Commie SELF CRITICIZES after losing debate

Commie loses to Spencer and Striker, self-flagellates for three minutes straight. This is fucking rich.

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wayne lambright's a commie now?

Jason "Unruhe" Caden.

a low IQ retard that could lose an argument to a breadbox

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Hyper cuck

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Hopefully it won't last. Jason is so disgusting, if he takes the redpill I'm becoming a commie just to get away from him

Self-critique is quite important for improvement and development of the communist theory you know, we engage in it all the time.

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Jason will become a fascist/NazBol within a few months. He needs to talk to Striker one more time.

That guy is a troll. Maoism Third Worldism is a running joke about leftism. It doesn't really exist. Jason once made a video about how Maoism can be applied to Dragonball Z, for example.

Inaccurate photoshop given the commie is the more aesthetic.

All commies are ugly, and the men are always effeminate. Physiognomy in action. The glaring lie in communism that it attracts anyone other than those unfit ugly bastards conforming to slave morality.

>liberation from capital is adherence to slave morality

Yeah sure. Nietczhes ideas about "natural aristocracy" sound lot more slaveish to me.

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How is MTW not a "real" ideology?

Why is this bad? I don't even agree with his position but it takes a certain degree of basedness to criticise yourself openly like this. He's a man at the very least. Whiny fucking Jow Forumstard white nat manginas like Molyjew are too cowardly to admit they were wrong.

What a toolbar lmao

i keked

>2 sides of the same failed ideology coin
>both are huge faggots.
>people actually watch this shit
>think they are changing the world

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>once poverty is eliminated in a socialist country


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Spencer lost are you a retard?

Self criticism will just lead you to capitalism

Because all of its adherents act like loons who are obviously taking the piss.

Here's a choice video from "MaoismLinBiaoism" (Mao had Lin Biao killed):

Not watching that sperg. Shill your kikery elsewhere, faggot.

And then the next minute
>HURRDURR BOSH YHE FOSH for doing the exact same.thing we do
Dirty, lying, treacherous bastard.

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He did? I didn't watch.

The whole thing seemed like an absurd sideshow.

I always thought this guy was doing a comedy, performance art sort of thing. It’s too goofy to be real.

Using one term by a certain philosopher that aptly describes a certain phenomenon is not the same as being a slavish adherent of them.

Posting Mike Enoch doesn't negate the fact that fascistic/nationalist ideologies are centered around masculinity, militarism and strength. Such ideologies necessitate strong men, or for the individual ideologue to work towards physical improvement.

Modern communism demands its adherents be weak, stupid and effeminate as a contrarian stand against fascistic principles. It also demands gender neutrality. It is the antithesis of strength, and by design. You idiots violently uphold Google's HR policy, and corporate slaves must be weak and effeminate.

Also, on the Mike Enoch question, the picture you posted is old. That guy has lost a ton of weight and is on a daily lifting program with his co-host Sven. He's in his 40's and this is the first time he's ever been on a workout program. Proof of concept related to right-wing politics. His ideology and followers demanded he work to gain physical strength, and he is now doing so.

Communism would have just told him to cut his balls off and prostrate himself.

>communist theory
>the question of how they they can credibly adhere to a theory that directly led to over 100 million deaths never comes up

Hi Mike.

Did I not mention that Communism also demands its followers be stupid?

And yet every attempt keeps making the same damn mistakes.

>Kekistani flag
>Sees self-critique as stupid

checks out...

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I think "extremist" causes on both the left and right attract a lot of broken personalities. Because if everything is peachy in your life then why would you become a [insert radical ideology here]? Of course a lot of normies do as well. You get what I'm saying though. Anyways the ideology becomes an identity and fills a void. But the ideology is often based on a more or less reasonable worldview compared to say, I dunno, becoming a Star Wars fanatic or something.

>Muh grillions

Shut. the. fuck. up. When making an omelette few eggs are bound to be broken. Sure, 20,40,60% of the population might have to die in process but the rest will be taken with us to fully automated luxury communism.

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>Modern communism demands its adherents be weak, stupid and effeminate as a contrarian stand against fascistic principles.

Stop mixing neoliberal globalism with marxism/communism/socialism. This has been discussed before, lurk some more or actually KYS yourself faggot. As a matter of fact stay where you are, we will find you.

