Hummm... i wanna fuck a black queen poop hole
Hummm... i wanna fuck a black queen poop hole
Mentally ill n*gger lover
I saw a black girl in my town for the first time in my life yesterday, and I didn't think "I should hang that filthy nigger from the highest tree".
I thought how exciting it would be to talk to her, uncovering what made her as exotic as she is. I thought about how nice it would be to learn about her life, and learn about the world I never saw.
I pictured talking to her, eyes darting like those of a noble gentleman, looking anywhere else but in her eyes.
I pictured myself carrying her with ease, to a bed. I pictured myself, still with my clothes on, unclothing myself, and rubbing her silky-smooth dark skin with my rough, white hands, and her, squirming lady-like.
I pictured her unclothing herself in a slow manner, drawing it out, so I can have a good look at her body.
I imagined her slipping her hands under my underwear, and jostling my big white cock, rubbing her feminine, dark fingers on the precum-covered, sensitive tip of my big penis.
I imagined...
Damn black girls, I can almost give up on my national socialist ideology for you.
Black girls are the best user
Patrician taste
Sauce on that fine ass honey?
this is a new copypasta
>Black girls are the best to jack off to pictures of user
fixed for accuracy
feels bad man
I got chlamydia from a black chick once
Imagine them punishing you for the racist things you say on Jow Forums by making you lick their asses haha..that would be so bad!
stop fucking ghetto niggers user
This made me think, why is calling a girl exotic seen as the new "Typical straight white male" racist thing to say? Isn't the fact an Asian or black or whatever girl a minority testament to the fact she is in fact exotic to Americans? You can't be a minority and not be exotic. Is this just another thing to complain about men saying to have additional power over what they say, or do they just want to have their cake and eat it too?
God, imagine all the ass I have to lick and inhale, I'll never finish.
The horror.
>i wanna fuck a black queen poop hole
Should be pretty easy for a nigger faggot like yourself.
sure is
Hahaha, for whatever reason, you focusing on that one specifically, made me chuckle