Now that Trump has come out as a gun grabber, what are gun owners supposed to do in 2020?

Now that Trump has come out as a gun grabber, what are gun owners supposed to do in 2020?

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Other urls found in this thread:

give away your toys you pathetic manchildren

shall not be infringed

>bitch about shillary taking all the guns
>trump does it anyways
It’s almost like politicians can’t be trusted regardless of their political views...

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Primary Trump with a real second amendment candidate


This, Trump would reflexively repeal all bills restricting guns.

simple, grab their own guns harder.


>>bitch about shillary taking all the guns
>>trump does it anyways
Bump stocks are the only thing he banned and if you weren't a no guns you can bump fire without it.
With Hillary it would be another AWB and total handgun ban.

it's as if politicians have a heart and the people are the real monsters


>trump turning 500,000+ Americans into felons and saying a piece of plastic is a machine gun isn’t a big deal guys
>I still have muh belt loops
>m-muh Hillary

M-molon labe

Red NPC’s are fucking pathetic. Trump shouldn’t have done anything. Gun grabbing okay just because Daddy does it. The absolute mental gymnastics you people will jump through to cover him and his gun grabbing

shoulder fire

It’s really insane. I never thought I’d see right wing shills trying to spin gun grabbing as a positive.
>h-h-he just did it to throw the grabbers a bone and shut them up
That’s like saying that OP will be satisfied after he stuffs three cocks into his mouth or that Skippy will be satisfied with one pizza related map with walnut sauce this week

Name a single gun he banned

Well, bump stocks are now machine guns, so he banned over 500,000 guns. You have 90 days to destroy them or turn them in with no compensation before you get a felony, fine and 10 years in prison.

Obama had wet dreams about this but when Daddy Trump does it, its okay :)

come take them with your soft moorish hands

im really disappointed in him he shouldn't have done that

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Whew talk about coordinated bullshit. Is this really all you people got?

> toys

i'm sure the 2nd amendment people can take care of him

Look you fucking faggot nigger bumb stocks aren't guns and honestly I'd prefer if there was no gun control but what are you gonna do about gun grabbing besides whining "but muh drumpfts"
Call your local political leaders and chief of police and get them to agree that gun control is stupid.
Otherwise fuck off because we've been calling legislators and governors to make gun rights less restrictive.
I'm sorry you're all children but you can just let's anyone and everyone own a gun theres rules now.
>right winger.
Yeah and you let women vote along with niggers and spics and their women.
Enjoy the gun control.

>wew are you guys HONESTLY upset that Daddy took your guns away?
>like really? That’s all you got?

>bump stocks are now machine guns
What the fuck are you bitches babbling about?

See who runs against him in the primaries. I won't vote for another Democrat, but I'll be damned if I support anyone who limits the Second Amendment. Fuck appeasement. Fuck compromise. I want my fucking cake back.

Attached: Illustrated-Guide-To-Gun-Control.png (750x3200, 204K)

>Daddy Trump does it, its okay :)
It's not ok but guess what you aren't the only voter in america and soon some day there wont ge any guns.
Hit up the political leaders and argue with them to be pro 2nd amendment otherwise dont be upset when every school shooter and boomer flipping out results in more fun bans.
Become a political leader or fuck off with the muh drumpf.

Stop being a retard. Are you for gun control or no?

What kind of drivel is this?

Then run for office faggot

>hasn’t read the regulation

The absolute STATE of NPC’s

I’m honestly not sure what your point was. You were pretty incoherent. Trump pushed for this after Vegas. He told the NRA “bump stocks are gone”. He had the ATF reverse it’s two earlier decisions on them and re-classify them as machine guns. Now 500.000+ Americans are felons. And nary a peep from the “muh guns” crowd.

Call your legislators and tell them you wont vote for them if they push more gun control.
Get involved with local political groups of your town and argue against gun control.
Other wise fuck off making the same threads constantly.

>And nary a peep from the “muh guns” crowd.
There was you know nothing
Get involved with politics or fuck off.

>Soap box
>Ballot box
>Cartridge box
Kind of the point of the Second Amendment.

Shareblue is scraping the bottom of the barrel

The vast majority of poltards go through mental gymnastics justifying Daddy’s ban

>only Democrat shills care about the second amendment!

