What have niggers contributed to humanity?


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rent free living in your head

Peanut butter & drive by shootings, the former is probably bullshit though.


In all honesty, Niggers developed some of the OG technologies like fire, basket weaving, spear fishing etc. simply because they were some of the first humans.
>the leaps and bounds niggers made over their chimp neighbors set up the white man to develop every other fucking thing of worth on this planet
I’m not saying modern day niggers are useful, but the smartest niggers way back in the day did accomplish some pretty impressive things for their time
>the issue is they didn’t advance past that shit lmao

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Unironically a hand full of surgical procedures and surgical devices, high end Negroes are decent surgeons for some reason

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cheap labor

google celebrates every minor achievement by some obscure minority scientist to try to virtue signal to their san franciscan employee base. Showing up in a google search means nothing:
>e.g. Madam Walker - literally all she did was be the first black woman to hold a patent.
>Elijah McCoy - was awarded a minor patent related to lubrication and revisionist lefties try to paint him as instrumental
>Lewis Latimer - literally who
>Lonnie Johnson - invented the fucking super soaker

Every year around black history month, black activists comb through patent archives and find anything with a black person's name. What people don't realize is:
> patents aren't that special, hundreds of thousands are filed each year. Half my colleagues (as an engineer) have some kind of patent
> patents are filed just to keep tabs on an idea, even though many of them aren't actually used or enforced or are even useful/good ideas

The good old days.

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They built America OP

Blues, Jazz and mosquito burgers.

Propagating HIV and Ebola from monkeys to humans

What is this from

Heres the chimp out magnitude categories and their counter measures

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On our $50 note we have an abo who researched perpetual motion machines.

What have You?

From his Wikipedia page:
>He was also known as the Australian Leonardo da Vinci for his mechanical ideas, which included pre World War I drawings for a helicopter design based on the principle of the boomerang and his research into the polarisation of light and also spent much of his life attempting to achieve perpetual motion.


1) The Stick
3) Ebola

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whelp, I know which part OP is missing.

dear uncle tom

>2) AIDS
>3) Ebola
sorry Bong but those two were made by jewish scientists

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Imagine the sheer lack of Abo achievements and the sheer magnitude of Jewedness of this society that this ape gets to be on the 50

>jews trying to kill niggers
fucking based.

Invented the hoverboard

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Peanut butter was not created by george Washington Carver bro you were lied to

Niggers make for great meme material.

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>couldn't create fire
>could create helicopters

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Pioneered apple computers

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he never created the design. it was a drawing. art.

Invented bdsm

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Oh, please for the love of God post that video of the two abbos singing with the tranny on the piano.

Allan "Chirpy" Campbell, reported to be a great-nephew of David Unaipon, failed in an attempt to negotiate a settlement with the Reserve Bank of Australia for using an image of Mr Unaipon on the Australian $50 note without the permission of the family. Campbell's argument was that the woman (who had since died) originally consulted by the Reserve Bank was not related to Mr Unaipon.[25] Campbell was seeking $30 million in compensation, plus ten years legal fees, plus a number of non-monetary items. The request for compensation was turned down. Campbell later claimed compensation from eBay who used images of the Australian notes in an advertising campaign.

wh*Toids BTFO.

B. B. King and Bob Marley.

No its because blacks go by African Americans so when you search American anything on Google blacks are over represented.


When i was in grade school, i designed a car with a jet engine, wings and several gun turrets

the miles of bbc your sister and mother is secretly taking

post evidence algerimonkey

*The super soaker [0]
*Discovery and large-scale production of hormones from phytosterols [1]
*Large amounts of Western popular music made after 1920 has some jazz/blues influence
* imorovemnts in leprosy treatment[2]
*advancements in cataract treatment[3]
* the Rao-Blackwell Theorem [4][5]

and many more:

[0] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Johnson_(inventor)?wprov=sfla1


[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Ball?wprov=sfla1




Rhythm. and many other musical solutions.
(for some reason Hendix's Crosstown Traffic is not on youtube)
and another one:
and some more:

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HAHA so fuck Mozart right? This is how it works: White people invent & create things. Niggers destroy it all.

>The super soaker

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Ironic they should use "uncle tom" as an insult. The other niggers are like retarded penguins.

White people invented many tricks in melodies, black people invented many things in rhythm.
You don't have to erase Mozart to record Snoop anymore.
Good house music can express happiness better than any classical composer could dream of: youtube.com/watch?v=zdTmNQKeO5E

I designed a shark with a cyborg eye that could fire lasers.
Much more accurate than a head mounted turret.

>Some niggers dedicated their lives to complaining with instruments
>They played at the same time as white people, so they're just as good - founders even
>Actually, blacks invented music, aka slapping hands on thighs and striking sticks - niggers are very based
Go fuck yourself and your typowiki article

Funny, there hasn't been a single Kara Boga meme flag in here talking about the BLACK man's contributions. It's almost as if.....they've contributed absolutely nothing, and the proof of that is so obvious they don't even try, and they'll just stick to rimjob threads.

Peanut butter is pretty good.

If all white men left the United States to return to Europe, would America thrive with the diversity that remained? The rich would have their utopia at long last.

Iron and silk

Friendly reminder that a patent isn’t an invention nor does it mean that it was used to any degree of popularity or success
Neck yourself

Bookmark this for your resources

Casey Calvert

>t. Kyrgyzstani shitskin

"David Blackwell is, to mathematicians, the most famous, perhaps greatest, African Amercan Mathematician. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics in 1938, Master of Arts in Mathematics in 1939, and his Ph.D. in 1941 (at the age of 22), all from the University of Illinois. He is the seventh African American to receive a Ph.D. in Mathematics. He is the first and only African American to be any one of: a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a President of the American Statistical Society, and a Vice President of the America Mathematics Society."

Lmao, he's not even a pure African American and half the work was done by some poojeet. This is the pinnacle of half-nigger half-white intellect?

Uh mate... Blackwell was a great mathematician. Don't bring race into this. Don't direct your anger at individuals who have not done any harm.

>t. Murrican redneck with IQ below 100 is proud for his race

Peanut Butter was first patented by a huwhite Canadian, and was consumed by many cultures for centuries before that.

cheap labor.
Spoiler: Jews have contributed more to humanity than any one else

Happy Hanukkah!
your kletzmer is good though

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No brain comparison.

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>simply because they were some of the first humans.
According to professors Goldstein and O'Goy, maybe. Still not proven and the more I think on it, the more it seems they are bullshitting us.

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Is crack cocaine considered a contribution?

so 1:3 blacks is a criminal.

It's 1:110 for whites. That difference is what makes a society work versus not work.

Bars on windows and cctv

I can agree with you on that, but it was not the op's question.
When you play your shit good as this, maybe I'll play your shit:


u r so amazin

I'm thinking the enraged nigger with a gator bite on his cock would probably kill the victim. Inventor did not quite think this through.



Gun selfie

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You really think these smooth brain chimps were using sticks? They learned that from their advanced cousin, the chimp.

Tons of porn consumed like drugs in Jow Forums


Dininvent nuttin

>rent free
we're actually paying for them to live there

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if he didn't do this as a joke then this confuses me deeply

Thats just below the average iq of Jow Forums since the election