I think a lot of people are waking up to the Jew.
Not just pol. Not just alt right. Everyone. Hell even the niggers are starting to ask questions after that LeBron James shit.
Can you feel it pol?
I think a lot of people are waking up to the Jew.
Not just pol. Not just alt right. Everyone. Hell even the niggers are starting to ask questions after that LeBron James shit.
Can you feel it pol?
>you're counting up; we're counting down
>a lot of people are waking up to the Jew
indeed, op.
we've done our job wonderfully.
we are still in battle.
never wane.
just go to any WW2 video and its filled with people condemning kikes. I feel a shift
>I think a lot of people are waking up to the Jew.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
Oh I'm feeling it.
America stands with Israel.
>Trump just said Israel can defend itself because we give them enough shekels
>soi and centrist (((news))) being forced to talk about Jews and terms like "goyim" because of their coverage of the alt-right's actions
>niggers, beaners, Arabs, etc. becoming anti-Israel in order to "BTFO the white neocons"
It's a perfect storm.
>LeBron James shit
Quick rundown?
Not now Weinstein.
They shouldve never circumcised me. I will never forget and I will never forgive
And we're gonna ride the fucking lightning.
You should start posting a standard pic with your standard post.
> L James posts Instagram with rap lyric about Jews
> Jews go fucking crazy
> James apologizes
> niggers on social media platforms saying Jews are too sensitive and should shut the fuck up
Memes don't wreck Jews they own every government on earth explain to me how memes are going to win against that
>3 years of hyper Jow Forums, and another 2 of non-fucking stop happening Jow Forums has made it so I can not only spot a jew in public regardless of what they're wearing etc just from phrenology, but can see literally every pedo sign, and symbol, and zogbot in hiding including all the weird ritualistic kabbalah shit going on in real time
whatever this place has done to me has been good I unironically believe in christ now because of you fags thnx
The women's march was a shot show, but it was a huge shot show. Now that it's being destroyed as "anti semitic" I imagine a lot of women are getting pilled about juden
America supports Jews and hates nazis.
I realize it's ridiculous to have to post this but on this board people are really delusional.
Israel is not going to have any allies soon phew
Fucking checked.
Antisemitism will continue to rise until the jews do something drastic to the country. This will grab media attention.
That dude is the greasiest looking fuck ever
Bet I can guess what kind of Monster you drink
We put a man in the White House because we were bored and it was funny.
>tfw normies laugh when you talk about the jews yet they never refute or question anything you say because you know much more than they do
>tfw normies have started asking me to explain to their friends so they don't seem crazy
oh lord this timeline thank you jesus christ
eggsdeee was just a joke guise lmao we can go back to not hating jews guyst.post
Jews cant hide forever but the internet is speeding up the process immensely. Even the most non confrontational logical man could list off jew crimes all damn day and the only way you could shut him down is to scream antisemitism. The kikes have done their business all over the world leaving their finger prints for all to see. They will have nowhere to hide this time around
>whenever someone jokingly asks you "oh yes and it's run by jews too right"
>you answer yes
>and it's true every time
There is only so much their little peanut brain can delude and twist until it has taken too much
I think Jow Forums relies on the jewish crutch way too much
>Question morality
>Question ethics
>Question the need for American dominance
>Question fascism
If everything is jewish than nothing is you dumb fucking boomers
you obviously haven't done any research on the jewish question then
>friend used to always laugh at me and say "yeah i bet thats owned by a jew too, right?"
>i'd say "i dont know but yeah, probably."
>he recently got in contact with me
>he's in a complete mess, says he's been noticing more and more and looking into things
>he's realising that yes, it really is a fucking jew, every single time.
Thats ice poseidon
Why ever take any personal responsibility than if everything is just jewish faults
shut up, jew
Its like arguing circumcision with amerigoys. Normies just shut off their brain when they hear jews because they have been conditioned since birth in schools and media to laugh and shrug off any cohencidence or negative associated with them and view their entire people as perpetual victims.
But I think even for the normies, there is a breaking point. The mind can only handle so much delusion until it breaks.
>N-no my cut penis is ok
>I-its y-your uncut penis that is weird
one day they will see what the kikes have done to them. i hope
this! the final redpill has been spoken by a fucking slav!
I do see and it pains me every single day. It has warped me. I can only imagine what will happen when millions understand it as deeply as I have.
>[Paranoid kvetching intensifies]
At long last, you hideous kike monsters are right to be paranoid.
You can't stop what is coming.