It's almost like trump didn't ban a single solitary gun

>plebbit space
>cares about bump stocks
totally authentic thread, guys.

>Equating bump stocks with guns
It sound's like you're pro bump stock ban, but you want the righties to not be.
>bump stocks dont matter.
>a rubberband can easily serve the same purpose
please log off ethernet

Attached: RubberBannedStock.jpg (623x469, 43K)

CHN breaks down Kevin Spacey word for word in the first 15 min of his show.
>cup mug is a symbol of the Queen of England and a threat
>he might be in witness protection
>he is definetly threatening Hollywood and elite
>he might flip

Interesting timeline this is

Enjoy ,.,.,.,,..,

obviously they should murder the nearest anti-gun voters they can access via any means necessary...why do you ask?

you don't even need a rubberband

>only shills care about gun rights!

The ATF is the one saying bump stocks are legally machine guns, not me. You’re the one jumping through mental gymnastics to justify Daddy’s gun grab.

>muh rubber bands

When Daddy says rubber bands are illegal let me know. Your disingenous reply only shows your only goal is to deflect criticism from Daddy.

>what are gun owners supposed to do in 2020?
build lowers in their basement

>Name a single gun he banned
full auto, by refusing to rescind this unconstitutional ban he is in effect one of it's supporters

wew, go be a kike somewhere else

man you're on every fucking Jow Forums thread kys

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Kill yourself.

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when you lie and make up numbers do you get more gud goy points?

>gun control is ok when my team does it


if trump had done his damn job and left the 2A alone we wouldn’t be having this conversation

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I'm for getting 95 percent of the shit I want. Some LARP ass plastic that I've never heard of means nothing.

Quit spamming this shit on every board. No one fucking cares. Make your own fucking thread degenerate nigger.

What they should have fucking done in the first place.

Vote for someone who isn't a goddamned gun grabber.

You'd think after decades of this bullshit republicans would fucking figure it out.

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Since when do I give a fuck what the ATF Says is or is not a machine gun? Is the fact that the ATF says that supposed to make me agree with you? It just makes the ATF look even more foolish and out of touch than I already thought they were. You can whine and cry about "Gun Grabbin' " but that it is not.

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Literally a fucking google search you MORON

Trump openly called for more gun control before he was even the candidate. It was on his campaign website ffs.

It's not like this came out of the blue.

Took my guns away? Wtf are you even trying to imply. Never heard about that stupid shit before Vegas apparently never needed it. If I needed it I'm sure some lads could instruct me on how to drill a few holes. A bipartisan sacrifice to get important agenda items and foster some good feels is worth it Imo. Wasted letters but enjoy them.

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>w-who cares about even more rights disappearing away I’ll just have my rights in secret

The absolute mental gymnastics you people will jump through. Feel free to to take a bump stock in public then or one of your illegal FA’s you’ve made because you still have rights when no ones looking

>“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida ... to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence.

>“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.

Have you even read the regulation? Do you even own guns? Trump declared 500k bump stocks to legally be machine guns.

>trampling on gun rights is ok if it makes people feel better
>muh 91D chess

Fucking bootlickers man

Trump never said he wouldn't ban bump stocks. Turning your back because of this one thing, this one thing that doesn't even infirnge on your rights is fucking childish of you guys. You're throwing an unreaosnable fit. It's like throwing a fit because trump didn't gas all the Jews his first day as president. You people need to get a grip

Trump supporters have the same mentality as leftists at this point, it's not even worth arguing with them anymore.

>the absolute mental gymnastics you go through
>jumping through mental gymnastics
>Poltards go through mental gymnastics
>the absolute mental gymnastics you go through
Runnin' outta slang and jargon from the chan aren't you shill? Also you're argument is shit and I don't care what you have to say anymore.

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Trump literally took an oath to preserve and defend the consitituion, including the 2A. He ran as a pro gun candidate.

>literally declares hundreds of thousands of Americans to be felons and gives the ATF carte blanche to declare more shit to be machine guns and paved the way for further accessories bans
>doesn’t infringe on your rights

At this point? They were openly supporting gun control, socialized medicine, raising the minimum wage, and every other pet issue of the left long before trump was even a candidate.

About the only difference between trump and the rest of the democrats was muh wall, which doesn't even exist.

