Alex Jones off Scott free?

This dude actually caught dead to rights, watching transgender porn, came up with the most bullshit over the top lie I’ve ever heard. How is it that he’s only been confronted about this once? Can you call into infowars if you’re just some dude browsing his site? I wanna ask him about it.

Before you say anything I don’t mind anyone watching what ever porn you like(except for the big No-No) but he’s been pretty hostile towards transgenders so he needs to be called out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

there is nothing wrong with liking or being trans

Did he finally address it? I never heard.

>Alex Jones

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What was the lie/excuse he used? I never saw

That’s wrong. It’s really self harmful and idiotic to be trans. You need medical professional help /counciling for the condition known as gender dysphoria not to cut off limbs, take hormones and eventually suicide

because no one watched him unironically. 95% of his viewers would not care at all.
also this

I wish he was still on youtube when this happened. The shitstorm would have been way better than it was.


Damn I didnt know he was a man of taste

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Our prophet has shown the way. Traps aren't gay.

it was an office joke to show the boys is what he said.

It's because nobody has ever actually given a shit about alex jones.

I dont think journalists would want to speak to him never works well for them. And why would they? Hes pretty much successfully censored for now why would media give him attention.

a tranny fetish is completely normal. fuck off boomer scum. who wouldn't love to suck bailey jay's or blaire white's femdong?

no. many trans girls are actually pure. more than regular girls i think.

>transgender porn
Say it with me. Tranny porn.

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if you want to bottom its kinda weird but if you want to top it just shows you’re a real alpha male

in the future roasties will fade away forever

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why does it matter though?

>if you want to bottom its kinda weird
no, it isn't

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The fact that OP wont even say Tranny, outs him a SJW.

suck that dick, op. no1 does it better than u.

im not judging, if you like it good for you, you should enjoy it. I just do not like that kind of thing.

The thumbnail shown for the tab is also the thumbnail of the video, implying that either he paused the video at the exact same point, or he never watched it.

Saint Jones did nothing wrong.

>trying to defame Alex the same week we were all jacking off to Daisy Hogg pics

Fuckin retard

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I prefer sackless reverse fairy.

your role is just as important as our role to you
we need both kinds of people, sadly they are rare

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i wonder why you never felt at home in your own country. you’re obviously not just a rude asshole.

No one really cared other than it was fucking hilarious “I’m a man!” Alex Jones isn’t into tranny porn.

>coming from a broke ass bottom bitch

Go take a mile of cock, fag.

Even if tranny porn was his thing I don't care. Most of the faggots here watch the same or worse shit. This is a petty attack and Jew kike faggots like op are looking for anything to shut Alex even further.

They are guys and you are gay

>liking feminine features is gay
thats rich

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it's a woman with a penis. what's there not to like?

Holy shit didn’t expect this many replies this fast. Just to reiterate it’s completely fine to like tranny porn, gay, bi, straight, it’s all good, but the problem here is hipocrisy not what he’s into. His lie btw was it was an ad that popped up and at the same time he said news outlets blurred it to look like something was there? Idk you gotta watch the video just look up “Alex Jones addresses trans porn” it’s hysterical his face gets all red and he starts getting super flustered. My main question is though does he take calls when he’s live?

dont forget a superior male brain

That's where you are wrong, kiddo.
I once dated one of those "women" who have XY chromosomes but never developed a penis or had balls due to genetic defect. in my defense, there was never a dick where the pussy was. But I can say it's true: they do have small vaginas and it was like trying to stuff my dick into a shot glass. Her breasts were also hard-ish, unlike the usually floppy breasts that I expected (we were both over 40).
Want to know something?

I still had to deal with drama and shit tests.

You would think "oh hey huge male brain but it has a vag! I'm in like Flynn!".
For my experience I learned that a good deal of the way women act is due to their station in life. There is a lot that is attributed to the hysterics of a brain swimming in estrogen, that's a given. She did have a male brain in other aspects where career and finance was concerned. Unlike most women she was not only not in debt but was actually rich with lots of money and assets.
But I still had drama and shit tests.
Now, imagine all those numales out there, those urban hipsters with their lattes and skinny jeans. Look at the drama coming from that crowd. There's more going on than just hormones, but I'm not here to dispel that. Another example: manlets. Look at how they act. Some effort has to be made to navigate causes, and women are indeed naturally hysterical because of hormones but people in certain situations are going to do certain things. Simply having a male brain is not enough.

>"women" who have XY chromosomes but never developed a penis or had balls due to genetic defect
thats just a genetic disaster and you cant cherry pick that as your example

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He came back the next day very flustered talking about how people make up lies about him and he can't address every one.
So, he attempted to convince people it wasn't true without flat out denying it and lying.
He was still on YT I'm pretty sure. The MSM didn't cover it because nothing wrong with trannies and also they didn't want to discredit him with his base listeners.

