Fuck white people

Fuck whites

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You will perish then.

>Fuck whites
What you mean is "Fuck jews."

Jews have been pretending to be other ethnicities since they have been pretending to be a singular ethnicity themselves.Those disgusting motherfuckers have been "acting" as agents of the nations in which they have lived within while simultaneously undermining those same nations.

What a bunch of fucking losers. They can't even support their own people without sacrifice of another nation's support.

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wow so mainstream
very opinion so popular oh

Okay, have fun eating dirt.

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post whole article or GTFO

>It is not ok to be Black. Be a race traitor and end blackness. Filed under Black supremacy in africa.
When they say supremacy they mean ethnic majority in their own country. The term is marxist garbage.

keep it coming

come home huwhite man, these are the people who want to take over your civilization

broadcast it louder you twike

go on, you're doing me a favour

Ever notice how the principles of rightism - gender traditionalism, ethno-preferentialism, religiosity - are treated like a reward by leftists?
Leftists will look at a group of people they like and basically say "oh man, you've had it super rough, you really need a leg up in life, here, abide by traditionalism and rightism, it'll do you good"
or if they don't like that group they'll say "oh no no, you don't get rightism, you're doing just fine for yourself, you've been mean, as a punishment we won't let you practice rightist action"
you have to wonder, then, if they actually think our philosophy is incorrect and evil, while they're off calling its fruit "privilege"
I've found that if you study any part of leftist praxis long enough you can find a tacit admission of the benefits of rightism

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>t. Nigger who wants to breed with whites

maybe i missed something - don't the leftists tell that "group of people" to embrace victimhood? that's not a rightist value

Lol, if shits will happen like now, jokes about white eastern europe and rus wont be jokes anymore.

>be 6’4 ginger with blue eyes
>have 3 qt Latina who want be with me
>try to get rid of them by being insane and cringeworthy
>it didnt work
>3 of them want me so bad and want to carry my children
> make them feel like they are closer to me
>no matter what i told them the awful thing. They didn’t care.

I am fucked. I just want a white girl to carry my ginger dna.

I’m currently writing a novel about a futuristic society where all white people decide to leave earth and live on mars. The story centres around a black man left on earth. Its basically lord of the flies.

explain further user, you may be onto some interesting psychological tidbit of political philosophy

please invade Canada for fuck sakes what are you snowniggers waiting for

Yea your analysis is 100%. It’s the same reason why they claim that whites aren’t the best but everyone is entitled to a 1st world life in white nations l. It shows a subverted psyche, one that communicates in the way of the jew. Ie contradiction. They are walking talking hypocrites that couldn’t exist in any other form then the parasites and traitors within the right race. Their perjigative is subjective authority, like a child throwing a temper tantrum

>please invade Canada
Another snow field where nothing grows and noone gona live? Thanks, we allready have anough.

only two more years left of this crap
then all niggers everywhere will know
it's time for extinction.

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It’s okay to be white

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i was a stage 4 chronic nigger fucker but this post turned me around.
you have my sword, white people.

based and huwhitepilled

Did anyone archive that article? I think they took it down pretty quick