For the hour of reckoning is here
Humanities consciousness is growing by the second
I’m glad I’m not the only one
Gnosticism is the true path
how do you think they own governments?
via wizardry aka "mememagic" is just another term for this
it's funny how the modern man has practically forgotten the meaning of words at this point and is arrogant enough to suppose that these ancient archetypes no longer exist and are no longer relevant for the modern world, when in fact it is the exact opposite
I was just on thestranger.com and it's literally a bunch of trump hating and Christian hating articles. Most of the writers who work there are JEWS (or atheists)
Scary shit.
And? He's a greasy looking retard piece of scum streamer faggot. You a part of le epic Cx army?
They are accelerating their efforts because of it, too. Expect a whole lot of happenings.
>If everything is jewish than nothing is you dumb fucking boomers
Kek, Spot on Vlad. When it comes to jews, they have the same negro mentality.
They claim the growing diversity is because jewish media and jews influence.
Basically they saying white people are so dumb that they cant think for themselves whats good for them and they need the jewish media to tell them.
this guy is not a jew you mongo
bombing syria on christmas probs didn't help public opinion. none of my friends had heard about it tho...
wow, that's kind of epic
He is a scumbag.
We need to let the black community know that jews aren't white
The game is up, Moishe
>acting smug when youre entirely propped up by money and power from us goy cattle and stolen tech from said us goy cattle
Hope your time comes very soon. I want to witness it.
eating LSD by the Kaaba, damn
>Hope your time comes very soon. I want to witness it.
no slave will talk to his master like that, you got that?
oh and by the way...say good bye to your country, mutt.
If we can stop you before you kill Europe it is a casualty that we can accept
even my Boomer parents openly admit the world would've been better if the Axis won WW2
It's so funny when this faggot got his 23&Me back as like 90% Jewish, and his mother was like "Oy vey Jewish is a religion not a race shlomo wtf!" He acted super surprised too.
Yes I feel it
>slowly redpilled my sister and her family.about Jews
>at first she scoffed and mockingly asked me if this or that event was because of the Jews
>slowly showed her information about who and what the Jews control
>then started showing her their blatant anti-white rhetoric in Twitter posts
>then started suggesting Mossad was behind 9/11
>she's slowly starting to believe me
>her husband is constantly sending me Jew/Holocaust jokes now
Unfortunately my.parents are full.boomer "God's Chosen" about Jews so I doubt I'll ever be able to convince them.
Yeeeeesssssss. RaHoWa soon. The future is ours, brothers.
>We been getting that Jewish money, Everything is Kosher.
That's anti-semetic!!!!
People start to realize Jews just whine no matter what.
Yeah you can see it their kvetching and false flagging threads on Jow Forums
Sounds like confirmation bias but I think we've all really know along
>Basically they saying white people are so dumb that they cant think for themselves whats good for them and they need the jewish media to tell them.
But it's true
"US is projected to be majority minority by 2044"
Oh the unbelievable irony... it's all so tiresome...
Too bad 21 "savage" swallowed his balls right after and made a whole paragraph apologizing
That and him getting shot at in Alaska was good.
>swallowed his balls right after and made a whole paragraph apologizing
I wonder (((why)))
S-stop it goyim!
>iphone in panel six
Audit and abolish
This is a kike
Note how he not only falsely conflates recognizing jews as usurers and corrupters with trying to avoid personal responsibility by shifting it onto the jews, but he can't even bring himself to use honest language and call it what it is, jewish MALICE - he says "faults", implying that even if jews do have negative externalities these aren't intentional or malicious.
Told you so, latinos are halfbreeds from the rapist slaver ratkikes. They hate and genocide the indigenous mayans and aztecs, the same as the ratkikes who have infected the european and persian indigenous bloodlines.
Ratkikes bring the niggers to lands they infect, ratkikes whip and sell the niggers, their favorite product. Berber ratkikes sold gentiles to arab halfkikes.
Now the huffpost sephardi murrano ratkikes try to pin it all on the ashkenazi ratkikes, but the ratface ethnicity dominates all branches now, plain as the nose on your face.
"What Is Pilpul , And Why On Earth Should I Care About It?
David Shasha, Contributor
Director, Center for Sephardic Heritage"
"The Ashkenazi rabbis were less concerned with promulgating the Law transmitted in the Talmud than they were with molding it to suit their own needs."
"In absolute contrast to the Ashkenazi method, the Sephardic tradition, grounded in textual reality and scientific principles, carefully parsed"
Some kikes want to play "good kike versus bad kike", is this World War Jew time? Or have all wars been?
Have all wars been started and inspired by similar kikery and the next generation keeps being left in the dark based on some "for their own good" kikery excuse brainwashing?
