Took dna test

75% medshit
24,5% slav nigger
0,5% sandnigger
Game over

Attached: 95f.png (655x509, 42K)

Wtf were you expecting

Also Slavs will inherit the world once the westerners are all browned out it’s our manifest destiny.

I have similar!

Friendly reminder most DNA tests add in fake data

My condolences

>took DNA test
why is Jow Forums full of stupid gullible niggers

t. impure nordic

What are they gonna do? Sell my dna? They already had it my man. They already had everything they needed

Atleast you didn't get 20% jew

yeah thats literally what they're gonna do you stupid stupid nigger

No fight frens...this is a requiem thread

All that dramatism to say you dont have gypsie ancestry

Le 24.5% face
Average Romanian

I d rather have gypsy ancestry than sandnigger. Atleast gypsies larp as christian

im too scared to take one in case i have arab/new/nigger blood. i have brown hair and hazel eyes so i probably do.


What's the gypsy phenotype on those DNA tests? Indian?

I was scared that could happen too...and it did. Now i am on suicide watch
Its not worth it. Your 99% anglo anyway

well you just confirmed to everyone that romanians are literal shit, go kill yourself and help us cleaning the world of subhuman genes !

Haplogroup? I think its h or hg


Im just stating facts, mayne

I was also scared of getting asian, but i dodged that bullet

It could be, the amount of europeans getting indo american its too high

kek why did you give away your dna to those companies

I hope and dream that this will be the case but they will just cuck themselves out by calling southslavs turk rape babies, westslavs germanoid rape babies and eastern slavs mongol and tatar rape babies


Implying meds and high caste iberians are not the future already.

Attached: ItFeelsGoodToBeCastizo.jpg (779x500, 115K)

Is the ancestral north eurasian link that we share with amerindians and their mixed descendants

Damn slavs have been raped a lot

23andme was adding subsaharan african ancestry within the margin of error because they realize their product is popular with racists concerned with ancestry. TMYK

>61% irish
>16% french
>rest is random grab bag of Euro
I'm impure

Slavs hate eachother, that wont be the case

Yeah I mean Haplogroup... I got mixed with the animal thing about Gypsies being considered humans...

>not 100% gypsy
Fake and gay.

Based, they are unironically the last arystocracy alongside jews in the north and high caste indians

r8 my dna

Attached: ancestry.png (415x479, 18K)

I have black hair, and mine said 100% European.

>West Virginia

Your a shitty sandnigger

they are definetly mixed but many DNA tests are unironically not quite correct, also being slavic has to do with culture a lot, which they preserved over many decades/centuries, but they will still cuck each other out by hating everyone else for allegedly being all rape babies

waiting for nihil sine deo to show up and find a way to twist this into a conversation about hungarians

Because it has mingled
On GEDmatch you'll get 2-3% sub-saharan I think

...Or you could try to redeem your race.
Just sayin

>got slav (aka mongol rape baby)
>happy to not be asian
The absolute state.

Because your shit dna has mingled in Europe
Get a GEDmatch test

>gypsies are mediterranean now
>mind blown

Attached: yaaf.gif (498x278, 1.69M)

He got psyoped by the jews yesterday

Attached: b57.jpg (292x326, 20K)

And yet still somehow 100% gyp
kys and respawn as a slug

>And yet still somehow 100% gyp
>kys and respawn as a slug

Implying slugs are not more important to nature than gyps

Implying slugs are more valuable, doofus

Done. Results say I am 100% European. And weirdly, they say you are a retarded nigger with GRIDS. Damn... that's specific...

Yeah because they totally have more live births than deaths and are not a self-destructive depressing race

Tough break user. You have to go back.

if you accept Gods only begotten son
Zeus, he'll bleach your dna. the only
thing and goal you should care about
is getting the seal of god in your head.

Attached: KJV_Revelation_9-4.jpg (1650x1275, 343K)