>Tzeentch = elites
>Slaanesh = LGBTQ+
>Nurgle = leftists
>Khorne = Jow Forums
No khorne is antifa
Pol is the Imperium
Or is it...
>hurrrrr Slaanesh is der god of sex because dem titties
>Nurgle = leftists
fuck off
What about Malice?
/dyi=Adeptus Mechanicus
/b,/gif,/soc=Pleasure Palace of Slaanesh
Can't think of the others
Jow Forums is thothunting inquisition
Having witnessed, fisthand, many lefties buying old Volkswagen campers, old ambulances, school buses etc (or, in most cases getting their parents to buy them), to take up a gypsy-like "New-Age Traveller" lifestyle, complete with dreadlocks that resemble dried horse dung and a complete aversion to soap and water - I would say that lefties = Nurgle is quite accurate.
>announcing a sage
for what purpose.jpg
That title was still there from last nights session, but I did not sage this thread, as it's quite an entertaining one
Jow Forums is the inquisition.
It's malal and malal doesn't exist.
umm it's halal and halal does exist
Tzeentch = Jews
Slaanesh =trannies
Nurgle = bug chasers
Khorne = Islam
>the Emperor = the sole light in this disgusting universe and the reason you exist at all, you abominable heretic. Suck start a lasgun.
Tzeentch works in mysterious ways user
i think slaanesh has become important for lgbt representation in the game at this point and because of that trannies by official daemonette models so that view is staying.
if anything Jow Forums is black templars