Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about Israel being anti-Christ. Enjoy: - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1" - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2"
Remember: The True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not in the earthly country we call Israel today.
>the jewish problem isn't a racial problem >the jew isn't a jew because of their blood but because of their religion >the jew is a jew by choice not by nature yikes. That's about as bad as "I hate niggers but love based blacks" bluepilled boomerisms
Well fuck my ass, it's over everyone pack it up CNN says it's all Trumps fault and basically all the gay is up in here and to be honest it's peaches 45 right?
>Cut the crap, you hook nose kike rat. No one is buying your subversion here. Don't reply to me or my posts again. uh huh Did you have to pass a training course on "how to talk like a real notsee"?
>do tell, what are these concessions Israelis want Golan Heights and Iran out Israelis want Syria to stop supporting Hezbollah and Hamas Kurds want their own state military and CIA want Russian influence out various groups in US want to help these causes >further meddling some want to divide Syria into multiple states
>He didn't read everything >He doesn't know that the infographic is made up >He doesn't know what I linked what sourced
Ian Cook
signing as reality tv star?
Easton Lewis
Holy shit!!!! Did you get this based digits yourself? Fucking kek is with us boys!
Jaxon Gomez
Literally all of it. There's videos of SEALs all over youtube saying their name and with pretty recognizable accents, looka t that one guy who was waterboarded on purpose for example.
Syria was a brilliant move. Afghanistan and Iraq next. Huge wastes of money. The only people who benefit are suppliers of war machinery. AAI Corporation Alliant Techsystems Auto-Ordnance Company BAE Systems Inc. Boeing Bushmaster Firearms International Colt's Manufacturing Company General Atomics General Electric (primarily through GEAE) General Dynamics Honeywell Lockheed-Martin Northrop Grumman Corporation Raytheon Corporation Science Applications International Corporation Smith & Wesson Sturm, Ruger & Co. Springfield Armory, Inc. United Technologies (primarily through Pratt and Whitney, Collins Aerospace)
Leo Clark
>Unsourced cherry picked story from local newspaper
James Williams
>I can't even tell if you're being ironic because that's literally what some people want us to think. You don't know what it feels like to live in an "emerging country" with weak democratic institutions, you don't know what it's like to be subjected to actual fascist policies, you don't know what it's like to wake up everyday, turn on the news and wonder if the retarded President (or head of State) decided to fuck the whole economy by doing some stupid decision to save his ass politically or help some of his friends.
Here in Mexico we didn't have an autonomous Central Bank until 1994, we had to suffer throughout economical crises, unparalleled levels of inflation, etc, and all just because of 1 decision from 1 man: the President.
See pic related: > >1994 a country with an autonomous central bank Respect your institutions, gringo, you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone.
if(OrangeMan.doesThing == true) { yell("ORANGE MAN BAD"); them.increaseShekels(this, 0.02); }
Liam Long
these thread infiltrators don't seem to understand that the whole point of this general is to laugh at the anti-trump crowd... coming to our turf is a waste of time you dumb faggots, especially when you parrot the memes Jow Forums created back at us because you think it's having an impact. we're just going to continue laughing at your stupidity until you scurry away with your rat tail tucked between your legs.
Delousing could obviously still take place with a high enough concentration in one area. There would be leaks, but enough chemical to delouse, brainlet. The argument she makes is stupid. She uses the point that we say "leaks would kill, wood doors wouldn't work" and the other that "you need to have air tight chambers for delousing" but those two are not mutually exclusive.
But there weren't wooden doors. Those are cherry picked photos. And I have a bunch of infographics debunking wooden doors but I couldn't be bothered to fetch them at 2 AM
Yes because King Nigger Obongo is an islamo-satanist, not a Judeo-satanist
Camden Peterson
still doesnt answer my question
Jordan Jackson
What the fuck is he on about? Navy SEALs get their pictures snapped all the fucking time. Is he just going to ignore delta guys getting snapped protecting presidents as well? What a fucking tool.
Isaiah Bell
There was a source retard. That guy debunks all your 'holohoax' infographics with sources. If it's unsourced it's probably not true like 3/4 of the jpgs in your holohoax folder