Soooo are we just going to all not talk about this sketchy lag on posting that showed up over night?
Soooo are we just going to all not talk about this sketchy lag on posting that showed up over night?
Once I used the title "I'm a jihadist communist jew, AMA" for a thread title, it took me like 5 minutes and 3 attempts to finally be able to post it.
been happening to me since the day after they mass b& us all on the morocco thread holocaust. that night they dropped like a few hundred of us at once. basically anyone that wasnt a faggot.
There was a morocca thread culling? Why? Was the consesus in the replies not the correct consensus?
dunno, it was our usual response to faggotry, it was right after they shut down for maintenance. think they added some glow in the dark features. the twatter post said the site was going down until we love cats. and cats are glowniggers.
Have you tried posting blacked porn instead? That seems to have no problems getting through. Something is up for sure.
the only lag i experience is the time it takes to display that the thread is bumped. i post and after about a minute the thread is from page x to 2.
>cats are g**wniggers
>cats are glowniggers
what did you mean by this, user
This. Board is zogged as fuck.
10 years ago when the feds tried to infiltrate the internets hubs, they did a think tank on how to blend in. "the internet loves cats", so thats what they ran with. i still dont trust cat posters. your tax shekels at work.
What’s wrong with blacked? Some of their videos like the Kendra Sunderland ones and the Addison Belgium one is quite good.
>cats are glowniggers
Say that to my face.
wikileaks released some CIA files that showed glow niggers are posting cats and LARPing as bronies.
We are literally being raided by mossad right now.
They are trying to hide that they have started a war with syria
Now thats interesting user.. the Jow Forums tweet saying that never made any sense. Now it does.
but we knew anyway. they really do glow in the fucking dark.
Just in time, cue the porn/gore spam to get thr thread gassed.
Every god damn time.
Fuck glows.
Probably makes it easy to keep it a secret you work at the CIA if your job is to post blacked porn on Jow Forums.
Not fucking politics you smelly nigger
It’s just a comment. I guess if you want to make it political I can say that it’s reflective of the cultural climate change and it’s welcomed by most socially active and relevant people. Only basement dweller fedora tippers get mad over porn.
im old and tired going to crash, good luck boys. not a sleepy meme. they can copy a lot of things, but mannerisms isnt one of them. we are never alone.
>using xfeces
/ This is why the board was shutdown for so long.
Guys we got a live one
Mutt pls
/ fuckoff bot
Image may contain:
Do the /
Before your
U mad bro?
whats that supposed to accomplish?
Shitposting aside, I discovered that Google has algorithms to see text in pictures, during a down time on Facebook, where instead of displaying the image it displayed the text describing the image.
Remember, they have software that can tell items in a picture, identify by face, and read text.
All it would take to make that information actually usable by them to keep track of everyone dumb enough to have a real social media account is software to tag and assign importance to said tags.
Twitter often realtime edits what you are typing in a tweet if it's in response to a sensitive topic/happening
I've seen proof of that on youtube comments, have you any on what you're saying?
It would be most helpful to showing people what I mean when I say there's psychopaths in positions of power over them, and they want nothing less than full control.
Well I have experienced it personally when replying to a tweet about an austrian terror attack. It was backspacing and jumbling the letters/autocorrecting that I was typing. I didn't think to screen record it
We must develop a hieroglyphic meme language before it is too late.
Ah, oh well.
Thanks anyway.
Uh they could do that 10 years ago. And if the general public was allowed know that they could do that ten years ago, imagine what they have NOW that people ARENT allowed to know about.
Billions in funding to NGOs each year, id imagine in 2018-2019 they can completely emulate a human posting and responding to all type of things/images/creative writing styles and actually think about posts and think about replies to them incredibly realistic. Basically almost general AI or a shell of general AI closely resembling it.
They certainly have this.
Or something very similar
Wtf is up with it though seriously