I know this is going to sound like bait, but I just have to ask: why the ardent rise of racism, bigotry, xenophobia...

I know this is going to sound like bait, but I just have to ask: why the ardent rise of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, nationalism, etc. these days?

I never thought this shit would win.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Social media

blacks are subhuman

lol "rise" of racism.
75 years ago niggers couldn't drink from the same fountain as white people.
The "racist nazi" shit is a smokescreen for a political front from liberals on one side, and a knee-jerk reaction to over-sensitivism on the other side.

It's literally just the internet. Same with SJWs and incels and MGTOW and whatever other bullshit that didn't exist until like 2011.

Walk away from your computer and it stops existing. It's like magic.

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Because fuck you.
Your moralizing won't make me accept the demographic displacement of my own people in our own lands.
I will never accept a future where we have become rendered into an ethnic minority in the lands our ancestors have occupied for hundreds of generations.
The survival of my own people > the survival of other groups of people.

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racisme is on lowest point in history, clearly your young, brainwashed by the media and never read a history book.

>Your moralizing won't make me accept the demographic displacement of my own people in our own lands.


Push back against the oppressive behavior the power holders, the 60-70 hippie socialist sex liberation happened because of the oppressive behavior of the conservative Christians. Now the socialist fuck hippies are in the power oppressing the masses.

Im a non-white, and you've the right to preserve your people and your culture.

I would love to see europe defend himself better.
Aswell as I would love it if my country would have defended itself if it was in such dangers

you know it's serious when the cartoon frogs are being posted on the anime website

There is literally nothing wrong with being a racist, given that for example, simply not wanting to produce children with a member of another race is deemed "racism" by the lefty types.

Fuck them, I am a racist, I don't want mongrel kids. I want my children to be white skinned and blue eyed like I am.

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>the socialist fuck hippies are in the power oppressing the masses

ah yes, the famous socialist fuck hippies like Bush Jr, Obama and Trump who turned America into a socialist dystopia where everyone has healthcare and affordable post-secondary educations if not completely free.

>given that for example, simply not wanting to produce children with a member of another race is deemed "racism" by the lefty types.

Literally no one is saying that except for self-victimizing alt-lites.

>I would love to see europe defend himself better.
Same here.
The globalists and multiculturalists etc have created this push back by opening the floodgates of africa and middle east into Europe.
I will not accept my race being displaced in these lands. I am willing to drop every last vestige of "morals" and "civility" if that is required to ensure the survival of my people. Nothing is more important than survival.

>why the ardent rise of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, nationalism, etc. these days?
Do you seriously consider the internet real life?

>my race

nevermind the fact that "your race" was constantly at war with itself for thousands of years and enslaved one another, like any other race.

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>Literally no one is saying that except for self-victimizing alt-lites.
Why do you lie when you can be so easily disproved?

Yes, and?

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>ah yes, the famous socialist fuck hippies like Bush Jr, Obama and Trump who turned America into a socialist dystopia where everyone has healthcare and affordable post-secondary educations if not completely free.
If you think government is the be all end all of power you are a fuck nugget. Multi million dollar corporations, basically all social media, all big universities, essentially all universities, MSN are all done ruled by grown up socialist fuck hippies.

It's always been this way, for as long as history has been written. We just live in times were these ideas have been re emerging in public view, do to the shift of power in the world. It might be a different time, but racism hasnt changed.

Protect yourself, and find the truth.

A lot of races are, go read about japan history. Or middle eastern history, or chinese history etc.

These things are not new to mankind.
The bible speaks upon whole tribes being wiped out as the result of their transgressions.

The only winners here are the decadent nations. They'll face God's judgement before all else.

After all, it has been said that: The first will be last, and the last shall be first.

>Multi million dollar corporations

Ah yes, multi million dollar corporations - the face of socialism.

>oh no I am triggered by some retard woman on twitter, that means I'm a victim

yeah that's what I said, "any other race". "race" is a meme that falls apart within a few generations.

The only thing I'm worried about is honestly my future generations of children and how these people may infiltrate schools and other public works in the same way those marxist degenerates do. I just want non bias shit, don't attempt to solve one problem by swinging radically to other side thus creating the same problem with a different can of paint that you happen to agree. I just want stuff unbiased.

Don't teach my kids why "whitey is wacist" and don't teach my kids 'why niggers are subhuman." Just teach. Holy.