He was probably just browsing/pol/ you faggot he’s essentially our guy

He was asked about it live on air and addressed it as a pop up. But you dont get an xvideo like that as a pop up. I should know ive been on the internet a very long time

Yeah there is homo

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Op is a complete faggot, can't get enough of Alex Jones. Just submit like the tranny bitch you are.

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CHN breaks down Kevin Spacey word for word in the first 15 min of his show.
>cup mug is a symbol of the Queen of England and a threat
>he might be in witness protection
>he is definetly threatening Hollywood and elite
>he might flip

Interesting timeline this is

I forgot about that lol but I still don’t give a fuck. As long as he’s not fapping to cp or animals , I don’t give a fuck.

Right on que, who could be behind this post?

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Fuck off, I know why (((you))) are attacking AJ

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Nice try asshole

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So watching a guy dressed as a girl fucking a girl is gay?

>hostile towards transgenders
Who are satanic pedoohiles.

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>being transgender means you automatically want to rearrange your gentiles
You're fucking retarded user. You're not even remotely correct either

Porn in question has guy dressed as a girl fucking a girl

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What? The video Alex Jones had open as a tab in his mobile browser is "Marissa Minx fucks a guy".

Who cares?

I saw what appears to be two people dressed as a girl, one biological girl and one biological guy

At worst Alex is a fag and I would have to amicably seperate from being a fan of his.

But what's more likely is this was a failed operation to get shitlibs to become "transphobic" and eat their own by accident.

Are you that faggot that was arguing with me earlier where you were trying to convince me to not bother reporting offending social media posts?

>Another example: manlets. Look at how they act.
Glorious punchline. Your post is now copypasta. When will they learn?

I've unironically fucked Marissa Minx, the shemale he was watching. But years ago when she was bullshit hot, not after the hideous plastic surgery.

No homo.

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He said it was an ad he accidentally clicked on. Also started spouting off about Tinder popups. Not that I fully believe him, but that was the official story

where are the fema camps, alex?
what did they do with the millions of coffins they were buying?

He would banned in current year

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Bingo, I think he was trying to troll them. He even hinted at this, although it could have been a cover. There's nothing wrong with checking out some tranny porn anyways. Unless you watch lesbian porn all porn is a little gay. For instance BJ porns main focus is a penis. Ron whites joke about all men being a little gay is spot on.

He's not off scott free. I haven't watched him a single time since tranny-gate. His reputation is irreparably damaged.

They unironically exist. I've seen videos of fields full of plastic coffins. You could make the argument this is proper planning on our governments part. As for FEMA camps, the stadium in new Orleans during Katrina was a FEMA camp and it was a literal hellhole.

All right wing cucks are hypocrits. Just like christ fags. They go to church on sunday to prey to their dead jew on a stick to forgive them for being the sinful fitlth that god made them to be.

All of you anons watching tranny porn are unironically disgusting little faggots. Don't try to pretend with eachother like it's normal or acceptable. Enjoy your stay in hell.

i forgive Alex, i’ve watched worse

Mark 3:29
But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
30 Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

Sayan is the singular. Sayanim is plural. And super-sayan is to go beyond.

>Before you say anything I don’t mind anyone watching what ever porn you like(except for the big No-No) but he’s been pretty hostile towards transgenders so he needs to be called out.

How to spot a disinfo agent. You clearly don't belong here.

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learn more you faggot
he said he was sent a link "and it popped up"
not that it was a pop-up
> "people send you links and it pops up
I've had tranny shit come up on xnxx and xvid on straight stuff
which is annoying to me as someone that codes search
tranny search is terrible, porn search in general is as well, but tranny shit is hard to search, especially since faggots ruined tranny porn with all their gay homo shit

He used the absolutely classic "it popped up!" excuse. Let's be honest who hasn't ever used that one before?

It could be bullshit but then again boomers are somehow able to fuck up phones and computers really bad. Sometimes I see their pc's and wonder how they were able to do it.

if they spent as much time genuinely bettering the world as they do shitting up our malaysian basket weaving image board there could be real hope for the future. but alas.


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Traps arent gay you fucking homo.

About what? I literally paused and screenshotted his tranny porn from the stream on his website the day it happened and then listened with great anticipation the next day to see how he addressed it.
How could I possibly learn more about it?

Trans-whatever is sin.

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what hypocrisy are you referring to? when has AJ said anything bad about LGBT?

I think you are prejudice against AJ

did Santa Claus also raise threads from the 404 graveyard?
this was literally discussed to death when it happened

Having a escort/Mossad spy Jew Wife certainly fits.

You’re on Jow Forums, faggot.

It's a crime to watch porn now?

Why you mad?

Are we inclusive now? Think of how many fags, dykes and trannies we could redpill if we stopped hating on them goy... I mean bro.