Leftism is Unitology

The Dead Space devs really nailed it, didn't they? It's also blatant af if you think about it.

Turning the whole world into a spiritually dead, degenerate cesspool of consumer mutt creatures

Convergence is coming goys

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The initiator of all this was probably the spike in LSD consumation as "we are one" is a common perception especially among dumb leftists with no roots and spiritual grounding.

Just take a look at Lennons Imagine lyrics. Absolutely disgusting senpai

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the marker = black cube

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Damn, didn't of that. Makes a lot of sense tho

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> Diversity is our strength

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That explains a lot, like how fucking insane they are, the twisted mutilations and other fucked up shit.

Yep, I see it more of as an collective abomination of the minds and souls but the physical manifestations are starting to really look the part too

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funny rabbi you never put schumer in there or the other joos who destroy our countries.

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It's also the logical ending point of atheistic-determinism with a hint of gaian pantheism.


The jews are obviously also part of the lore. They are the fanatics building up the markers and ushering it all in. Leftists are the Necromorphs.

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Other folks are free to make their own. I just thought about it yesterday again when Ocasio made that tweet.

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Or simply Satanism

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Two can play this game, Isaac...

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You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

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Maybe through the lens of a brainlet. An healthy sense of unity and community with your wider family actually fosters the individual and elivates one spiritually. Leftist ideology does the opposite.

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>the end of atheism, materialism, and pantheism is satan
yep, sounds about right

Holy fuck it took you till 2018 to figure his out

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No, it's been a while but I was surprised I haven't seen anyone say it a loud yet. Only thought about it again after yesterdays strange Ocasio tweet.

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Exactly. There is a big difference between group cohesion and groupthink.

>basing your world view on video games and movies
grow up manchild

It's a nice visual and auditory simplified representation of reality and can easily br explained to normalfags. Which the devs did. Dunno how many made the connection back then but it's brilliantly embedded propaganda.

I don't play games anymore and you won't see me outside protesting with Necromorphs or dressed like Isaac like the Harry Pozzer fags.

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*Necromorph Leftists on a sign

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Dead Space was more of a criticism of religion, but you can find religious thinking in many political movements, even "secular" ones.

The protagonist was extremely critical of religion, and I don't think Isaac was a satanist just because he was agnostic/atheist.

>National geographic has predicted what the average European will look like in 2025 and it's stunning and beautiful.

If religion only meant morphing into a blob of gargling flesh I'd be against it too. Isaac is part of his own universe and makes sense in it. It's easier to paint it black & white in the context of the game.

The current left's/jews ideology reflects that fictious lore the best and it's not an atheist position to wanna curb stomp those disgusting twisted shadows's of humans beings.

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Top kek

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Unitology is the only religion in the game and takes inspiration from a lot of different real world religions in its marketing, and most scientology in its beliefs. I got huge catholic vibes from the cathedral section in DS2. You can make it out to be anything in the real world, like people who compare faggots to chaos gods in WH40K.

Religious thinking is the problem in all cases.

We as a species are going to murderfuck Slaanesh into existance don't we?


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Nothing wrong with LSD. You fucking weirdos who are against it are spooky weird cunts

Nah, don't see it at all. Symbology and visual representation especially in this case doesn't translate to the actual thing at all imo. It's there to invoke a feeling, establish a sense of eery familarity and make the connection of in what high regards they view their sick & twisted fantasy.

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Pleb tier but if you read my post again I was singeling out the infused marxism & the special folks getting duped by it back in the day. It was the perfect indoctrination tool.

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If you guys got more examples of these, best in video form please post em.
I'm thinking about making an entertaining video edit with Dead Space footage, real life examples and "Imagine" by Lennon underlayed.

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Good take, but I think it has to do more with creating a caste system and securing power. Make the commoners play with rules you don't abide by. Make commoners have a conscience, feelings, be tamed and obedient.
If you preach tolerance and "goodism" within a group it doesn't matter what you do or that you break your own rules. They alredy assimilated those rules while you never did, so you'll get away with it everytime because they won't break those rules.

That might be true for the real elite which governs over the blob but the lower agents as the regular jews themselves succumb to it and turn into a bizzare creatures.
They as the fanatics in Dead Space are like hosts carrying the sickness. Some turn immedeatly others later on in which the real life occult practices probably happening in the higher caste tie in.

And if you pay attention many of the overt degenerates also preaching it are jewish

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Not totally. They are priests of death, their creed stems from an inherent fear of mortality (in a cyclical sense of constant creation and decay) and longing for a perpetual utopia ... with them on top and with the masses sedated beneath them. They project this fear onto the masses who willingly absorb it as the prevalent bellyfeel. They are like broadcast towers of their own subconcious fears, only that compared to the masses they would HAVE the cognitive capability to acknowledge these fears. But like scared little children they instead remain in hysterical, self-imposed ignorance. This is the archetype of the priest of death, this is their 'original sin'. Stagnation, negation of the pain of our manifest destiny.

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I just this interesting thought -
commies went for 1984 style, crony(((capitalists))) on the other hand went for "Brave new World" with slight pinch of 1984. and that is the only difference between them. both sides were and are controlled by ((())) and it is basically just their simulation to see which system holds sheople down best. and current situation is their final answer to the unruly white people. all the while "no one sees what is happening"
hubristic, I know, and that is exactly what will be their undoing.

diversity is the opposite of unity
which is it? hitler wanted unity

Yep there is a reason why EA first ruined dead space 3 and then shut down visceral studios despite having a huge cult following. The writers were absolutely redpilled
>male white protangonist
>alien entity that turns people into “normie” biomass used as an army for a centralized command system
>pure horror

Diversity is only a means to an end if you haven't picked up on it already

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Unity isn't a bad thing, it's the contents of it

Already adressed it here, I agree.

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You know what other games they were behind before & after? I'm out of the loop

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You know this is not gas? Its liquid

>Comparing real life to a videogame


Put the time frames in relation to another and upscale it and they behave the same or very similiar from a far. That gif is a real timelapse I think.

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Art imitates life & the other way around

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vidya, books, art in general... see no problem with comparing that with real life. one can debate the value of said art, the depth of its representation or relevance in present (or discussed) timeline, but, otherwise, it is perfectly viable option. AND one of the few avenues for redpilling the normies

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Art is a perfect option to sneak a message through the psychological defences of indoctrinated core values. Especially pop-cultural art as everyone can grasp it ... this is the power of modern memes.

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>this left unity is degeneracy, better wash it off with good old fascism

It's like a growing tumor. And fascism is the chemo and knife flushing & cutting out the metastized dead flesh.

So yea.

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They developed a bunch but you can really tell which writers were completely redpilled. Dante’s inferno was another amazingly written game despite its mediocre gameplay

No wonder gamers are rising up when you got autists secretly red pilling an entire generation
Very cool

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Alright, last bump. Got stuff to do

Happy new year

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>My already low iq brain has been melted and the only way to express myself is though video game references


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"Convergence" ,as you call it, is the great tribulation that has been prophesied for a very long time.

One world everything.
The antichrist will use all the latest whiz-bang technology to simulate omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence.

You will worship him and take his mark, or you will die.
If you hang around for this phase of history, choose death.
If you'd rather skip the whole thing, choose Jesus.

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