PizzaGate isn't rea

Attached: Walnut sauce .jpg (719x659, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times

No, it hasn’t you braindead fucking shitskin imbecile.

Holy fuck my neighbor is a mechanic and was arrested for being a pedophile! Do you think there
is mechanic led child sex trafficking ring? Why aren’t we investigating?

lol when? and how? by the mainstream media? yes, good goy. "debunked" and no need to EVER discuss it again right? fuck off you literal stooge

OP is a schizoid retard

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Like a clockwork.


Maybe, let's get to the bottom of this

Kill yourself rabbi.

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Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times

got to work faggot

Writing that in every pedogate thread wont make it real you dumb commie flag

That’s not pizzagate retard.

Now i understand, you are bots!

Your mom is a bot, faggot

Pizzagate was never about pizza places, and always about the pizza codewords in Podesta emails. kys.

I was a skeptic on Pizzagate, but these creepy YouTube vids targeted towards children has made me think

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Speaking of international child sex trafficking, there's a new Finders documentary coming out in the next few days. Supposed to have new info, so expect me to shill it here if it's any good.

There was a Pizza Hut ad a few months ago on tv that showed a young girl eating a slice of pizza. I was shocked and disgusted. What more proof do you need? You’re not a Jew are you?

Keep that walnut sauce to yourself, user.

Obviously the only way to protect our nations future is to ban italian food of any kind.

Pizzagate truthers are the original Q retards

It's not the pizza restaurant of your mythology though

Pizzagate absolutely is real. But not everything about it, and certainly not the bullshit accusations the media claimed were part of Pizzagate.

Do you play dominoes on pasta?

It was partially about pizza places, but only specifically because pizza places are common fronts for mafia and other criminal activity.


Pizzagate was debunked.

This based snopes already debunked the pizzagate theory

Oh boy you better check whether your mechanic was a quintessential british paki

Your faggot is a mom, bot!

how about we all take some time and enjoys the ''art'' of ones of podestas favorite artists

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Pizzagate isn't real because pizza is a food and not human trafficking

food words lmao

I haven't read anything about it but that sounds really silly to me

orange man bad

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let us also not forgot that the shooter at comet ping pong only shot once and somehow hit the server. certainly an odd coincidence

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No it wasnt

>obv b8
>10+ replies
10/10 nu/pol/ b8 my nignog

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Ive debunked in your father's ass multiple times

clue or no clue?

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pizzagate was debunked all the proof you have is obsolete henceforth. google snopes pizzagate if you dont believe me i also think the times did one too its all fake news guys but i think it was just an interview with pedota and he talked about the damage done to his name and business because of all the lies. all the links he has with politicians also has nothing to do with pizzagate but it always gets brought up like a dude cant have a few powerful friends and like weird art without being up to no good.

Eat shit, kike lover.

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great observation

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times

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>falling for shit tier bait

you know Snopes is 2 libtards working out of a spare bedroom in thier house , right? working in bathrobes.

I don’t believe there’s an international elite ring running out of it involving the Clintons but after reading the emails and Alefantis’ old instagrams, there’s 100% something sinister going on.

> muh drencrom
You truly are retarded. You do know that shit is just oxidized epinephrine (aka adrenaline) and can be easily and perfectly synthesized, don't you?

Just weird art

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no one ever said comet is the base of an el ite child trafficking ring. the clintons though are very much involved in this.

Google pizzagate and debunked.

you do realize that its not the same? the adrenaline and fear generated in the bodies is what gives it the essence needed for their (((magic)))

Its just weird art, guys!

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yeah you just dont understand because youre not sophisticated enough

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it isn't real

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was is das?


Just doing my part to attract authorities ITT so they can see redpills being posted here.

Of course, i just need a better understanding of art!

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Wtf, never seen that one

pizzagate has been verified six gorillion times

plenty more where that came from

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this screams satanic no shit don't believe me look up yezidi peacock worship, and how they believe satan to represent the peacock like azazel represent the goat

Haven’t seen that one before, what the actual fuck?

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Modern Art is used to launder $$$ for Alphabet agencies Arms & Dope sales, pay off sources/off the books contractors, etc.

many of these "artists" are raised in this "world" (ie children of parents whom are life long operatives living under cover as "a family" in one place/key "job", etc)

The orbiters of these scenes are also involved... on a different tier (MK-type social conditioning/Culture Creation" programs)

What you all are stumbling upon here is their little sub-culture. Pizza, hearts and aliens having a different symbolic meaning.

A majority of these people are clearly homosexuals and pedophiles, since they have basically grown up in a completely illusory world parallel to society. They have a messed up moral compass because they believe THEY live in the REAL WORLD... and everyone else lives in the ILLUSION.

This is true, I am one of them... but also true that both are real and connected

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There actually is.

