
Diagnosed with glioblastoma at 35. Is there anything I can do in terms of additional therapies beyond surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation

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Take a spoon and try digging it out yourself.

it will go away from alone

Kill some jews t. b. h. f.a.m.
You got nothing to lose.

Take Lion's Mane

I just take a nip of gran's shine.

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Get your genome sequenced and see what treatment options suit you. Personalised medicine is real.

Also, I am jealous of all the opiates and benzos you are going to get, oxymorphone is my bag.

why not just eat healthy and take painkillers or cannabis for the headaches.

make sure your family knows to put a bag on your head and tie it if you have a seizure or a bad fall.

literally ignore the fact you will die. if most people can do it, so can you. don't let "muh glioblastoma" literally and figuratively eat away at your personality - it wont leave a good taste in anyone's mouth.

become a martyr

god bless, I know a guy who was my childhood soccer coach in his 40s, he lived but his son turned into a fag

Consume large amounts of cannabis and vitamins. Exclusively eat natural foods.

Theres a lot of things you can do, its not likely any alone will solve but at the very least they will dramatically increase your odds

My father died from one
Well technically he had it removed but then infection set in and he died


all I'm going to say is congrats now you have nothing left to lose and can take extreme measures others wouldn't

I suggest taking some deep state shills when you check out
>Maybe make a roll thread, and get famous

Imagine being the badass who takes out podesta, epstein, rgb
>I'd remember you user, remember skyking, i do

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Check out the "Beck Protocol". It's still around on the net.

youre only as healthy as you feel

Immunotherapies are the new thing.

PD1+CTLA4 blockade

STING agonists, which you probably can't inject into your brain.

Neoantigen vaccines. Probably costly af.

Neurologist here.

I'm sorry, user. You've probably got somewhere between a year and 18 months.

Your father died from medical treatment. OP beware.

RSO oil
TTF technology
Immune system transplant

Chemo and radiation will be a mother fucker. Keep your immune system healthy Cuz once it goes any infection will fuck you up. Lions mane and turkey tail as well

God speed and hope your survive it . Without treatment your dead in 3 months

This. Live it up for however many days or months you have left and then end it with a morphine OD or some other painless way to go.

Yah I'm on the rick simpson oil. Trying to increase dosage every day.

welll. sorta kinda yeah

The only way is week long hard dry fasts.
Do some 72 hour fasts with snake juice first to prepare.

I think Glioblastoma don't like fasting, calorie reduction and low carb. This was documented in the case of a 60yo woman.

Get in a bare knuckle boxing match with Hillary Clinton

Jesus dude. The five year survival rate is five percent.
Make peace with the people you need to, and if you were going to do anything spectacular that would make the news, it might be a good time.

Don't spend your remaining time on Jow Forums or online at all.

mri guided laser ablation
stereotactic radiosurgery

I doubt you are and I definitely hit 2 years.

Don’t feed it. Go to true north or optimal health institute and vegan starve yourself. If it doesn’t work go bareback hookers and try to die of super aids faster

I havent looked into him too much, but there is a number of doctors who are known to cure cancer within the US. If you're lucky you might be able to get help from one. at the very least a bit of contact for advice might be worth your time.

Idk but id try dropping lsd and then copious amounts of thc/cbd

I thought about it a lot but con concluded that it would be foolish to do it now

rid all sugars from your diet

Say your goodbyes

That's the saddest shit I've ever read.

Also peach kernels and Carolina Reapers.

Not a violent dude, never even shot a gun either

The fasting will start the process of autophagy in your body which will each any foreign entities in order to create energy to replace the energy you'd normally be getting from food. Go research autophagy and dry fasting, it might save your live user.

Rick Simpson oil. YouTube it. I sincerely feel sorry for you. I had some false cancer scares and I completely shut down for days just lying in bed. Good luck and god bless. Just remember you're not alone. Billions have died before you and we all will meet you soon. Nothing good will happen on this earth for centuries so I hope that helps. Very sorry hugs

I'm very sorry about this and wish you the best.

Maybe try curcumin

We had a family friend who passed last December from a Glioblastoma. He fought that fucking thing for 4 years he was a tough son of a bitch. God speed user

Mass shooting and become famous?