Some people simply love distractions and enjoy being useful idiots.

Feminist----->Patriarchy (lol)
BLM or SJW------>Whitey
Alt-right------>Niggers and Jews

How convenient...

I never understood how people can know their being played yet fall for the traps anyway unless they secretly enjoy the chaos and dysfunction around them.

Anyone with an actual functioning brain realizes and understands that what's known as "Good" or "Evil" doesn't have a Nationality,Skin Complexion or Gender. Obviously because these traits are internal not external considering where I am though this is more than likely gonna fall on deaf ears.

You being distressed over this, is the same as Jow Forumstards freaking the fuck out about all those supposed crazy left wingers that will ruin all of the world forever (despite being cut from the same cloth mind you).
These people have always existed, only nowadays, they can openly spout their opinions online without much consequence.
Know, that the number of dumb crazies is probably lower now than ever, but they are LOUDER than ever.
Focus on stuff that affects YOUR life, don't care so much about online retards.
It's really not all that bad.

If you take 100 crazy people and spread them out among 330 million they are a drop in the water, hide their views and grt socialized/learn they are wrong by being forced to hang out with normald. If you put them on the internet they hang out, isolate themselves from sane people, preach and get attention from hate mobs obsessed with them.

Your future generation of children probably won't have public school to go to.

forgot my quote

There isn't a rise. It's the same as its always been. There's just more of a spotlight on it because of social media. Now everyone on whatever side can sperg out about their opinions.

As a european, there is a case of REAL turmoil.

Sure there are extremists, which make it sounds worser then it is.

But there are serious issueses, which you've to partipate in to secure the future for the new generations

Pardon, user? I don't understand.

>Pardon, user? I don't understand.
the current trend towards gutting all social funding of everything because its "communism" will eventually drag under the public school system with it. In its place will be private schools for the rich and nothing for everyone else, because thats the way the free market would have it.

gtfo commie, I will call Jordan Peterson if you don't leave

Racism is not inherently bad as long as it is not practiced in a violent manner. Thinking black people are savages or calling black people savages is not nearly as bad as pre-emptively beating the shit out of black people because you think they are savages.
People are allowed to think what they think and stick to their guns, whether they are correct or not.
It is very human to be afraid/cautious of something that is alien to the observer, whether it is people/customs/ideas. Believe it or not, some things in the world are dangerous and should not be embraced with open arms.
Backlash of the super-globalism that was brought about by stuff from the world wars to the internet. Many people were against the foreign wars of the past and think that we should get our shit together before we go around telling others how to get their shit organized. On top of this, there are a whole lot of working class people in the world, and when your livelihood is waffle stomped by somebody half-way around the world and with a fraction of your living expenses, you get a little peeved at the world and just want your own room in the house.

yeah deadset, the right come up with all this weird shit they think the left do

At these trends, native Europeans will be rendered into a minority in our own lands.

The rise of nationalism and (((racism))) is one of the very few things in this world that keep me from necking myself tbqhwy


you'll still be a kissless virgin with pigskin that will be fodder for any actual authoritarian/ethnostate.

you're probably not even a WASP.

Europe should've never colonized Africa/Middle East. Also, whatabout the the Africans/Arabs that had been in Europe for millennia?

or do you think LOTR is depicts the actual demographic of europe?

Fuck off, shitskin.

>Europe should've never colonized Africa/Middle East.
That was few European nations, not whole of Europe.

And no, they shouldn't.
They should have slaughtered the natives to the last woman and child, and settled those regions with Europeans.

>Also, whatabout the the Africans/Arabs that had been in Europe for millennia?
Tell me about the blacks and arabs that lived in Finland 200 years ago please.
Oh wait, you fucking can't because THERE WERE NONE, and hopefully we can return to that state of affairs within my lifetime.

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Awwww what's wrong?

You realize you're not a quality ubermensch like you deluded yourself into thinking?

I bet you actually thought your boy Trump was gonna usher in a golden era of social conservatism/flat taxes for all and not totally rat fuck the future for people (you and me included) for the next couple generations.

congrats LARP-er, you just cucked yourself. Hope reading about The Bell Curve will subside that guilt over time right before the next ecological collapse!

>They should have slaughtered the natives to the last woman and child, and settled those regions with Europeans.

