Why is this ok?
Why is this ok?
it's not, it's fucking revolting
I hate all white people
It’s time for war
well the French are pretty much niggers at this point
based and fertile-seamen-pilled
the whitening of africa
keep this up and africa may be an actual place for people to live
There's no chance that guy hasnt contracted HIV several times over
It would be OK if he had finished secondary school, or even better, had an advanced degree, but this was basically a white nigger impregnating actual niggers.
Still a genetic upgrade, just not as good as it could have been.
All his bastard children died of Ebola, AIDS or were killed to make voodoo medicines. Wasted effort.
Welcome to the World of super aids froggy.
plot twist ----- he was a black french resident
>A Frenchman of 2018 goes to have sex with African women
It's not race-mixing, so it's based.
what's the difference between killing them at 6 months and killing them at 6 months?
I'm a gay guy but have this amazing fantasy of knocking up as many girls as possible and ditching them when they think we'll be "together forever", particularly good religious girls whose family would get mad at her and her religious beliefs won't let her choose abortion. but only white girls. I'm also white. good thing I'm gay
Yes please let's have a war
>frenchie impregnates hundreds of African women
His dick probably looks like it got dipped in the FEV virus
This is why you're a faggot.
Thank God for HIV and STDs
he did them a favour, yes it's another mouth to feed for the blackl woman BUT that child will be more white and have 'ggod hair' it's prolly a status symbol among African niggers
Reminds of the journo cunt from Belgium (I believe) who was doing the same thing to North African women
What go on?
Is this is about white men from western european nations knocking up black women from African nations and the women raise Mixed children?
>French impregnates nigresses.
How is this race mixing?
higher iq on those babies probably future politicians and warlords
French hair can be curly as fuck.
>dreams of engaging in Heterosexual intercourse.
Make up your mind.
Is it the fold, or the prostate aka the Boi pussy that you want so badly?
Make up your
how is botswana?
A police man was hacked to death.
But other wise, everything is calm.
It's a fantasy.
Homosexuals having heterosexual relashionships should be flayed alive.
Since you posted a potato sized image:
First image is German colonies, then English, then French, then Belgian.
Because black pussy belongs to white men, nigger.
I heard Ugandan girls are qt as fuck
>fuck butt ugly nigress shitskin
>create more niggers
wow not only did you fuck up your life but you added to the growing nigger problem, how about you kill yourself instead?
Yes, his name was Philippe Servaty and he fucked over 80 moroccans in 3 years.
BLACK women belong to us.
and they love white cock.
He's doing God's work, raising them from monkey level
Are you black? Can you post a picture from your window?
looks like white titties to me
Based Estonibro.
>hang out and "drink alcohol"
>just chill and listen to millennial auto tune musics the YouTube
>be generation Zero.
Your grandchildren will be white.
there is nothing more sickening than a pregnant nigger. not even mango worms on a dog.
what really is happening is impregnating
Jungle Fever Estonian isn't fucking around,lul.
I have black gf but want my son to look like this what do
Female-to-male transmission of HIV is extremely rare. Moreover, Africa's HIV rate is overstated because many of the symptoms of HIV are also symptoms of being a starving African.
Did you found this out when you visited London?
I'm sorry to hear that man. It's the exact opposite here.
This. Having a bunch of wiglets growing up in Africa with no father or financial support.
French are worse than niggers.
Is this the same guy who took pictures of all the foreign girls he fucked and then put them on a website and now he is being hunted? I think hehe was French, does anyone know the website?
The genetic boost will make them dominant in their society.
Drink bleach then nut in her
OP won't want to hear it, but an interesting fact about slavery is that a lot of the black women slaves who were "raped" by their white owners loved every minute of it, and loved having light-skinned babies.
This doesn't mean that slavery (and sex with slaves) was right. But as far as this white French guy fucking half of Africa, well the fact is that wealthy women in Africa and Brazil and every other brown/black country are desperately seeking white sperm cells from fertility clinics.
OP probably already knows that most black women will treat their lighter-skinned child better than their darker children.
A dumb racist like OP would probably blame white people for this, just like a dumb KKK member would probably think that the NBA Slam Dunk Contest is rigged against white players.
Bleaching the whole world like this might be the key to white survival. Whites are only 10% of the world's population and dropping fast. Making Africa mulatto would be a huge step towards civilizing the continent and reducing the birth rate through high IQ behavior like wearing condoms.
Tommy Sotomayor says black women worship mixed race people
Now niggas be bleaching themselves.
The future looks mighty white. How long until all of Africa can afford skin bleaching products, and having an unbleached child becomes a sign of low status?