People just focus on the pedophilia and 'satanism' and ignore the hidden camera blackmail part. The group that controls intelligence agencies orders them to set up human trafficking rings for the purpose of blackmailing large swathes of puppets and the oxbridge/ivy league section of them get pushed into politics.

People don't understand this because most people don't have real deductive powers. Most of the human population are only retards, people with animal-level cunning and autistic savants that crunch data. Real deductive powers are why schemes fly below the radar, because people cannot read between the lines. It has nothing to do with the type of intelligence that makes you good at STEM or being a huckster.

True powers of deduction are more present in cultures where people can argue among themselves and handle psychological confrontation without resorting to physical violence or passive aggression/stonewalling to block out mean words.

The two foremost major entities that have this culture of bickering without silencing people or punching each other in the face to silence them are Jow Forums and Judaism. Jews have the highest capability for psychological confrontation and lowest threshold for resorting to violence when bickering. The chan system of not ban-curating opinions mimicks Jewish cultures and allows effective group behaviours to flourish.

That's why Jews really took over, because every other race talks in statements and punches people in the face to avoid debate and therefore develops no deductive powers.

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theres a peacock in this one

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that's some low-level glow bait ya got there
you think yer hot shit dontcha?

Hello CIA nigger, please arrest or kill democrat pedophiles. Which means all of them.

post them all or a link to the artist i lost the link and artist name

here you go user

>they believe THEY live in the REAL WORLD... and everyone else lives in the ILLUSION.
and they're wrong how exactly? millions of retards believe tavistock's talmudvision psyops media unironically, without and afterthought or reservations
meanwhile these niggers on the other side of the veil really do live in the real world where the real shit is going on

They have a Branch in the UK, too.

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Thanks I had saved it last year for a potential Post Apoc game creature ideas

you're not wrong. however, the means and practices these fuckers do makes them think theyre ''enlightened''. faustian pact

communism has been debunked multiple times.

You really are retarded. I'm sorry for your family's burden.

Where is this in Pakistan?

what about republican pedophiles? what about ancap pedophiles? what about fascist pedophiles? what about the reason how pedophiles ended up in power (blackmail and organized murder) and why they sought absolute power? whatabout the fact all ideologies are absolutism by any other name and by any other means? what about the fact that all people are literally abolutists and they just differ in semantics?
anyways, without having an emperor and us all getting up off our asses to do the real physical work necessary to be able to name him augustus, there's really not much we can do at the current moment to dethrone the pedos, the blackmail and capability to mass murder they posess is too strong for our forces to cohesively break through the zeitgeist, all we can do is poke holes at it and hope to weaken it and distract it while we work to move to an imperial absolutist civilization

It’s always those well established community loving business owning team coaching good samaritans that always end up being the pied piper. Goys........... I think I met a similar person in real life.....

begone shill

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wholeheartedly agree and i know that's what you meant, but your phrase really made me think about it

who got anyway?

why dont you tell us the info then


yep, why do you think they're so (((well established))) why do you think they "love" (((the community))) so much? why do you think they own a business? why do they put so much effort into appearences?

the end for chris steele

Who that?

>1 post by these IDs

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you forgot
>1 post by this ID
fpbp, nu/pol/ BTFO

Didn't you JUST SAY he was arrested?
>>that's why dumbass

Pedophiles are just like those 900 pound whales you see in the US where you have to bulldoze the front door to get them to surgery, they way they are psychotic about food. They only care about pedophilia, like how serial killers have an urge to kill continuously.

They're not the ones with real power, they're the puppets that get blackmailed. All those cults that promise hidden knowledge from geometry/magick/sacrificial offerings etc including freemasons follow similar models where you get 95% of the membership who are at the low ranks - the ones on Jow Forums you see shilling for Freemasonry saying its just a bunch of old guys drinking who are apprentice masons - only a minority of them are scouted for sociopathy and how easily controlled they are by perversions to proceed to the inner circle. These cults and their 'satanic' nonsense may be believe by the membership but the people running it at the top are just using it to photograph VIPs engaging in the rituals to blackmail and control them. Scientology is tax-exempt because it functions similarly to masonry in that they have degrees of initiation to weed out people who have a moral compass before they start making them carry out serious crimes.

The whole staggered ranking system is to weed out whistleblowers and having most of the membership as clueless low-ranking people who aren't part of the inner circle singing its praises is very beneficial.


yes, the lower levels are clueless to what the top dogs do. most of those freemasons are blue lodge which have no clue what goes on. the red lodge a different story. i believe theyre guided by something sinister. i have heard to become a 33rd lvl gayson you must give up your inner christ consciousness and transfer it to a luciferian alliance

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user, the world is much more than what can be explained away by science. The supernatural exists, you just need to open your eyes to it.

there are no republican pedophiles. May be except for Bush family. Basically there are no rightwing pedophiles because rightwing do not support degenerate behaviors. get fuck memeflag nigger