Sounds to me like the people you cucks idolize weren't big on thinking things through.

And no, by the end of your lifetime, it's probably either gonna be a mess of non-stop conflict brought on by climate change that will result in the deaths of billions. African, Arab, Asian and Europeans to boot.

Such a shame. You'd rather put all your energy towards the people who are the symptom of a larger issue than the people actually fucking you or your grandchildren chances of living on a sustainable planet.

WE WuZ VIKINGS! lol cuck

>Sounds to me like the people you cucks idolize weren't big on thinking things through.
Unfortunately, Europeans 500 years ago, were too blinded by the pathological altruism found within Christianity, to even consider a real conquest. No, instead they had to spread their cuck religion to the rest of the world and "civilize" those savages.

It is a true shame, that my race once stood at the edge of attaining total supremacy over this planet, only to squander it out of feelings of pity and empathy.

>And no, by the end of your lifetime, it's probably either gonna be a mess of non-stop conflict brought on by climate change that will result in the deaths of billions.
I am well aware of that.
What I seek is to ensure the survival of my own people. All of mankind can die off for all I care, if my people die out.
The only thing I care about is the survival and continuation of my tribe.

>Such a shame. You'd rather put all your energy towards the people who are the symptom of a larger issue than the people actually fucking you or your grandchildren chances of living on a sustainable planet.
What makes you think that. I am well aware of (((who))) are behind this shit trajectory our civilization is on.

>Your moralizing won't make me accept the demographic displacement of my own people in our own lands.

Not true, ring wing propaganda and you fell for it.

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So that one person represents everyone on the left, alright.

there is no rise of those things...
its just that the standards regarding what coiuts towards those things got lowered a fuckton

people these days are just extremely oversensitive and need to shut the fuck up about their made up shit

especially since those whiny pc subhuman crybabies make it worse for those who actually suffer from legit racism etc.

>posting Shaun's leftist drivel as a "refutation" of our demographic displacement.

That faggot completely ignores the verifiable fact that the percentage of actual native Europeans living in European nations is falling while the percentage of non-Europeans is rising. He claims that we aren't being demographically displaced just because our raw numbers are not (yet) in such a deep decline (even though they are objectively in decline due to lower than replacement birth rates).

The demographic displacement of my people is a statistical fact that can be observed from our official government statistics.

I hope you understand Finnish.
>Statistics on the number of dead, that shows that last year 53 722 Finns died.

>Statistics on the amount of births, that shows that last year 50 321 Finns were born.

Already, we can see that more Finns died last year than were born. Also, to be noted, is that the statistics center doesn't take into account the ethnicity of the people in any capacity, and basically counts anyone with Finnish citizenship as equal to native, ethnic Finn. Thus, we don't actually even know the real number of births/deaths for native Finnish people, as there are already plenty of non-Finns here who are breeding like

>Statistic that shows that the number of people speaking Finnish as their mother tongue keeps dropping.

>Statistics that shows the immigration trends and that the amount of foreigners moving here keeps rising.

The undeniable conclusion of these statistics is that the native Finnish people are being demographically displaced in our own homeland.

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Because people prefer simple answers over hard ones

Only one person is enough to refute the claim of
>Literally no one is saying that except for self-victimizing alt-lites.
that this fag made

xenophobia is the most natural thing, it existed for millions of years

>from liberals
They are leftists not liberals.

The word liberal really lost its meaning one of these days
Just like the word democracy did around 50-60 years ago

Private school, and do your research on it first because some are as bad or worse.

I've always been an odd one out. I have a lot of friends/company but In my mind I always felt like I was picking their brains all the time and very rarely did I have people I'd consider open enough to have conversations with about it.
Most people thought I was weird/messed up for being aware when they knew I was doing it.

Fast forward one of my poorer friends invested in my start up company and became the CEO on paper while I ran the business as CFO. Now the company is valued at 1.4m and we were looking to hire a Chinese immigrant student who just completed her MS here. As our first employee.

We met her at a professional party, and she came here with her boyfriend to support her .( who we didn't know existed at the time of meeting her)
The boyfriend works at a restaurant as a bus boy and is planning on marrying her soon whereas shes getting into the Tech marketing field. The guy barely knows english and is trying to learn it.

We offered her an initial decent salary and some benefits to work with us and shes been coming out with me and my partner (2nd time in 2 weeks) to drink and get to know each other. Meanwhile the boyfriend sits at home and waits for her to come back after 2 am.

