Is learn to code a meme?

Is learn to code a meme?

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It's a profession. Not something everyone should know how to do like change a tire, etc.

I think it's good if you can use it well. More importantly, can you use it to help out our movement? Alt-Tech is always needed.


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I used to bake Right Wing Tech Squad threads. Got busy

Investing in yourself is something valuable that g-ds chosen can never take away from you

Yes. Pls stay away ok.

Only if you're not into deep learning.

if you're good at it worst comes to worst you can live in the middle of nowhere with dirt cheap expenses and still work over the net. If you don't sit down to try to solve a problem and not even notice the hours passing you've been so sucked in then it might not be for you. A lot of people would be better off learning a trade than being one of the 50% that drops out or fails CS in first year.

>mandatory pajeet 5 bucks an hour
Stop making shitty udemy courses

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>our movement

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>5 bucks an hour
I'm lucky to get 2.

There's 1.4 billion curries learning so that you don't have to. Once code writes itself in about 20 years it'll be pointless to have ever know it. Let the pajeets have it

God, i hate other germans so much

Nope, virtually every industry needs software written and you can find your own niche and work from home. If you have the work ethic you'll never need to deal with normie retards again.

t. learned to code and loving it

t. mohammed triggered by white consciousness

Literally nothing to do with politics OP.

C´mon dont be a dick...

Don't listen to this retard.

I know some boomer who spent a few months coding some shitty software used by doctors. They are loaded and haven't work another day in their life.
There's lot of niche software you can write.

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>oy vey i feel the need to respond instead of simply ignoring the thread i dont like

im coding right now. wordpress plugin...the sky is the limit. i work from home

oy vey a wordpress plugin? why don't you learn C and ASM and stay unemployed and lurk on IRC like me

wordpress is for boomers and curries NOOO stop making money


I like Brazilians a lot so I'm disappointed in this shit. I went around reporting half a dozen Off-Topic threads. Is Jow Forums just extremely shit around this time?

Likewise dude.

off-topic fun with the lads is the whole point of this site you fucking spaz.

>is being a wizard a meme

If you can apply yourself learn it

No, but if you are not INTP, dont even bother trying to learn.

Is it the whole point of this board though? Take it elsewhere if you're looking for low-tier banter and fun. There are many places to choose from.

I have free third level education and entry level work of 41000 a year soooooo I guess its ok in my country

t. DevOps

>Sage sage sage sage
imagine being this autistic

>t. DevOps
around here the devops guys are all nigger diversity hires, it's basically a make-work position

Waterloo really is a good school, was skeptical of leafs' capacity to do any kind of work but was pleasantly surprised

You should understand how coding works but there’s no need to learn how to actually do it if you can get Into a position where you just manage the monkeys that do all the coding

personality types are a meme

>Bump bump bump bump
Imagine being this Off-Topic.

Go fuck yourself.

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When I get useless retard millenials out of college I usually get them real simple stuff, writing unit tests, storybooks, simple react components, etc... 9 times out of 10 they can’t handle it, so I send them off to another manager who runs our corporate CMS sites. Little do they know, that basically means they failed probation and get axed within a month. Wordpress is literaly for children and senior citizens who don’t know how to use a computer. Anyone who thinks they are “coding” when working drupal/wordpress/PHP are fucking delusional retards

>understand how coding works
you have no idea how anything works based on this alone

It’s not a meme at all. Learn JavaScript and you’ll make bank.

>feels compelled to be a volunteer hall monitor on Jow Forums of all places

I'm ISTJ, and I know Java and Python quite well.

That said, none of my job applications to junior level positions have gotten so much as an interview yet.

You're wrong, either simple or disingenuous

yes, it's a meme, and it results in a bunch of retards learning ruby.