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If you don't mind me asking and if not too personal, what was the build up to this like? Did you start noticing weird things health wise?

Gun? I was referring to shooting jews with arrows in mincraft till their characters dies.

The benzos are just fucking 1 mg ativan, I dont even bother anymore. And the pain killers are only for the end stages.

ketogenic diet

god speed user, thoughts and prayers and luck.

Evacuate and dissociate yourself from the U.S. and it's consumer rat race pressure. Seek to eliminate all sources of pressure, social and self-expectations. Move to a mountain commune, change your diet, seek to do nothing but dwell with harmonious thriving plants in sunlight. Google "Directory of Intentional Communities" and find a community in the Andes or tropics, they are usually free to join if you do chores. Change your goals and take self-imposed pressure off your body.

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came in here to say this

Take as many kikes with you on your way out. Don't let your death be for nothing.

Look into fasting during treatment. I'm serious

Cannabinoids in Glioblastoma Therapy

eat lots of good food. eat tons of blueberries and garlic. also meditate to will it gone. eat jellyfish.


Found OP btw

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I'll take a look thx

fasting, cancers feed on the sugar from your blood. Fasting will reduce your blood sugar to a nominal level and allow your body to both naturally fight the expansion and to allow autolysis to kick in

Basically the same concept as your body eating muscle/fat carries over to all tissues of your body, during starvation your body will send out chemicals to cannibalize non-vital tissues.

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Honestly if you were me I'd buy a pound of Ascorbic acid and mega-dose on it.

I'd buffer it with some sodium and potassium bicarbonate and take as much as my bowels will tolerate [3-8 grams] every few hours. I'd also start eating tons of DHA rich fish and fish eggs. DHA from Fish is neccesary for optimal electron transport in cells. also get out inot the Sun as often as possible barefoot when in nature and wearing as little as possible.. try all this... read about megadosing on Vitamin C

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on the other hand, many cancers cut off their own blood supply and naturally re-adsorb

Yah already have, its amazing I look great these days. Clear skin and slim.

stop wasting the time you have left by being here , go get laid


Taking curcumin daily!

Correction: you’re not a violent dude until you smoke meth. If you get what I’m saying.

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What kind of symptoms did you experience OP?

Smoke weed. But you probably won’t, and itl be your undoing. But the advice is there and Itl come to you to take it or to ignore it.



these will be your friends, keto and hyperbaric have been known for years to cause full remissions if not at least stop it dead; in the /fast/ threads on Jow Forums, we've had no less than 3 anons with brain malignancies crush the disease with extended fasts

It's not about the fire, it's about whether or not there's fuel.

God bless you, good luck, and god speed

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I came to say this too.

Snake Diet with Cole Robinson, find an ayahuasca retreat, eat 100 marijuana plants, roots and all

I know you're either going to think i'm memeing or its just bantz or i'm pulling your leg but i'll go ahead and give you my advice.

Out of the blue in 2017 I began experiencing excruciating headaches that didn't go away for 5 solid months. I was convinced I had a brain tumor; whether benign meningioma or glioblastoma idk.

I'm poor and have no insurance, so I did the only thing I could do. Don't know if this will work for you, it did work for me however and I hope you will at least try it since you have nothing to lose.

Every day, fill your bathtub as full as it will go with the hottest water you can stand or 115 F, whichever is greater. No more than 125 F or you risk scalding which occurs around 135 F.

It's not supposed to feel comfortable. In fact it's supposed to feel like the most intolerable, discomfortable feeling possible....

Second the fasting/get rid of all sugars, stick to meats and green vegetables. Heard some shit about people supposedly curing their cancer taking megadoses of quality curcumin supplements (Curamin brand seems to be the best from what I’ve heard, but dosage is something like 8g/day for cancer treatment, so shit will get expensive). Best of luck, man, that’s a hard hit to take.

eat some meat and enjoy the rest of your life.

YouTube low carb down under

Just put down my dog who had advanced hemengio to the heart theres some good advice in this thread. Good luck OP

OP, trust me I'm a medicalfag. First off, I'm sorry you have to go through this. It fucking sucks.

