White people ain't shit

White people ain't shit.

Your "culture" ain't shit.

You ain't shit.

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ok thanks for stopping by Jamal, this is like the fifth nigger to stop by with the same narrative in the past hour

Go back to africa then you leech

>This is nigger culture

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It's way too based and redpilled for our current culture
Very appealing taste albeit old taste but still very good nontheless


This is what a REAL welfare queen looks like, you bigots

you are correct
we are not shit
you are the shit here

The only confusing this is why she isnt calling for mass beheadings like her forebears.

>Your "culture" ain't shit.
Thats why we are creating our own new myths

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Was that even fucking English? Holy fuck you hang out with Pakis too much there mate.

Sadly this id why the western world is becoming dangerously unpopulated as people flee it for africa and latin america

>nigger culture is still using white man inventions
>a tire and fire

Fucking peasants are lucky she only charges you a few hundred million. You’re all living on her fucking island.

If white people had culture then this wouldn't make them mad, but they no its true so it hits a nerve. whites are the most boring and soul-less race ever. Your mad I know but please leave POCs out of it

Fuck off back to Ireland then if you don't like white culture.

Do not insult our QUEEN.

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Your Iq...
Your self discipline...
Your station...
Ain't shit
Contempt from moss isn't much to shoes.

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Have you met a jew even once?




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One post by this id

Because everyone knows she doesn't have any power. The prince is marrying a 56%er

The percentage chance of this poster actually being black is in the single digits

>Political editor for a shithole Labour tabloid

Try harder.


It's a jew larping as black to provoke hostility, niggers have better things to do like smoke weed and watch dumb shit on youtube then shit up a mongolian basket weaving forum.

Wow the queen of UK have a lot of money!

you're right
i mistakenly implied that a nigger could figure out how to use Jow Forums

Sure I have, so what?

Why do these white hate threads get posted all the time when the majority of white people are asleep?

Why is every South African poster on Jow Forums a kike?


>o he maddd
Some of the worst nigger logic in existence

Meanwhile the British government makes boatloads off all the land the monarchs technically own but let the government use in exchange for said income.

South Africans love the Israelis because they both share the bond of being in foreign and hostile lands where they really don't belong.

Still waiting for you to reach peak annoyance with white culture and hop on the boat back to Africa
Still waiting

Checked and keked,

Based and treepilled

>good post
>no replies
i gotchu famalam, 5 star post

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then stop taking my tax money and fuck off to africa you filthy nigger.

What did she say about Brexit? I don't consume normie media.

OK, would you like your sticks and stones back?

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Look at this fucking nigger all angry and shit because his fake king is just some hollywood fiction bullshit.
Probably doesn't even have a golden piano, what a fucking faggot holy shit.

I'm considering getting into beekeeping. Would I be contributing to your cause then?

bosniakbro get the fuck out

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Wh*te subhumans invented fire.

Lmao cumskins