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>Sure, 20,40,60% of the population might have to die in process but the rest will be taken with us to fully automated luxury communism.
You had me going for a minute but that one was too obvious. Dial it back a little next time.

There is no way commies win a debate other than deplatforming or shooting the other in the neck with a Nagant revolver.
Especially if you larp as a Maoist.
Mao would have put all of these bourgoise weedsmoking slackers in a work camp or in medieval agriculture were most of these astmatics would die because these fighters for the working class never actually worked a day in their comfy lifes.

I see nothing wrong in what he said

And he's the MVP of antifa commies, the final intellectual boss, if you will.

Molyjew is jew nat not white nat.

Apparently he's in some NazBol Facebook group where they constantly try to convert him.

>"you were in their echo chamber anyway"

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>once poverty is eliminated

Really makes me think

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Communism is indefensible because it has been repeatedly tried and always fails, as the core of the ideology is inherently flawed and does not account for human nature or biology at all. Not to mention the fact communism is simply repackaged Talmudism, where one elite cabal (Jews) own all of the property and lord over slaves. If you're ever wondering why so many Jews were involved in spreading communism, that's why. They were literally attempting to force the Jewish version of Heaven.

Meanwhile, white ethnonationalism is the only logical end-point for anyone who is a white Western descendant, as the Left has outright declared they're going to dispossess and kill you off. There's no tenable political positions against that. Not conservatism, not libertarianism, not Boomer-esque hippie "lets just get along" garbage. You cannot co-exist with people who swear they will destroy you. Eventually everyone will react and move into a self-defense mode, and that self-defense mode is white ethnonationalism. It's inevitable. There is no way to avoid it.

The man in the video makes some cogent points. My noodles have been nettled.

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Debate's over faggot. You lost. Either invite them to your after-party or suck it up and practice debating for next time. I have no idea who any of these faggots are but this reeks of leftism.

Can you imagine? Someone birthed that creature. Someone waited nine months to bring it into this world, then raised it into adulthood over a span of two decades. And where does it end up? Like that. A slab of packaged meat.

The whole Jewish mind tricks thing as explaining communism seems a bit bizarre to me when most self-professed communists in the world today are Indian and Chinese. They have wider reach than I thought!

Anyways I wouldn't really worry about it.


You're a shit troll and you're not smart enough to post on Jow Forums.

someone so ashamed of his country that he hides his flag posts about a nobody's reaction to two other nobodies
>this is peak Jow Forums

>most self-professed communists in the world today are Indian and Chinese.
People adopt and pervert the practices of others to suit their needs all the time. Look at voodoo. It's a mix of Christianity and African animism. Chinese communism is not the same as Jewish communism. They had a schism about this very thing in the 50s and 60s, if you recall.

No, that is that gay Zizek guy

It speaks even worse on Spencer and the Spencerites for thinking this faggot is ideal for recruitment into his little cult. He's such a faggot.

Arabs too, most are left-leaning

When you're balding, but instead of shaving it all off like a man you decide to compromise like a pussy.
What a fucking faggot.

So funny for people who used to watch Maoist Rebel News(Jason) to see him face this much backlash.

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Oh yes. The Sadrists are in coalition with the Iraqi Communist Party.

To critique yourself you need an actual ideology first and this clown has none.

he's not wrong you retarded commie

I'm still not sure what Spencer's goal was. He must be bored.

>communist reasoning
>not circular

struggle sessions and "re-education" are not self-critique, chapo fag

Syrian government is also socialist.

When two retards are debating, nobody wins. Let the Jow Forumsyps think that their fuckboy Richie won.

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>why do people keep calling this Jewish ideological creation jewish
Come the fuck on dude

He's got the Spencer-shop cut.

>communism is coooool, maaaaaan
>look at my radical tubular mohawk brah, I'm hip and with it
That's basically it.

>sending message to my landlord

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those SS bolts are shitty

He's irrelevant without the media astroturfing him into something so he's desperately flailing around and engaging with everyone and everything that could possibly bring him an inkling of attention

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one more faggot that hasn't realized yet he needs to fully embrace his nazi identity to be coherent

wow this guy is talking nonsense its even more comical then his haircut.

