Betterment thread

Hello Frens, how are you making today count? Are you beating your demons by fixing the problems that cause them?

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i shidded and farded and peed



Just came back from the gym. Feelsgoodman

Attached: f449794d4009485a0dc4b1a76cbc4e036c557bf42a6f407ab192fc75729201b6.png (1267x785, 107K)

Proud of you, user. Keep up the great work!

Went to the gym this morning.
Now working out of a coffeeshop bc /selfemployed/.
My biggest achievement in 2018 was quitting my fucking job and starting something on my own. I suggest everyone else here look into freelancing or starting their own business and getting out from under the jew.

Attached: LFGPepe.gif (840x488, 511K)


and as to answer OP's question, yes, i did beat demons, demons why tried to steal my name and do a false flag on me, and so i solved a big problem, kikes stealing my name.

Attached: attempt at framing me.png (1320x6437, 923K)

My life is over, I'm just on cruise control until I decide to kms

I've worked out every day this week.