>The future looks mighty white
This actually and in fact more so than any time in history
You want your son to look like a cuck?
>have 42% prego rate
nothing to brag about rly
Demand For White American Sperm Surges In Brazil
March 23, 2018
The demand for sperm from blue-eyed, blonde, white American males is skyrocketing in Brazil.
Women are importing the sperm of American men at unprecedented rates, says a report from The Wall Street Journal, and blue-eyed Caucasian males are the most sought after donors.
"Over the past seven years, human semen imports from the U.S. to Brazil have surged as more rich single women and lesbian couples select donors whose online profiles suggest they will yield light-complexioned and preferably blue-eyed children," says the report.
Last year, over 500 tubes of frozen semen entered Brazil, up from 16 in 2011, notes the report.
"The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors," Fredrik Andreasson told the Journal. Andreasson is the CFO of Seattle Sperm Bank, a bank that procures about a fourth of the country's sperm imports.
With increasing gender equality, more and more Brazilian women are putting off marriage and children to establish themselves in the workforce. Additionally, the purchasing of sperm within the country is illegal. Thus, the demand for foreign sperm is unsurprising.
But why are Brazilian women yearning for the sperm of blonde, white males in a country where so much of the population is mixed race or black? The reasoning is seemingly economic, but also social, being tightly tied to the country's racial history.
Race is perceived as an indicator of wealth and prosperity in the country; it is estimated that over 80% of the wealthiest top 1% in Brazil are white.
"More than 50% of Brazilians are black or mixed-race, a legacy of Brazil having imported more than 10 times as many African slaves than the U.S.; it was the last Western country to ban slavery, in 1888. The descendants of white colonizers and immigrants — many of whom were lured to Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the ruling elite explicitly sought to 'whiten' the population — control most of the country’s political power and wealth," explains the Journal. "In such a racially divided society, having fair-skinned offspring is often viewed as a way to provide a child with better prospects, from a higher salary to fairer treatment by the police."
Brazilian women are reportedly requesting blue-eyed donors specifically to up their probability of having a child with fair skin.
And for the women with less money to spare on such a pricey process? They are looking to obtain the sperm they desire via Facebook. "Every month, scores of Brazilian men post offers there to impregnate women free, either by having sex or with a needleless syringe," the Journal reports.
"A 61-year-old blonde, blue-eyed male and his wife essentially run a one-man sperm manufacturing business from their home. João Carlos Holland de Barcellos "sees children as a way to perpetuate his genes and ensure his existence beyond death," says the report.
"It’s an atheist’s way to achieve immortality," said the sperm donor."
Just like with African food aid, they take what they can gibsmedat.
>having fair-skinned offspring is often viewed as a way to provide a child with better prospects, from a higher salary to fairer treatment by the police
>fairer treatment by the police
If they still look like a nigger then they get treated like one.
White genes are the gift that keeps on giving. Except in Africa, like in the US jungles, the light skinned kids will get bullied out of jealousy.
Niggers only get treated like niggers because they act like niggers. Nobody loves a civilized black person more than white normies.
And not looking like a nigger is probably great encouragement/incentive for not acting like a nigger. In fact, most black people who hate the way niggers behave would probably be tempted to lighten their skin, and avoid being perceived as nigger garbage.
It's pretty cool to that in like 1000 years this guy is going to have a serious impact on world population and a huge proportion is going to have his genes. That's power
I can't wait for the scientific studies that will probably show that crispy black kids who get their skin lightened show dramatic improvement in behavior at school and in the lab tests.
Yeah, just like Genghis. And niggers do this all the time in the US. In most ghettos, almost the entire block will be half-siblings, because one black "stud" fucks all the women on the block. It's the natural order of the jungle.
>French tourist
Probably a shit skin. If not, it’s what niggers do anyway, upset that it’s the other way around this time Tyrone?
>João Carlos Holland de Barcellos
>blonde, blue-eyed male
That's roughly two different women every single day. And I can't get one (1) gf
Your grandchildren will be white and there is nothing you can do about it, blackboi.
This is the guy
61 year old sperm though, that could lead to a lot of birth defects and high rates of disorders in the children
What matters is the whole package. That guy is spic and he's spreading no good seed. Finno-Ugric (pure white) seed is the most valuable and it's fact and I'm willing to impregnate any BLACK women here if they want because I love them
>bragging about fucking literal monkeys
The absolute state
>not a good thing
Fucking boomers get off my board.
I can't be the only person who has fantasied about bleaching the world and leaving a trail of bastards behind.
Southerners don't mind getting close to niggers as long as they don't get too upitty.
Yankees don't mind upitty niggers as long as they don't get too close.