If Spencer was smart, he'd write a book rather than whore for media attention. His ideology isn't wrong, though often unguided and sloppy, and he carries himself with the elegance of a 15-year old female Youtube star who is mad that her fifteen minutes of fame are up.

> Let me clarify my opinion so I don't look retarded
> Want to send armed gang members into U.S. to collapse the country for the sake of the "third world"

His whole ideology is a form of self loathing and wanting to bring everyone down to his own level of misery. Its laughable how they claim the moral high ground.

I literally cant tell the difference between parody and reality anymore.
Also I agree with his point about forcing "skilled" 3rd world labour to stay in the 3rd world.

Anyway, it's hilarious that his people purity spiralled so hard they treated him like a fascist.

I also kept looking at this.

>His ideology isn't wrong
His ideology is wrong though, he's an oversocialized metrosexual intellectual that's read one too many books. I've never seen someone so obsessed with power squander and destroy it every time they even get an inkling of it. He didn't even build his current youtube channel.

>His ideology is wrong though,
Nah, see
White ethnonationalism is an inevitable political movement that's slowly gaining steam. He's just a very terrible evangelist for it.

Hello Jew pig

Strasserism and WHITE JUCHE!

It's a wolfsangel you normie.

>The Richard Spencer show
the absolute state of Joachim.
>start your own format
>everyone only bothers tuning in for Striker
>do a bitchfit powerplay and ban him from the stream

>end up with the exact same paradigm, but now you even rename your show for him

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What was the point of engaging with this loser of losers? If you'd ask Striker and Spencer, they'd unironically see it as a positive if this faggot converted and flew under the banner of the "Alt-Right". They're so fucking delusional and detached from reality. If you think David Duke is appealing to anyone, you're too fucking dumb to have an opinion on politics and should shut the fuck up.

Quit conflating the perennial nature of man with Richard fucking Spencer, the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other. I would bet 10k that Spencer has never converted a single person to ethnonationalism, he just swoops in and collects the most undesirable elements that already identified as ethno nationalists. Spencer believes in a conglomeration of Guillaume Faye, Spenglerian, and Oswald Mosley ideas, he is NOT an American nationalist but the exact opposite. He praises Marcon all the time for having "vision" and "foresight". I don't know how to really get it through to people who still don't get it, Spencer is straight poison and should be identified as such.

the guy was a bitch from the start a little johnny come lately who thought its time for him to get some of that superchatz moneyz but he totaly lacks mental capacity to even properly moderate a conversation others have.

He's another faggot who larps as some sort of Machiavellian Ceaser-esque figure who's greatest accomplishment is a fucking jewtube channel. These aren't serious men and they attract unserious people. There is no difference between Jewchaim and Kraut and Tea

lmao, if you're on leftypol unironically AND NOT jewish.

you're the stereptypical "no brain wojak"

>american nationalism

ah yes, preserving the roots of rootless europeans.

>automated luxury communism
Hell on earth.

Marxists don't tend to claim the moral high ground (at least they shouldn't; morality is a trap). "When our turn comes, we will make no excuses for the terror" isn't exactly a moral statement.

America was already what pan-European nationalists want to create, it's since been subverted and now the state is controlled by hostile forces, but you already know this.

this piece of shit exudes weakness, why would anyone listen to him either way? fat fuck with shit hair, unhealthy and, shit genes and shit life style

Anyways third-world invasion to pulverize the West isn't that crazy. It's basically the plot of Dune except in space. Believing Donald Trump or Beto O'Rourke is going to save the planet? Now THAT is crazy.

whatever you say commie
can't wait until you're lined up on a wall
no one will cry for you rats, kids will walk to school as we mow you all down and then move on to the next line to be executed.

Is dick-Spencer unironically good at debating? I heard that he beat Sargon too.

People have a problem with identifying things for what they actually are, the "Marxism" that people refer to today is just a vehicle for brown ethnonationalism. This is why they add the qualifier of "cultural" to it, they see the world through the only means they can, and "racism" is still the devil to them.

What the fuck does it matter if someone is Jewish? Its not indicative of ANYTHING

but only a retard can believe communism is a viable economic system
its literally economics for poor morons who will believe they are equal while being poor slaves still after having to hand over whatever they had

got banned after shedding some light in that shithole, not much progressive thinking can be found there