Hello Frens, how are you making today count? Are you beating your demons by fixing the problems that cause them?
Betterment thread
i shidded and farded and peed
Just came back from the gym. Feelsgoodman
Proud of you, user. Keep up the great work!
Went to the gym this morning.
Now working out of a coffeeshop bc /selfemployed/.
My biggest achievement in 2018 was quitting my fucking job and starting something on my own. I suggest everyone else here look into freelancing or starting their own business and getting out from under the jew.
and as to answer OP's question, yes, i did beat demons, demons why tried to steal my name and do a false flag on me, and so i solved a big problem, kikes stealing my name.
My life is over, I'm just on cruise control until I decide to kms
I've worked out every day this week.