>Anyone who thinks they are “coding” when working drupal/wordpress/PHP are fucking delusional retards

Don't be bitter just because I get paid retarded amounts of money to "maintain" PHP code base no one else is willing to touch since "PHP bad"

I’m not actually devops, but I do manage everything Azure/AWS related. My title is Infrastructure and Development Manager, but basically I’m a senior dev/architect. I’m responsible for gathering requirements from retarded clients and then delegate the customizations to our SaaS core product so the client gets a spiffy EMR tailored to their business
Agreed that devops is a maymay, i’d never heard about it 2 years ago and now it’s the new buzzword

i´m into node js, angular and ionic. i´m making a background geolocation app conect to a mongoDb database

Hitler would be proud

Idiots. It's against the rules to post blatantly Off-Topic low-effort threads on this board. It should have been taken to Jow Forums or a permissive board. Do you see the amount of shite in the catalog right now? You're not helping.

If you know Java quite well, you gotta find a way to work for yourself.

“Quite well” to me says that you can develop full applications. So just off to make custom software and sell it to businesses.

>I’m responsible for gathering requirements from retarded clients and then delegate the customizations to our SaaS core product so the client gets a spiffy EMR tailored to their business

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yeah, it is. I fucking hate how this site is moderated now compared to half a decade ago.

If you “maintain” code it means you are unqualified to create a new product. Do you know who I stick on bug duty? The people who are incompetent. The ones who have talent work on my team actually building features

>Idiots. It's against the rules
and if I knew you in school I'd probably stuff shit into your locker you gay little fuckhead

real niggas, ObjectScript in MUMPS

Pretty much except my name isn’t Michael Bolton and if I did know how to skim fractions of pennies I’d do it in a heartbeat

There are basic parameters of computer programming that once you understand them you will know not to ask retarded questions/favors of your coders

Basically this

so you'd use your skills for evil if you could get paid mad dosh?

learning to code is absolutely not a meme if you're an autistic white male with nothing but time and half-decent intellect

it's a meme if you're a female or an African

after reading about all the device manufacturers that hard-coded IP addresses for NTP in to their firmware, I think that I'm going to give coding a try
all I do is administrate and write scripts and automate shit (nowhere near a real software engineer), but there are obviously some kind of retards out there employed and coding for major companies
I was under the impression that it was extremely competitive

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>mentioning ionic as if it’s a language
It’s a framework for deploying cose to multiple platforms, retard. Wanna know how I know you are full of shit?

It's Christmas, lighten up user

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Yes, do you have something in mind?

I've thought about this a lot actually. Is it better for a beginner to get into mobile, desktop, or web applications? What GUI architecture is good for it?

I'm unironically on the JavaFX memes at the moment, but my IDE "apps" definitely work, and well at that.

No it's will be like not knowing math in another decade or 2
Learn it now, specifically start with arduino programming from the ground up

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>I was under the impression that it was extremely competitive
it's only competitive when you're looking at the mcdonalds-tier positions and you don't have a network

otherwise it's fucking cake, it's one of the last fields you can work in with no bullshit degree/credentials, it's the wild west still

Is learn to write a meme?
Nah, just gotta have a use, maybe make something cool for fun while you consider you life prospects. More of the world is becoming digital that hasn't already. Your world just developing into it now the way ours did a decade ago ought to tell you that it's coming; go learn operating systems, it's good for you in order to understand the systems you use and your mindset in life, there's tons of benefits learning programming, especially in positioning you and your family economically speaking.

yes, learning in general is a meme

Good, you should just leave anything related to software entirely. Your country has ruined software development and IT support.

>Yes, do you have something in mind?
what stops you from running an online casino or dnm?

This. Programming is INTP central. Your lead dev may be ENTP and your product owner may be ENTJ.

isn't that bad SQL? open for attack

It doesn't hurt to know a few languages. I agree that laymen shouldn't make their own shit if they depend on it (So many shitty made webshops in PHP out there!). It doesn't hurt to know a few languages and many hobbies can benefit from coding (Sciences, Electronics, robotics, automation, RC (programming flightcontrollers etc.), prototyping, learning, fun, gaming etc)

That shit in OPs pic is meme worthy though, string concatenation of SQL, shame on you - its like you want to get pwned.

