Israel flies aggressive air mission into Syria in or around Damascus on Christmas Day

>Israel flies aggressive air mission into Syria in or around Damascus on Christmas Day
>Several F-16 fighter jets dispense a total of 16 air to ground ordinances... a relatively small scale strike
>Air strike was reported by the Israelis to be made against an Iranian anti-air installment of some sort in Southern Syria, which allegedly launched a missile into Israeli airspace, but at what nobody has yet to say...
>For all we know so far, it was targeting a civilian aircraft itself... but why wouldn't they just say that? Maybe it was targeting an Israeli, or American military airplane? But again, why not mention that? Maybe it was launching a test missile... nobody knows yet because nobody has made any statements one way or the other.
>Meanwhile two civilian flights, one heading to Beirut, Lebanon, and one heading to Damascus, Syria, which had to be redirected at the last minute in order to avoid getting involved, were in the same area of operation
>As a result, Syria had to hold back from using it's anti-air capabilities against the fighters in order to prevent any risk to the civilian aircraft
>Oddly, the same anti-air battery which allegedly had no problem with firing indiscriminately into Israel, also decided to not risk shooting down a civilian aircraft
>Anybody can access data on civilian flights all around the world here:
>Only two flights in or out of Damascus International Airport today, and likely there were just as few in or around Damascus yesterday, or at any other given time, since it's a conflict zone, and air travel is thus highly restricted

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>Information on future flight plans are also made public
>Very few civilian or commercial aircraft risk flying over Syria unless they absolutely have to for obvious reasons
>If you can see this in real time, and you can also view future flight plans ahead of time, then Israel must have been able to see this information too, and they would have also seen it in real time through flight transponders, ground radar, and the radar in the fighter jets
>Either Israel was incredibly unfortunate to have picked that time to strike, or they timed the attack like that on purpose
>Since it's obvious that Israel is not some hack third rate military force that doesn't know what they're doing, we can come to one of three conclusions:
>One: Israel tried to bait Syria, Iran, or Russia into shooting down a civilian aircraft on Christmas Day just after the United States announced their withdrawal
>Two: Israel was using those civilian flights as human shields to make sure the Syrians wouldn't be able to shoot down any of the F-16 fighter aircraft with Surface to Air Missiles, or intercepting jets without putting the civilians at grave risk
>Three: This was an incredibly astounding display of incompetence on the part of somebody on the ground in Israel and they deserve to be publicly disciplined if for no other reason than the fact that not doing so would be seen as a confirmation of either of the two other possibilities which are... quite frankly, unacceptable for a first rate military.
>We can eliminate the second one as a possibility, because the air strike was so small that it can hardly be said to have had any tactical or strategic value, especially when 14 out of 16 of the ordinances were intercepted, and only two found their targets, and neither were an Iranian Anti-Air battery.
>Why put civilians at risk over such a small scale strike?

>So it was either total and complete incompetence, or the Israelis just tried to prevent the United States from pulling out of Syria by getting SOMEBODY to fuck up and cause catastrophic collateral damage (read: kill dozens of innocent bystanders by accident) on Christmas Day.

Israel are filth
>the sooner the world destroys zionists the better

At the rate we're going now, they're doing a fantastic job of exposing themselves, because even a normie can see this shit if you point it out to them.

This worries me, the top joos were supposed to be master 6 gorillion dimensional chess.

>Four: Russia pushes a false narrative in favor of butt-buddy Assad like in September when Syria shot down a Russian aircraft.

My personal opinion on this is that they DID try to retaliate but failed, like every other time they try to, and Russia just doesn't want to admit that the systems they gave to Syria didn't work.

Ehh, that's a pretty weak option considering everything else we know.

But checked nonetheless.

Not hardly. You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. Jews also have a terrible problem with self-reflection and can't ever seem to figure out why people hate them so much, and so they continue the behavior which makes people hate them, and then cry out in agony when anybody so much as questions their actions, let alone their motives.

The funny part is that they said they were going in to hit an Iranian anti-air site, but instead the two ordinances (missiles or bombs I don't know) that got through hit a Syrian supply depot.

Whether or not the stuff that got stopped by the Syrians/Russians/Iranians were heading toward an anti-air site we don't know, but if they were stopped, why didn't the Israeli's send up another flight to finish the objective?

Israel will be destroyed in your lifetime.

and honestly it'll be their own fault.

Plus, it's hard for people, even liberals, to justify Chuck Schumer being okay with sending 38 Billion dollars to Israel for border security, but being wholly against even 5 Billion for our own border wall.

You point that out to them, and they literally have no argument.

Obviously I don't know what actually happened, but there aren't any news sources I actually trust enough to say that any of "everything else we *know*" is actually true. And not just trust concerning being biased to one side or another, but also trust that they actually have any real information on a military operation besides what somebody says happened.

I'm willing to believe that Israel struck targets somewhere, possibly in the area near Damascus, in Syria on the 25th, and also that somewhere else in Syria, maybe close to the strikes or not, planes marked as civilian aircraft were in the air, at some point in time. Maybe I'd be willing to believe a little more if it weren't for sounding exactly like the September incident.

State military and intelligence agencies have to work pretty hard to put together a "real" timeline of events after something like this, even if they've planned in advance and are collecting the whole time. I have 0 faith in any news agency telling a story based on evidence instead of what "a military official" said, because they don't have any.

Oy vey what anti smeitism. Don't you know goyim Israel is America's greatest ally?

