I work overnight with an employee who is a racist bigot. He says the "N" word alot instead of african americans and he hates mexicans and native americans and he calls them "minorities" and should go back they came from and shit like that. That is all he talks about and he says that greeks are superior. I do not really take offense because it is all just words to me but others are bothered and no one wants to tell the boss because he is around 74 years old. I dont want to be a snitch and tell the boss. Any suggestions? Or should i tell the boss? Because it is getting out of hand
I work with a racist
But he's right. Greeks are the strongest people in the world.
So should i just let him talk and so be it? Laugh it off later?
>he is around 74 years old
Leave that trumpy senile imbecile alone.
>I do not really take offense
>but others are bothered
Oh fuck off you virtue signaling cunt. Leave the old man alone and tell the "others" to stop being a fucking pussy and letting words offend "them"
Thanks. Its kind funny but sad
Ignore this Jow Forums idiot. If the guy is being nothing but a big mouthed ass, you should tell your boss as it is hurting productivity (being a racist shithead aside)
If you're not hurt, you shouldn't do anything. Mexicans and Native Americans are fully capable adults who can handle their own problems.
Tell him he's based and offer him a beer
>he hates native americans and he calls them "minorities" and should go back they came from
????? Where does he think they came from
>letting words affect your productivity at work
Jesus what a fucking loser you must be.
Grow up child, we're not here in this world to make you feel comfortable
They came from Native. Same as how African Americans came from African.
Annoying retards should be fired immediately. It doesn't matter what their political beliefs are; if they're being annoying, being unproductive and/or making you unproductive, then talk to the boss and have him removed.
Thanks for the replies guys i appreciate it. I will let my boss know
Yet again you're letting other people's words affect how you feel and feel justified that an old man should lose his job for having an opinion that doesn't fit the politically correct world you're accustomed to . Again
Disrespecting people at the workplace is unacceptable. I get you want to defend the dude because you agree with him but not everyone is autistic enough to find this behavior socially acceptable.
>what is proper conduct in a workplace
You live in a third world country, I guess. Well, wealthy countries have something called proper behavior.
>He says the "N" word alot instead of african americans and he hates mexicans and native americans and he calls them "minorities"
>and should go back they came from and shit like that.
He says native americans should go back where they came from?
>That is all he talks about and he says that greeks are superior.
Don't tell the boss, but just read up on ottoman history and talk about how enlightened and badass they were.
How Janissaries were these elite troops that were very well off and stuff.
>proper behavior in the workplace
This guy works overnight with a fucking 70 year old man with a bunch of minorities. Walmart employee at fucking best so you're lucky they even have shoes on their feet so fuck off with your "standards in the workplace" bullshit. It's an old man he's not going to change his mind or bow down to some younger generation just because what he is saying or doing is wrong because old people plain don't give a fuck what other's think. And neither should you. Fuck off, grow up, and quit letting other's opinions enrage your narrow minds
You fags are literally less white than Turkroaches
At this point are Greeks any different from Turkroaches?
Turkroaches are actually less awful than gREEKs these days
Are we talking about ethnic Greeks or "New" Greeks?
Try doing it anonymously. Maybe record him in the act and attach a USB flash drive to a letter telling your boss he's acting racist.
Sounds like a great idea thanks
>I disagree with my coworker politically , he should be fired
Only if he is being extremely political in the workplace, otherwise no that is not going to help the situation
>How Janissaries were these elite troops that were very well off and stuff.
They were literally slaves given lavish houses and lifestyles in exchange for all of their freedom lol
Ottamana were some of the worst slavers in the entire world, far surpassing anyone in Europe at the time of it's existence
Holy shit Jow Forums is a reddit tier board
By "N" word do you mean nigger?
nothing wrong with that
hello polfag incel, hows that virginity treating you
>. He says the "N" word alot instead of african americans and he hates mexicans and native americans and he calls them "minorities" and should go back they came from and shit like that.
He's old and grumpy, I say let him be since it doesn't bother you at all. But you made this thread so you're lying about it not bothering you complain if it a issue for you not other people.
>african americans
"all black people are from africa, lol"
that's how you sound.
>he calls them "minorities"
Is he treating them as less, not smart, don't know how the feel, can't think, can't defend themselves? You know exactly how you're treating them.
deal with it nigger
>Calls others narrow minded while defending a racist
I'm not saying hes going to or should change, my grandfather was in the KKK and stayed that way until death. But he could hide it around my black friends and didn't turn down work from blacks or talk shit to his minority co-workers face. There's a time and place for everything, you're genuinely autistic if you don't know why this isn't acceptable lol