What does a man looking for in a girl ? There won't be an objective answer , but there is probably a common ground

What does a man looking for in a girl ? There won't be an objective answer , but there is probably a common ground.

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Not fat, no kids

at this point in my pathetic life. i just want a girl who likes talking to me everyday and meets up once a week.
can't keep anything consistent (im on tinder) but yeah im working on myself everyday to make that happen. im getting better each week.

fpbp, 100% correct

Mentally stable.
Someone who wants kids but doesn't have any yet.
Someone who is willing to wait for the things they want.
Someone I can respect.

Spot on

Attractive, healthy, smart, professionally successful, non-slut

Hot with a tolerable personality. I'm pretty shallow.

>Not a bitch
>Doesn’t talk too much
>Not fat
>Favorite food is my sperm

Bonus points for liking to cook. But yeah, men are simple.

Not fat

Virgin (inb4 "reeeee ur r9k")

Actually is into some things, or is interested in learning about the things I'm into.

Knows how to cook, or is learning.

Is kind and feminine

Pretty much it desu, OP are you a female? What do you look for in a guy?

what's it to ya, buddy

good looks and personality, I can't speak for everyone but I personally won't stand for anyone even as a friend if it's like talking to a brick wall or a mirror whenever I spend time with them.

this and be a decent person
although some people are desperate enough to forgive that

From the looks of things, a girl who's not me.

is she a virgin?
will she cook, clean, and raise the kids?
is she at least 8/10 attractive?
will she have whatever sex her husband wants whenever he wants it?
will she be emotionally encouraging and supportive of her husband?
is she white with blond or red hair and blue or green eyes

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>virgin or very few previous partners
>not fat
>wants a lot of commitment (marrying/having a family)
>traditional values
>not a smoker
>overall sweet and kind to other people
>loves animals
>is genuinely in love with me
>not succeptible to changing her mind about that
>no body modifications like piercings and stuff like that
>not a sjw

That's about it.

Mental stability
Good health
Encouragement in their dreams and wonders
Likes their sense of humor(Bigger than you'd think)
If not a virgin, good at sex.
Faithfulness above all else

If you can be most of that (and aim to be all of that) then you'll be able to get a man.

>Reasonably attractive
>similar personality and sense of humor to me
>shares a few interests
>not physically revolted by me.

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>Physically appealing
>Sense of humor
>Nice voice
>Consistent and loving in how she interacts with me
>Good communication skills

I mainly say these because it helps me respect them as a person if I know they have a personality that promotes healthy relationships

Oh and active lifestyle, works out or bikes or something

>mentally stable, with all that entail
>reasonably attractive
>reasonably smart and able to hold a conversation
mentally instability and disloyalty are deal breakers but the rest can be managed.

>good looks are the first thing most people mention
Wow you people have low standards. You don't, you know, want her to also be a good friend?

Only if it's long term, as most relationship are just quick fucks looks are almost everything. OP should have mentioned what time of relationship he wants our answers for.

I want both. Can't get romantically involved with a girl I don't find pretty.

Just because you say good looks doesnt mean you're some shallow dick. If you want to have a healthy relationship then sex needs to be a thing (for most dudes I think) and to be attractive means that they actively prompt interest and it makes 1 of the main larts of the relationship easier to manage because it can be frustrating not having your needs met.

all i want is for her to enjoy the corner i offer her and that she stays the fuck away from my income

marriage is a working relationship first and a friendship second

if she wont pull her weight either financially or by doing the domestic work then it will kill any potential relationship regardless of how well you could have been "friends" in other circumstances.

>professionally successful
That's a huge turn off.
I don't want to marry a cold and pretentious businessman, I want to marry someone to build a tight and loving family with.

>Traditional (Religious, Motherly, etc.)
>Similar Hobbies
>Cute (Not fat, Short)
That's pretty much it

after broken engagement + small kid (which I fucking love btw)

>cute (not asking 10/10 since cuteness can be cultivated )
>actually liking my kid
>not wanting/being unable to have kid on her own (I REALLY don't want more kids)
>did i say cute?

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curly blonde hair

1. Maintains her appearance. No make-up necessary.
2. Cherishes life and traditional valuess. Has a genuine, girlish optimism.
4. Avoids drugs, alcohol, and degenerate habits like spending on frivolities.
5. Knows how to cook and clean, and wants to raise my Aryan children.

I learned in my mid-late 20s that the whole "you're a bad person if you care if someone is attractive" thing was bullshit. You can't force a sexual attraction. If I can't get hard for you, you're going to wonder what the hell is wrong with you, and get depressed and uncomfortable. And probably eat more. Girls have been constantly lied to with the idea that every man is ready to fuck on command no matter what you look like.

Anyways, what I'm looking for:
>Attractive and in decent shape
>Good sense of humor
>Friendly to others
>Exposes me to new things and interested in new things
>Some sort of a job a level above minimum wage
>Relatively intelligent/street smart
>Not overly religious
>Most important: doesn't treat me like she's my new mom (i.e. constantly worried, constantly cooking for me, etc.)
>Second most important: has her own life and doesn't need to worry about where I am at all times or ask me to end my friendships

I honestly feel like I'm super casual and easy to deal with, but unfortunately I don't run into a lot of girls like this.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention:
>Doesn't want to spend every single night in on the couch watching Netflix

I live a pretty wild life. I need someone who can keep up, and slow down at times, but if a relationship to her is "great, now we can cuddle on the couch all day and night," I'm out. I refuse to watch other people live their lives on the TV when I could be making my own story.


>Takes care of herself
>Isn't a turbo casual-slut. Im not a "MUH PURE VIRGIN WAIFU" person but my body count max is 6 at most.
>Ambitions and goals other than getting to X amount of followers

A face I can look at every day
healthy and hygienic
no kids
can complement my personality

That is my base line

Someone who I can be honest about my mental state with and won't leave because of my baggage.

Not annoying is the main thing. Both personaly and physically. Constant bitching will draw me away, and so will bad smell, for example.

If we are talking about a girl I want to be friends with that's most of it, will also appreciate if she is more enthusiastic than me.

If we are talking about a girl I want to be more than friends with, most of what I look for is if I will hurt her easily. I'm not sensible or caring, so if she seems to handle that well, I will be able to act like myself with her and get intimate. Bonus points for good looks.

Large aerolas

A girl who's woke during dark times. And fights until the sun leaves the past behind.


>Isn't a turbo casual-slut. Im not a "MUH PURE VIRGIN WAIFU" person but my body count max is 6 at most.

Yeah, this random arbitrary number is much more reasonable than wanting the girl to be a virgin. You got these incels hard!

To give me the love, affection, support, and encouragement my parents and no one else ever gave me.

That she genuinely enjoys making me happy.