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>I'm willing to believe that Israel struck targets somewhere, possibly in the area near Damascus, in Syria on the 25th, and also that somewhere else in Syria, maybe close to the strikes or not
They attack Mazzeh Air base only, hit an ammo dump for the billionth time.

The only credibility youre gonna on twitter is those on the ground in Syria. SANA lies, Israel makes shit up (lmaoing at them saying they killed an entire team of super duper elite Hezbollah Ops in the attack) to cover that they're hitting fuck all to keep up this shitty stunt.

>Plus, it's hard for people, even liberals, to justify Chuck Schumer being okay with sending 38 Billion dollars to Israel for border security, but being wholly against even 5 Billion for our own border wall.

Are you reading my mind / text messages, user?

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Mentioning that Chuckie also has dual citizenship in Israel is also a supplement to that little redpill.

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Hopefully along with the rest of the middle east, too.

With Iran regularly operating sites in Syria, it wouldn't surprise me if the Syrian supply depot was housing Iranian shit and that's why they wanted to blow it up. It also wouldn't really surprise me if they were calling it a "Syrian" supply depot to try and and keep the jews from blowing up what actually was an Iranian facility.

>why didn't the Israeli's send up another flight to finish the objective?
Most strikes involve a lot of planning and rely on surprise -- conditions may have changed that made another attempt suboptimal (maybe they really were using the airliners as cover and they were gone?), or just that the minutes it would take to send in another group of aircraft they knew would be enough for the Syrian forces to get their AA better prepared.

>The only credibility youre gonna on twitter is those on the ground in Syria.
Agreed, but even then Twitter just needs a fake phone number to sign up and post, and intel agencies are making it the hot new propaganda testbed. It's probably the point, but it's getting pretty hard to believe anything these days.

N-No sempai... *blushes*

>most strikes involve a lot of planning
I hope you'd say that. Because that fact alone is more evidence that Israel purposefully sent their planes up in an effort to get somebody to fuck up royally, try to shoot them down, and instead take out a civilian aircraft instead.

haha okay FBI

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But can the FBI know what's in your heart, like I do?

>With Iran regularly operating sites in Syria, it wouldn't surprise me if the Syrian supply depot was housing Iranian shit and that's why they wanted to blow it up. It also wouldn't really surprise me if they were calling it a "Syrian" supply depot to try and and keep the jews from blowing up what actually was an Iranian facility.
That's why this air campaign is totally ineffective, Iran and Hezbollah can just put all of their fancy shit in Russian storehouses and they'd be ok with that.
>Most strikes involve a lot of planning and rely on surprise -- conditions may have changed that made another attempt suboptimal (maybe they really were using the airliners as cover and they were gone?), or just that the minutes it would take to send in another group of aircraft they knew would be enough for the Syrian forces to get their AA better prepared.
Except Israel's Air Campaign has piss poor planning and an abject joke
>hitting the same places over and again like it's the Ho Chi Minh trail
>no new targets, no new tactics, same places
>always ammo dumps and MAYBE a research facility, nothing more
>losses are minimal, Iran just sends a jet the next day and it's back to square one
>only actual achievement was that attack on the IRGC convoy months ago
>lost a jet to some 80s AA earlier this year, not as rivaling to the hits from the IAF, it shows how fucking weak this shit has been

Maybe the Iranians and Syrians are lying, but Israelis have to be utterly fucking incompetent or are doing it for votes. I'm leaning into this argument because Bibi does nothing but sperg out and pretend Israel is some godlike defender while secretly begging to Putin to make Iran go away. It's a political stunt, they lost Syria and Iran is at the gates and they can't do shit but watch.

Jews never lie to serve their own purposes so their explanation however unlikely is the correct one.

Jews are like Don or Michael Corleone from the Godfather... they'll technically tell you the truth, but they'll omit pertinent details from you in order to mislead.

So they're telling the truth, but they're still hiding information for their own benefit.

The problem is that doesn't work as well in the information age as it did when people relied on newspapers and the MSM to get their information.

Yes, IF the story as reported is accurate -- what makes you so sure it is?

>put all of their fancy shit in Russian storehouses
If they let them. I can't imagine Israel avoiding Russian collateral all this time if they had given them a reason not to.

>an abject joke
No real opinion on how they operate today. Historically, though, they were pretty effective...

Depends on which side you believe -- I'm in camp "sandniggers made an oopsie and accidentally the whole Russian plane"

>Maybe the Iranians and Syrians are lying
Oh they are. Along with Israel, Russia, the US...

>begging to Putin to make Iran go away
Well yeah, Iran puts their knickers in a twist, that's why they keep bombing them -- I'm sure they'd like to stop doing that and think that Putin has any sway in the matter.

>lost Syria and Iran is at the gates and they can't do shit but watch.
I unironically think this could be the catalyst for WW3. Everyone was all concerned about NOKO with nukes 9 months ago, but that was all hype. This is an actual, fanatical nation feeling threatened by another actual, fanatical nation, and justifiably so. And the players involved, while not terribly important in their own respects, have allies or interested parties that are at odds with one another. Not saying an invasion will definitely kick it off, but I can see it plausibly starting a chain of events that lead to it.

It's Syria / Iran in the NOKO - China - Russia - ME - Jihadi pipeline. Shit's wack in 17 years and a few months.


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Maybe most of the war games there were for show. Maybe if the same puppet master is pulling the strings you don’t ever have to have proper wars, except of course for America

jews jewing as usual I see

soooo....where was air force one while all this shit went down?

Dumb thread

They want a new holocaust to happen to get even more gibs. I just hope they get an actual holocaust this time