She gets along well with my partner, and I started to analyze too much. I've noticed that she hasn't even been hired and there is a strain on her and her boyfriend.

Not worrying about her problems with him, I've already started thinking of potential outcomes including her sleeping with my business partner/hooking up with him.

Part of me feels bad for the boyfriend who came here from China to be with her (he is on her Visa) , but part of me wants to push forward with her regardless of the strain. I've thought of plenty of outcomes including her going back to china, but now I sit back and I wonder. "Is it normal for me to think this much about all of this stuff?", to pay attention to this much detail and to plan for, around it?

I haven't met her bf yet ,

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Yeah well you see the left cannot have a monopoly here, some kind of ideological dichotomy should take place anyway

>That faggot completely ignores the verifiable fact that the percentage of actual native Europeans living in European nations is falling while the percentage of non-Europeans is rising.
He didn't ignore that at all, he directly spoke about it. You clearly haven't watched the video.

>He claims that we aren't being demographically displaced just because our raw numbers are not (yet) in such a deep decline (even though they are objectively in decline due to lower than replacement birth rates).
Wrong. His argument is that the right wing is purposefully or plain incapable to interpreting statistics. A current statistical trend doesn't mean it's going to stay that way for ever. Right wingers don't take into account that non white immigrants get as few children as the native population past the first generation. Right wingers don't take into account that the vast majority of immigrants in Europe are white and those influence the numbers of all immigration statistics made. Additionally whites simply get fewer children. 1 to 2 on average, which with or without immigration would lead to a decline in the overall white population. Nobody is actively forcing whites to get fewer children. It's simply a general phenomena that wealthy people get fewer children, that's the case for non whites too. Hence why far East Asian countries have equally low birthrates and I'm going to assume that the Japanese aren't somehow under "the influence of jewish trickery". Non whites coming to white countries isn't "replacement" either, they simply exist at the place. When I place a glass of water on your table and then place a glass of orange juice on the table, was the glass of water replaced or do they both simply exist at the same place?

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I'm actually not which is suprising, I wanna neck myself due to mental health reasons & I'm not interested in an ethno state

Why is fucking someone of such vital importance on this website sex is alright but nothing I'd get worked up over

Probe it's racism. I say bigger like and the like but slurs aren't inherently racist, It's intent. And unless I'm saying it to degrade you for your race it doesn't matter

What's racist depends on whether or not the race/ethnicity/culture in question views it as racist, not the intent. Racism is almost never intentional.

Because everyone got sick of playing along with the lefty bullshit about being inclusive once everyone finally saw just how bad it has been destroying society.

>Racism is almost never intentional
Have a look at Jow Forums for 2 minutes then come back to me

>What's racist depends on whether or not the race/ethnicity/culture in question views it as racist, not the intent.
But that is literally, objectively, factually incorrect. Racism means discriminating based on race, not hurt feelings. I don't give a single flying fuck if your feelings are hurt.

>Non whites coming to white countries isn't "replacement" either, they simply exist at the place.
Nigger, you act as if resources and living space are unlimited.
There is zero benefit for my ethnic group in us tolerating the existence of outsider groups in our lands.

Every non-Finn should be removed from Finland.

>Racism is almost never intentional.
Not entirely sure with this statement but i agree with the previous one.
You could be genuinely oblivious to how racist and harmful a specific thing you did was. Clearly the people on the receiving end should judge if said thing was okay, given that they are honest and self aware enough to give a productive answer.

>slurs aren't inherently racist
If a slur specifically targets a race, it by definition is racist. Their meaning usually serves to degrade the targeted demographic. I think it's correct to say that racial slurs aren't always insulting, for example if someone made a racist joke and everyone present of that targeted race doesn't feel attacked and found the joke funny. It's no an insult then because the use of it was forgiven. By definition a racial slur is still racist though.


When you've seen what's been happening to our nations for the past 10-15 years, and realized what it's inevitable end result will be, your feelings become irrelevant - a target even.

Then change your laws, most immigrants are legally there, which is the only reason why I'm even defending them.

>Nigger, you act as if resources and living space are unlimited.
Odd, I thought your population was declining.