Trump supporters are seriously some of the dumbest motherfuckers ever to vote in this country.

>he ran as a pro-gun candidate

The absolute state of low information voters.

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What does 2a have to do with attachments you moron? You're a child who's throwing a fit and being unreasonable! Go take a nap you fucking baby!

It’s fucking insane man. These people would be screaming about 1776 if Obama did this but when their president does it, it’s ok.

Fucking idiot, you probably think magazine bans and evil pistol grip bans are ok too. Can’t wait til all you boomer fucktards drop dead

>trump, a republican wants democratic things
>I as a democrat can't believe how dumb trump supporters are even though hes supporting policies I agree with
>the absolute state of drump supporters god they r so dum
>they should have juss voted democrat then It would be ok to pass these policies

Attachments should be protected under our right to organize as a militia.

>another illiterate leftist appears

act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
"his legal rights were being infringed"

YOU CANT FIRE A GUN WITHOUT AMMO! YO DON'T NEED A BUMP STOCK TO MAKE A GUN WORK!! That right there, what you're doing, is a mental gymnastic you retard.

It’s an accurate term. Daddy’s gun grab is somehow ok even though of Obama did this you’d be throwing a fit.

>should be
LOL key word is should, that implies it isn't that also implies trump never infringes because unnecessary attachments where never a part of the Second Amendment

Maybe he’s being blackmailed, or @therealdonaldtrump got killed and replaced.

that user loves mental gymnastics
He loves to say it he loves to do it. just look right here

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>>trump, a republican wants democratic things
Trump supporters are actually the smartest based on this alone.

I'm not a democrat you fucking mongoloid.

Maybe trumptards should have nominated one of the other sixteen candidates, some of which weren't openly supporting democrat policies.

But why would they? They are fucking leftist scum, after all.

>gun grabber

If Obama didn't take any guns away no President will.

Dumbass boomer. We’re discussing accessories bans. What I referenced was bans on “hi capacity” magazines of 30,40 rounds which retard boomers like you probably support.

The attachments were totally legal until Trump said they were banned. That’s infringement.

Can all you low information tards stop parroting the same shit about bumpstocks and do somthing about the actual ban on machine guns?

Talk about fucking projection.

You don't need a bump stock to fire a gun.
You don't need a scope to fire a gun.
You don't need sights to fire a gun.
You don't need a stock at all to fire a gun.
You don't need a detachable magazine to fire a gun.

You chimps seriously need to be purged.

I'm 26 you fucking spurg. I dont give a shit what you think you're talking about, the fact of the matter is trump never infringed on your rights, and you're a fucking baby. END OF!

Except trump declared bump stocks to be legally machine guns, which have to be surrendered or destroyed in 90 days.

Trump just did.

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You're right you don't need any of that stuff. But trump isn't banning them is he? But even if he did they aren't protected under the Constitution so he still wouldn't be infringing on the second amendment

Attachments are within our rights. What is the justification for banning them?

I would disagree that its accurate, but I guess that's why I'm on this website. Guess what. I have never owned or seen a bump stock in real life. I did not know of their existence before Las Vegas shooting. I still have all my guns I previously had, and nothing about them has changed. Maybe if I wanted a bump stock before I would care but I really just don't.

Plus even if I did care, I can probably just machine one illegally myself.

You think a president that just declared a plastic stock is a machine gun and gave all the owners 90 days to turn them in or destroy them is going to do anything about the machine gun ban?

That ship sailed when you chimps elected a gun grabber.

Trump absolutely infringed on the second amendment with this illegal gun grab. Thank God GOA is challenging it in court. You’re just a low information idiot.

Except he didn’t actually do that. Please kys

No they aren't. You can't just make shit up to win an argument

It's almost sad that you people are too stupid to just vote for democrats.

I'd feel bad for you if you weren't burning western civilization down.

>it didn’t affect me so it’s ok!

The eternal Boomer strikes again. You probably think no one needs an AR15 or a 40 rd mag.

They are you fucking commie.

yer a fag.

full auto is regualted under nfa 34, this is just a faggot accessory, you can bumpfire with NO extra device whatsoever.

>illegal gun grab
What guns? Are bump stocks themselves a gun? Think real hard stupid