a bunch of powerlifters and going on IG gets me pumped up and inspired every time i look at it.


Church if you want to marry
Any other place if you want to date
Discos and night club if you are in for the sex
Read list;
No more mr nice guy, Robert Glover
Be relentless, David X

Outside of your house...literally walkout of your front door and be a half decent human being. The next female that you see chat her up. That’s it. One word of advice is meet her parents ASAP. You will know all you need to know from meeting her parents and seeing what kind of people they are.

Met my wife in line at the auto parts store. Moved in w/her after 6 months, married after 3 years, 7 years now and I have 2 kids, miserable some days happy others. That’s the thing there’s no perfect match you need to be willing to settle.