> A current statistical trend doesn't mean it's going to stay that way for ever
Given the population boom in Africa, there is tremendous expansive pressure from there to Europe. It is within the interests of European people to stop the african flood from reaching our shores, unless we want to be drowned in them. I'd personally rather see every single one of those fucks drown in the mediterranean than allow any of them here. They are not members of my race, I place no value on their lives.

>Right wingers don't take into account that non white immigrants get as few children as the native population past the first generation.
That doesn't matter jack shit if we get new groups of immigrants here every fucking year.
They still are rapidly growing as a group due to constant new immigrants coming in as well as reproducing like fucking rabbits, while my ethnic group is in decline. This is in no way beneficial to me or my people.

>Right wingers don't take into account that the vast majority of immigrants in Europe are white and those influence the numbers of all immigration statistics made.
This is just blatantly false.

>Additionally whites simply get fewer children. 1 to 2 on average, which with or without immigration would lead to a decline in the overall white population.
Because supporting big families has been made extremely expensive via taxation.

>most immigrants are legally there
Here in Poland not even most Ukrainians are legally, let alone sangniggers and other scum.

>no one is forcing whites to have less children

You are naive if you think the death of the middle class and the death of single income families in western civilization is anything other than design. Also the amount of money, resources and effort that has been put in to convince western women that a career is more fulfilling than a family, that being a stay at home mom is degrading and disrespectful and that settling down and that children are a burden more than a blessing is a clear attack on western family values.

You're a sheep to think otherwise.

Also, the left pushed too far. Identity politics, threatening freedom of speech because of muh feelings, pushing white men out of the party, we can go on and on. I'm a 2 time Obama voter but the ideals of the left are batshit and suicidal. Anyone who is white is insane to vote for democrats. Hell anyone who's not is too. How many poor urban areas have been under democratic government unchallenged for decades? How many of those places are still poor? All of them.

But that means you do not respect an entire specific race, which means that you are racist.

With that type of logic you are in favor of white farmers in Africa getting "their" property disowned and lynched, correct?

>Then change your laws
I do want our laws changed. I want my homeland to become an ethnostate for my people, where our demographic position is enshrined to our constitution. People who are not native Finns shouldn't have citizenship in the first place.

>most immigrants are legally there,
Lol no.

>Odd, I thought your population was declining.
It is, that doesn't mean that we should fucking give it for free to outsiders.
What we should do is start reproducing and populating our lands. Foreigners are not members of our people, they do not share our blood and history. Thinking that humans are just replaceable cogs in some societal/economic machine is a demented mentality. The only people who can in my people's case, carry on our legacy are us Finns ourselves.

No, South Africa is rightfully a white nation built by my forefathers and the niggers are just there to leech off it's success and eventually ruin it, like they do with everything.

Your post was a pile of false cause effect relationships.

>I'm a 2 time Obama voter
That part was horribly irrelevant, but I fully understand why you felt the need to add it there. You are a 1 dimensional stereotype.

Lmao, how can you complain about people legally immigrating to a white country but then defend the land that was forcefully seized by a literally invading race? Double standard. The far right has no sense of morality.

>Lmao, how can you complain about people legally immigrating to a white country
Because it is not in the interests of my own group.

>but then defend the land that was forcefully seized by a literally invading race?
Because it is within the interests of my group.

>Double standard.
I literally do not care. You can shove your universalist morality up your ass. What is good for my people is morally right, what is bad for them is morally wrong. Any other sense of morals is fucking weakness.

>The far right has no sense of morality.
My sense of morals boils down to "The survival of my own people is more important than the survival of yours".

>how can you complain about people legally immigrating to a white country
They are niggers that destroy everything.

>but then defend the land that was forcefully seized by a literally invading race
Before that, South Africa was nothing but a gigantic waste of space.

>Double standard
Nobody cares, libtard.

>The far right has no sense of morality
Neither about that.

Good. I'd like everyone on your side of the argument to be this open about it. Clearly this is the core belief of your type. No need to shroud the conversation with refutable proxy arguments and right wing myths.

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Don't care about morality in this regard, the people settled there were savages caught up in a world where other peoples are building civilization and bringing humanity into the modern era, they were not going to sit by whilst the subhumans continued to nig up the place and hamper our righteous and lofty efforts.

Boo hoo your precious niggers got civilized, deal with it.

"It's okay when niggers do it" "And that's a good thing!"

