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I'll buy some if it doesn't go to some fag charity

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brilliant. Let's make this happen

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Of course this mongoloid cereal is from a FUCKING LEAF.

why is it segregated?
shouldn't they be mixed?

looks fucking gross.

Cereal is gmo garbage that is so packed full of preservatives that it barely counts as real food anymore.

>sugar the cereal now with diabetes

The most offensive part about it is how fucking unhealthy this shit is.

Looks disgusting adding fruity flavor with raisins as well as a frosty taste to fruit. ABSOLUTELY FOOKIN DISGUSTIN

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It's sarcasm you fucking twink

It's my first time seeing a cereal with a ziploc. Why aren't more doing it?

Yeah, that looks awful.

>eating cereal for breakfast
100% pleb tier garbage food for fat fucking retards.

>no black ones
Someone get the shitstorm started

no fucking shit you mongoloid. go shit up r9k.

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just like multiculturalism, its forever fucking ruined.

Which cereal are the white race? I say Frosted Flakes

It a metaphor for all the surgical alterations done to their rectums and genitals.

Ordered a box off Amazon a month or so back. It tastes like shit, the flavors conflict too much. The wheats soak up all the milk that gets flavored by the applejacks and fruit loops, the flavor is almost gag inducing and I hate to spit them out. The flakes from the raisin bran, frosted flakes, and just flakes all turn into some sort of teal colored blop thanks to all the sugar and food coloring which tastes just like the diabetes infused wheats but to a lesser degree. The rice krispies literally disintegrate because of concoction of the preservatives and massive amounts of glucose that turn the milk into some sort of super adhesive if you let it sit for more than 3 minutes.

The only thing that makes it out of that bowl of carnage alive are the raisins, they seem to be impervious to that disaster in a bowl.

the bag are the whites, desperately trying to keep this entire mess held together.

and the jews are the box, desperately trying to sell this shit to the masses.

You gotta be fucking kidding me. KEK

I'm never buying a Kelloggs product ever again



Fruit loops would have sufficed

Disgusting. That perfectly illustrates why multiculturalism doesn't work. Except they can always just stop selling the shitty cereal. We can't unmix our nation (without significant social costs at least)

I bet it tastes like shit.

Fruit loops is what the left thinks race is. Different colors but same taste

How can you eat this shit for breakfast?

You know they’re scared when they have to pull this kind of shit

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Doesn’t this just open the door for an argument that some things just don’t go together? Or that too much diversity weakens the whole thing? *some jab about frosted wheats being forced with raisin, also frootloops being the gays*

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some cereals were excluded in the making of this product

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if i need fag cereal i'll just jack off into a bowl of chex before eating it.

I don't understand the point of breakfast cereals, the healthy types aren't even that nutritious and the ones that people actually eat have the flavour of sugar poured into milk. It's soggy and disgusting filth, expensive too, you buy the biggest possible family value box and get 4 bowls out of it.

Porridge and granola based breakfasts are acceptable but the real breakfast red pill is that it costs less and takes the same amount of time and effort to have a morning meal like an English king, cook up eggs, baked beans, sausages and toast on the same pan within minutes for less than a dollar or 2 per meal. Takes 30 seconds to plate and then clean the pan.

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Divirsity tastes like shit and diabetes.

Will Keith Kellogg was a modern Puritan who thought bodily pleasure was a corrupting influence. He developed corn flakes to be as bland and tasteless as possible and encouraged circumcision in gentiles to deny them bodily pleasure. OP's image probably has him spinning in his grave.


>Consume this commodity to feel woke

capitalism really is amazing, it can commodify anything

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Diversity is our strength

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gay and, gay.

swept off the floor cereal

mmmm carbs AND sugar!? Diabetes Cereal has everything an obese kid needs!

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why the fuck are there so few Frosted Flakes? Wtf is the racist shit?

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Looks like shit

You have been freed from consumer slavery, m8. Eat your toast and eggs like a goddamn champion.

bro fucking fight me frosted mini wheats are bomb i will kill u

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people actually eat cereal? why?

You don't have the energy to fight because you've been eating frosted mini wheats.

damn, packaging ghetto breakfast cereal creations....some nigger better get credit for that shit....every ghetto rat has had mixed cereal....that's what you eat at the end of the month, when there's only a little cereal in each box and you're waiting for the food stamps to kick in...

I mostly eat steak meals, and chicken with cheese/bacon/veggies etc. I drink a fuck ton of whole milk though.

Convenience. When you get home late and you're tired and you don't want shitty pizza or other garbage you just want something immediately, cereal is there.

Everything is great separate, together it ruins your day. Great message 10/10

Gotta be fake

it's better than eating a fucking twinkie, and maybe i want five fucking pieces of fibrous cereal because it's tasty nigger

when i'm tired I just throw on some bacon and eggs or a bratwurst. it takes no effort to watch shit cook...

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ever tried real food?

Looks disgusting

Why do Ameritards still eat Kellog's even though the founder was responsible for the circumcision propaganda campaign that cost millions upon millions of burgers their foreskin?

>Every single industry in America from the media to fucking serial companies are now subverted by leftists and pushing the Zionist agenda like a creepy cult.

Don't worry goyim, I'm sure ZOG-daddy Trump will fix everything.

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Americans still buy foreign cars and pretend they care about their country.

That must taste like shit

I do that sometimes, I keep cereal in glass jars and when they are getting pretty low I just pour them together.
I don't really eat sweet cereal though so I can actually taste the mix, that stuff would probably all taste the same.

You mean the man responsible for genitally mutilating several generations of
American men, is promoting multiculturalism on a box of processed grain and sugar? Now that's just wild!

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bet that tastes like SHIT

Children love the colorful taste of our sugar covered animal feed.


frankist agenda at work

no u

Extremely powerful.

This is a strong argument against diversity

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I see voluntary segregation occurring in the bag.

Daily reminder John Harvey (((Kellogg))) created the myth that cereal is something you need to eat at breakfast. Literally one man is the reason why you eat that shit every morning because he fooled everyone into thinking its good for you.

It doesn't even need to be /lgbt/ to be disgusting. Should cross post that to /ck/ OP.

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GOOD "let them eat shit" EH?

It's just a big ass marketing ploy

>looks like actual dogshit
I had to check if this was real.

if your dogs shit looks like that it may have serious problems or be magical