Why are WOC so repulsed by white men?

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Blackanon here, I’ve noticed white Women absolutely love to mix and have no problem with it. But I’ve also noticed a lot of white guys going without as consequence. With nothing but their hands to give them solace. I’ve noticed a lot of WOC find the idea of dating a “white boy” to he “embarrassing” and “shameful”. Why do you think WOC are so put off by white dick (or should I say pink dick)?. Why are women generally so against dating and hooking up with white guys these days. Especially black, brown and increasingly Asian women.

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bait thread, white men are most desired, black men least desired, by all races

Statistically speaking the opposite of what you're saying is true. The again, this is a bait thread though

your script is broken Rabbi

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there is no such thing as "black annon"

so fuck off nigger and go back to africa


wow you have a meme flag on! so unexpected from such a finely crafted post! its kind of funny that im a white guy who is engaged to a jewish girl because white girls suck compared to jewesses tho

SaSaSaSaSaSaaaaaaSage this garbage.

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Hey it's this thread again
>>Jow Forums7203943

She has pokies