Also this, brilliant and direct response user


You confuse me with some run of the mill neocon republican or a "conservative". That last term is especially improper when applied to me, because I don't think that there is hardly anything worth conserving in our decadent societies. I basically want a revolution at this point.

I have no shame about my racialist views. The only thing that matters to me is the survival of my people when it comes to politics. My approval of any decision or political doctrine is valued on the axiom of how it helps my people to survive and prosper.

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>Boo hoo your precious niggers got civilized, deal with it.
That was the biggest mistake of the anglo.
They should have exterminated them.

Imagine an africa filled with peoples of European descent and where blacks at best survived like native americans do in this day and age.

>You confuse me with so--
I don't care what you label yourself.

I applaud you for your post though. We need everyone who thinks like you to be just open about their believes.

I'm pretty sure that we made our point perfectly clear, also please elaborate on these "right-wing myths".

And when we are, scores of "antifascists" and other leftist scumbags come in droves in an attempt to stop us from expressing our views to others. It is as if they fear that this mindset might spread if people are exposed to it.

>Racism means discriminating based on race
Which is based by what the race in question defines as discriminating and prejudice towards their race, not whether or not you're intentionally trying to do so. No rational person intentionally tries to discriminate against any sort of people, but rather whatever interpretations and judgements they've associated with that group (ex.: commits the most crimes, eats up all the resources, oppositional influences, clashes between views and values, etc). That's where actual racism comes from, as well general bigotries and prejudice.

They don't try to be bigoted in any sort of manner. But as knee-jerk reaction to anything they find to be an ill in the world (immigration overflow, crime-rates, cross-cultural conflicts, etc).

It's not really the British way chap, I guess we hoped that by turning the mindless spear chuckers into good, law abiding citizens could be a story to be proud of and be a great contibution to the world. It was the white mans burden, but one we gladly carried.

Alas, it was not meant to be.

You squandered the providence your people had been granted.
Now you suffer the consequences.

WE suffer the consequences

Imho the real problem is that people like are becoming a minority. Gen-z seems to swing all the way to the left or to the right and eventually that will end in a huge shitstorm like the day of the rope or something similar. Moderates are slowly dying out.

Lauren Southern is jewish.

>our own lands
> is from Ohio

Because in the last few years my nation has been flooded with niggers and being in close contact with them I realized how useless and destructive they are.

I am from Finland dipshit, hence the picture.

Jow Forumstards are usually full of shit,
but europeans are really getting fucked, you cannot deny that

Because Africa South America Asia and Middle East

Can have ethnostates.

And white countries have diversity.

Males who dislike women being sluts and immigrants reducing the white birth rate is proof to a lot of people Nazism is real.

If you defend liberalism and muh-equality you’re either a shit-skin or someone who doesn’t live around shit-skins.

Oh, I used to be like you. I hated my racist parents, I felt so bad about being white and what my ‘ancestors’ did. I was feminist and thought rape culture was real. Then I went to college and experienced what it was like being in an all female dorm where they make jokes or seriously plan about crying rape if they don’t get their way.

I went for a Fine Arts degree and I was so excited to be surrounded by like-minded people, only to find out they’re all literal annoying ass faggots you can’t talk to without offending them in one way or another.

Then I had the fucking rape mattress girl come to my campus and then she was debunked and there were so many people there who offered her fucking support when all she did was ruin someone else’s life.

Then I got sick and had to go back home. Wasn’t much long I got a job in at a Dollar General where I constantly had to deal with niggers and spics on a daily basis and had to deal with them trying to steal shit, or make a big fucking deal over a fucking coupon. Oh that’s not just it either, niggers are openly racist claiming they can do a better job than my white ass while I’m letting my poor black manager do all the heavy lifting she was making me work the cash register. Then, your nigger co-workers try and take credit for the hard fucking work you do organizing the sky shelves in between register customers at the front of the store.

When I finally, finally got a job in a majority white craft store up north I was fucking heavenly blessing. Oh, they’re more snobbish, but at least they did their fucking work. The customers were serious about their purchases and got annoying with their coupons but never have they thrown a fucking chimpout over it.

Anyone who lives with shit-skins is going to be fucking racist. And anyone who deals with college campus bullshit is going to hate liberalism.

Every race has a right to be the majority in their own native country. Mexico has got it down, they actually have laws against demographic displacement.