Why did Jack Ruby kill Lee Harvey Oswald?

decent president, kept the generals from starting a war with the USSR, fucked up big tho with bay of pigs invasion.

CIA wanted him dead and orchestrated the assassination, mafia was hired to clean it up via Jack Ruby

somewhat irrelevant but the dude was in terrible health due to endocrine disorders and war injury and was a major pussy slayer that basically banged anything that had a hole

Fookin commies

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i'm listening to legacy of ashes right now, who the fuck even knows and who the fuck knows why. either styx is right and it was a massive conspiracy, or oswald was that fuckin good

Interestingly enough, O'Reily's book says he had stopped cheating on Jackie after the stillbirth of their final child, and I believe it

Rubenstien, not hard to connect the dots.

oswald was pretty capable, but it's entirely likely there was a 2nd shooter.

I almost feel bad for the guy, sure he was a billionaire's son with a hot wife but his health was so fucked that he must have been high on quaaludes and scotch half the time. He was probably like Tiger Woods, running around in a half stupor sleeping with women and not even remembering it

Jack Rubenstein was a member of Murder Inc. the same mob that built up Las Vegas and LA.

Maybe he took the Terrypill? Adter all, Oswald was a glowie...