Yes. All """coders""" are web dev basedboys.

Java and Python are meme languages.

Try learning C++

>can fake being entj
>learn to code and work autistically hard on an effective idea
>alternatively become a "consultant" and charge $200 an hour and some dumb middle manager approves it
I feel bad for the guys who are dumb enough to work for mr. shekelberg because they actually liked coding as a kid but simply never developed social skills

This x1000

You'd support me if it weren't Christmas? It's the same shit every day.

If you are 12, no. If you are 50, yes.

"Racism outside of /b/" is also against the rules, reporting every instance of that should keep you occupied

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Do you have any idea how much red tape would be involved in building an online casino?

Drop the memeflag.

>um yeah I'd totally do the superman thing
>do you have any idea how much red tape...?!
lol nvm

>implying INTPs have a job
>implying we dont make 50k a month doing shit on our own

/b/ is a cesspit beyond saving and we all know it. It's used productively as a means to dump trash threads et cetera.

>I make 50k a month
So what do you do?

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Thanks Julian Lefay. What did you use to program daggerfall and how do I makea good Php website?

neither node js or angular are language too retard. i´m making an android app using ionic

>claims 2 languages are memes
>recommends an even memier language
Objective-C maybe
but python is better than R for ML, even though the python ‘’’’community’’’’ is infested with SJWs it is actually a good thing to learn
We build AI that helps nurses diagnose illnesses and recommend treatment plans (basically WebMD but one that is approved by college of physicians) and the back-end machine learning algorithm is written completely in python

You’d need multiple millions in seed capital for lawyers alone, fucking retard

>obvious contradiction
>calls ME the retard
Bystanders, take note: development is full of retards with massive egos, and this moron is a prime example

I cant believe I fell for this meme growing up. Started programming at 12, lurked irc for 15+ years (programming channels). I chatted with pretentious assholes all day with their "RTFM" mentality and eventually became like them. Took me years to finally be able to not sound autistic in real life.

C++ polymorphism and template meta programing are absolute garbage. The boost library is so pretentious it makes me sweat.

I still know a guy in his 50s who after 25+ glorious years on irc is coding a gui system in C++ using shit tons of unnecessary polymorphism and template meta programing and is just oblivious to how useless his life has become.

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Helps a ton with computer work. I for one use Python to automate all sorts of tasks, such as excel sheets and data-heavy stuff with a lot of clicky work. It is not a must-have, but it is very handy for some jobs.

>learned to code
Trying for this myself. Thing I can't wrap my head around is how to get a job once I learn it. Is just a portfolio enough? My bachelors is in something Jow Forums related, the degree gets me in the door. How do you get a job in programming without a compsci degree? Bring a portfolio on a flash drive? Show them your github?
I hate normies so fucking much, you can't even believe it. I want to lurk in a den somewhere and never leave my apartment except to /nightwalk/.

It’s like saying “I want to know how to brainsurgeon”. Coding is just one small part of the job of a computer engineer. “Learning to code” without a degree is generally considered a meme, yes. Simply because you will have no clue why you are doing stuff.

You really don't have to be passionate about it, I never code if I'm not at work.

Stealing john’s CC info isn’t what I have in mind when I think about cybercrime, moron. Obviously I could create phishing sites in a matter of minutes, but I’m not a nigger. Thought you maybe had somethingn aophisticated in mind, but it turns out you are just a low-iq simpleton

It's a common pitfall for some reason. I think it's just a consequence of the type of person who gets into dev. Like I said above, the field is full of idiots with huge egos. They become unable to see the forest from the trees and they tend to invert cause and effect, or the means with the outcome. It becomes one big cargo cult worship session.

>Thing I can't wrap my head around is how to get a job once I learn it. Is just a portfolio enough?
if you want a typical wagecuck job, write a few CRUD apps, some complete apps both front end and back end, and apply to startups, and be willing to relocate and take relatively mediocre pay (but not too low, you faggot) for the first 6 months to a year, and always be looking for a new position

I'd say that's your best bet, it's pretty easy honestly