One kike tribe talks smack about how bad the other kike tribe is, gentiles, niggers and indigenous rally to one kike owned side or the other. Then shiksa goyim (insect cattle) are slaughtered in mass and massive arms deals bring profit, same as it ever was.
Take your meds bong.
I'm happy to tell you my gaschamber is inclusive of all tribes
"good jews" my ass
Happy Hannukaust
Share pictures of Christian celebrations in Gaza and the West Bank and them around their Christmas tree. Break the blind support US Christians have for Jews that are oppressing fellow Christians.
Pic related it's ramallah in Palestine which doesn't exist according to kiked (((christians)))
Sure, i can see it, but don't think it is all occuring naturally. Zionists have been using anti-semitism as a political tool by funding anti-jewish organizations, parties, radicals and talking heads in alt-media.
Anti-Semitism is is a trick used to scare the diaspora Jews into making Aliyah.
- Stalin (USSR) supported the creation of Israel. Then, a few years later, followed rumors of pogroms against jews. Many left for Israel.
- Joseph Mccarthy fueled anti-communist action in US partly to persuade jews to turn away from communism to embrace Neoconservatism.
- Flooding Europe with anti-semitic arabs makes jews uncomfortable in Europe, thus encouraging them to move to Israel or even Russia (ally of Israel).
- USSR funded Hamas and Hezbollah which are enemies of Israel, thus consolidating zionist efforts and uniting jews domestically and abroad.
- Russia's support of ''far-right'' in the West is a scheme to promote anti-semitism, thus making jews uncomfortable there. Putin calls for jews to go to Russia, if they feel threatened or are persecuted. Holocaust denial is illegal in Russia.
US is under attack morally and economically for now. Jews are encouraged to leave before ship has sunk. They can't count on US like they did before - americans are reluctant to make more wars on their behalf and want to withdraw. Russia would care even less about human rights, making wars and have influence in arab world which could benefit Israel. USA is an organism where parasites can feed themselves and later to be thrown in garbage.
Thank you for defining one aspect of a pilpul manipulation, our struggle is real.
Who makes jew jokes popularized? Then who in turn guilts and kvetches about such things? When i reality anyone but a kike or kike shill making a kike joke publically has been blackballed for decades.
What does the wird kike mean? Circle, a symbol of cultural defiance against the x or cross symbol.
What is heeb? A Hebrew, a reference to the ancient religious group, "how dare a shiksa truncate?"
What is a yid? A reference to the yiddish culture...is this "how dare you truncate" again? Or is this simply "how dare you name or identify the jew at all"?
The names kikes are identified with are always offensive to mention I guess, no matter how basic and nonoffensive they really are. Nigger was a word meaning stupid before blacks were labeled with it. Gooks, chinks, slants slopes, beaners, wetbacks, piefaces, potatoheads, pinkskinned ProtoIndoGoyim roundfaces... these kike invented racial slurs are based often on real insults and physical traits of the targeted ethnicities.
The ratfaces invented the supremacism doctorine, economically predatory ghetto culture, mobster "stop snitchin" repression undermining police authority, and demoralizing badchen shit jokes.
The ratfaces are the worst of the kikes, a major infection in all kike branches, and all ethnicitues worldwide now. The inbred suprmacist ratfaces are hypersexual and hyperaggressive. The destroyers who consume all and create nothing but conflict.
Kike is too good a name, this is an ethnic war, it has been for millenia, see the ratfaced masterkikes for who they are.
The US is the only resistance cell against total kikery, the only balance point that is not completely ratkike owned. The saddest part of a goyim halfbreed ethnicity is when they think they are "pure" gentiles when their leaders have giant schnozes and their ancestors paintings look blonde and attractive. The only surviving gentile diversity will be America, absolute kikery and poisoned slave races (asian technodrones clones and savage niggermonkey heroin addicted child mercinaries) will be the only thing to remain outside the empire.
This hybrid swarm of kikes have caused a global genetic drift towards their most inbred and defect laden aspects, surges in autism and cancer are apparent. The genetic bottleneck will mark the final nail in humaities coffin. The aggressive Wassmian mimics have forced their own selffullfilling prophecy of self destruction upon this world.
Making it clear to the niggerkikes that they always have and always will be seen as such, is the only chink in their nigger armor. Making is clear to the chinkkike hapas that they are niggers to the ratfaced masterkike ethnicity too is equally useful.
This is the best thing I've seen on here since MujahiDeendu
I used to think that, but then it turned out it was true pretty much every single time
Kikes are gross.
You literally can’t stop being a piece of shit. Shut your ugly kike mouth forever.