1: working-middle class subhuman whites these tend to be from norf,Wales,Ireland and Scotland these make up the bulk of what is britian. these '""people""" have a very different genetic make up to upper class Brits to the point where even they're facial structure is different
middle class+: these people tend to have very little Celtic genes with high Anglo and north euro dna.these are called Anglo Saxons and Germanic Brits these are the people who actually made Britain into the empire we know not the Brit pol tards Celtic subhumans we know here.
Proof? Just look at working class lad(left)and (right) upper class Norfolk lad
This examples why the majority of Brits are ugly as fuck it's because working class (Celtics)Brits out number Germanic Anglo saxon Brits 100-1 (superior)
>The two britiod races There are more than that mate The two you mentioned, and those born outside the isles. >Rhodies >Aussies >Saffas >Kiwis >other Anglo-Africans >Anglo-Indians(the full-blooded ones, not the mutts) >WASPs >leafs In that order.
Another example sohpie Turner right grew up well to do family came from south Hampton attended a private school
and masie a working class thot disgusting facial features this represents 70% of britian if you are talking to a pool Brit he will most likely have these facial feature.
riiiiight... frankly your Norfolk boy looks a bit weak and its a good thing he's got the Sterling to pay the Ginger Celt to fight and die for him or he;d be extinct.
>Mostly german orgin and dutch cause boer and affrikans If I meant to talk about boers, I would have said boers. British south africans are different. >anglo africans You meant to tell me your schools didn't teach you about the hundreds of thousands of white british subjects you stranded in Africa when you granted the colonies independence? shocking. My family was one of them, in rhodesia. There are still 60,000 whites in kenya, 70,000 in zambia, 30,000 in zimbabwe where I'm from, and millions of british south africans in SA. and we're some of the toughest anglos around today
Please GTFO out of Africa thanks it's not your continent and never will be just call your self a Anglo not African that title is only reserved for black people it's like me going to China and saying I'm Chinese it doesn't work like that. This is why you are currently getting gassed in South Africa lmao your entilited and ignorance attitude got you this far well done .
>Anglo Saxons and Germanic Brits OP makes a case as to the benefits of inward migration. you are right in a way though. the conquerors who went to britain and became the ruling classes are obviously better than the peasant class they ruled over. but the claim that there is just 2 groups isn't correct, you have just decided that's how you will divide them up. what about the Danes, the Romans, the Normans? you've just decided that everyone before an arbitrary cut off point is group A and everyone after is group B
Christopher Sanchez
Say what you want but the lad on the left is sexy as fuck, no homo
Sureeeee.... Celtic sub human. We all know you are subhuman trying to take credit of what Anglo Saxons did.just look at the phenotype difference . If I was a celt I would kms desu. thank God I'm not tho
you don't understand buddy... every English person has a significant amount of Anglo-Saxon blood of about 30-50%. It increases the further east you go, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CLASS.
Why are you posting only males? Are you a flaming poof or what?
Henry Hughes
White Nationalist logic intrigues me. “I read a couple of books on genetics that confirm my bias, therefore I am superior.” HA HA HA “I am a white Aryan because my genes are superior. My genes are superior because I am a white Aryan.” A circular argument. TRAPPED FOREVER IN A LOGIC LOOP TRAPPED FOREVER IN A LOGIC LOOP TRAPPED FOREVER IN A LOGIC LOOP . . . . . .
It’s not the same thing at all. White people go to africa build cities, farms and agriculture. Civilization. Things black africans can’t do for themselves
Sebastian Hughes
Romans left no genetic footprint, they came and ruled then left without marrying many of the locals (can't blame them). The Normans were Danes by another name, being the Scandinavian warriors who kicked the shit outta some french Celts and ruled over them, then decided they'd do the same in Britain.
Each group that came and ruled the British Isles were just another group of Scandinavians. Anglos, Saxons, Normans, Danes, Norwegians. Genetically all the same people (and basically close cousins with the Celts due to a common ancestor tribe around the Netherlands).
Basically, the UK has been a pit of unwashed lower class regards ruled by successive dynasties of Vikings.
Landon Anderson
user they are both pretty ugly
Michael Mitchell
I think the guy on the left looks a bit french
Gavin Turner
That or a troll. Either way, the person behind this post is low iq
The Normans weren't Danes... just the Duke of Normandy and some of his troops.
Rollo's line lost their titles and England and Normandy was taken by the Plantagenets.
Dominic Phillips
Arab or black boy I am sorry you are not white & that we cant change that, but really no need to make yourself look stupid by making this thread.
What is next, a Spanish is not white thread or Italians are not white thread? Literally all you are doing is making white people even more angry at you for trying to undermine our culture & you are accidentally making all whites into white supremacists. This Divide & conquer is having the opposite effect!
>guy on left aesthetic hairline good eyebrow symetry normal nose normal ears decent smile for a brit facial hair semi-defined jawline good posture
>cuck on right aesthetic hairline aesthetic hair bad eyebrow symetry normal eyes hooked beak like nose big rounded ears with no masculine ridges for optimal hunting pursed lips no facial hair rounded soft jawline hunched posture
A suit doesn't make a biological pleb a member of the biological patrician
>they are both pretty ugly >he forgot to account for British standards. It's not your fault, it's your education system's fault. But yes these are ugly compared to our superior NA genetics. Solid 8s in part & parcel land though.
Henry Murphy
You have it all ass backwards. The one on the left is a ginger and is a completely different species.
Nicholas Reyes
Dont you mean inferior Chinese genetics?
Dominic Gray
Pretty sure Henry Cavill is an ethnic Irishman
Jonathan Thomas
I went to an all-white high school on the east coast, mostly WASPs. The students weren't the most attractive but they were of good Anglo stock. High IQs across the board.