Do you have any family? If you have any descendents or siblings, I'd advise maybe bringing them along to your next neurology consultation and asking about genetic risk because as alluded to, it's quite rare for you to get it at this age without genetic influence.

You might find the alternative treatment options the anons mention here might make you feel better symptomatically, but there is NO evidence that they will cause it to regress or disappear, I'm sorry.

Like others have said, I'd advise that you get your life sorted in order: (1) Make sure it's clear in legal writing what you want happened to your estate, money, home if you have any etc. (2) Make amends with relationships (3) Perhaps consult foundations like 'Make-a-wish' etc. for support (4) MOST IMPORTANTLY: Find support groups. Find other people who are in a similar journey that you are with. Many of us Jow Forumsfags, including me, won't be in your shoes but there definitely is someone out there who is.

You can do this user.

Look into the work of Jason Fung. While he mostly cures type 2 diabetes the same principles could be used for cancer. Cancer feeds on sugar and cannot surive on ketones.
What I would do is
1. start any almost 85%+ fat based diet (animal(beef/salmon/tuna), coconut, and avocado)
2. Get into deep ketosis
3. Prolonged water fast for 5 days at least
Good luck user

This too

So it started with just a strange sensation in my right hand. Not pain full at all, just strange. Then a few tremors in the hand in the next few weeks. Again not painful. I thought they were from too much adderall beer and coke on the weekends.

Was visiting my parents and went out for a 6 mile run. Showered came downstairs and had a grand mal seizure. The rest is history.

That's not my pic tumor was smaller

You can always try hot water baths. Inducing a bit of a febrile state by soaking in hot water for 30-45 minutes can supposedly help stimulate blood cell production and an immune response.

Your best bet desu OP is to continue with traditional therapies, but in the mean time, look at the medical science literature if there are any potential pharmacological therapies that show promise. I think the Right to Try legislature that was passed that grants you the right to access to experimental drugs to fight terminal illnesses. Just make sure you try to gather as much information as you can about your glioblastoma. It will help when combing through medical literature.

That really sucks OP, I wish you and your family the best.

this is legit advice i am also medicalfag

It's tough to stay on but my oncologist recommended it

Also God is real. Look up the CTMU. Get with teleology and utilize the rest of your life to further God’s will. God’s will is very much on our side, by the way... So don’t be too dissuaded from intercepting a wealthy global oligarch and introducing them to the wrong end of a stick, if you get what I’m saying... God bless user, hopefully we will meet in the afterlife.

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Mega doses of vitamin C can cure almost anything. is an amazing doc and has the best lipazomal Vitamin C in the world

>but there is NO evidence that they will cause it to regress or disappear
Oh look the cryptokike has arrived

CBD oil and black seed oil

You will need several items:

body thermomemeter
analog food thermomemeter
thick blanket or quilt

As I was saying, fill the tub with hot water. Prepare your timer for 10 minutes and put your earplugs in. Only when it is full, then get it and lie down on the side of your tumor. Do it fast, don't ease into it like people do at the swimming pool. You want to plunge the entire half of your body except for your nose so youo can breathe.

>Cancer feeds on sugar and cannot surive on ketones
the Warburg effect is only true for certain types of cancers that don't have OXCT1 or other ketolytic enzymes
glioblastoma and breast cancer (HeLa) both show no response to ketosis
Only diabetes and PANC-1 cancer cells have been shown to be experimentally vulnerable to ketosis
A cancer derived from a cell line that has low GLUT activity and high ketolysis already won't respond to ketosis

My neighbor had his removed. "Cured" it but the docs dug out some extra brain too. He was never the same, and by never I mean the extra month before he died anyways from complications, and left his widow with the bills...

Don't ever eat anything made with crops that are kept stored in a silo.

Look up Ranjit Bindra's work. Get on a PARP inhibitor to increase the effects of your radiation therapy.

I would hate to die like this , I want an honourable Klingon death on the battlefield

I know a guy who went out in three months from this sucker. Spend time with your family and then possibly try to contract Ebola and visit Israel.

Belt fed AR, level 4 armor, ground pin, g20 summit.

what will this actually do ? at least your meat would be nice and tender like boiled bacon