Maenstrram meteor man... is based?

What the absolute fuck?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You do what you have to do to protect your interests.

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Like anoda?

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Anyone know what planes or country they were from?

if you think this is how jews protect their interests your dumber than you look

Province of Judea 2: electric boogaloo when?

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jews are vile animals

jews aren't really that smart as a group. Good with money and such but not all Einsteins like some people like to think.
They just have a moral system entirely foreign to Christianity's, a strong sense of tribalism and a willingness to fuck over anyone not in the Tribe.

>its real

So does this mean he's hiding his power level or just a blue pilled faggot?

Good question. They may have planned that far ahead or just figured they'd use it for propaganda purposes to escalate the situation like they did with the downed airliner in Ukraine.

Fuck you, fucking zionist. Piece of stinking shit.

I hope Israel and Palestine lands get fetalized with the guts, nails and hairs of every single fucking criminal zionist.

Jews and non-Jews alike would celebrate ridding earth from you, extremist human scum. You're as dirty as your ISIS puppets.

Fucking commercial planes? you fucking pieces of shit

The incident has more parallels with 9/11 than the USS Liberty. He's still a bluepilled fag.

Say it with me senpai,


>Fucking commercial planes?
They don't care how many innocent people die. To them only jews have souls and the rest of us are animals. It doesn't matter what race or religion we are, jews look down on all of us.

>extremist human scum

Bruh, you give credit where no credit is due... You are not wrong though.

I knew Gondola legs would come around.

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Shit like this is why you belong in the back of a oven Schlomo.

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Jews are dumber than reported.

First, reconnaissance Russian plane. Russian slavs that just want to get back to their wives or chug down some vodka.

Now this? This is making me boil to the core.

I'm glad we didn't fall for this Zionist Jewry. I can only hope Jews wake up to what their Zionist peers are doing to them and to the world.

People who haven't been exposed to the truth will never understand why we feel this way.
They are unironically the synagogue of satan.

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i'm glad the UK went against that cuck cameron's plans to bomb syria that one time

what is the source of this material. thank you

This. It's conyism and nepotism as a culture. Some are decent people, like any, but as a whole they have a society that is uncouth to most.

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Thanks based brit. You wish to others what you wish to thyself. Thanks for supporting halting the shedding of innocent blood.

I wish you guys peace and prosperity away from whatever extremists could do to you from all groups, religions and governments.

Im glad you understand when you get chucked into the oven

Based Syriabro. I wish you guys all the luck in btfo the israeli kikes.

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Watch the oyy vayyying that would happen if assad (completely justified) retaliated against them

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>not all jews

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Thanks user.

It's a very challenging dream but I hope Zionism gets wiped from the face of the earth with minimum causalities.

I don't even fucking mind Israel being there, just not ruled and inhabited by vicious Zionist. I mean where would you go with all the innocent non-zionist Israeli's that settled next to the Palestinians? We're just stuck in this situation where they have to cohabit next to each other just without Zionists anywhere nearby.

The Zionist mentality of second post after OP is what created ISIS and facilitated extremism worldwide to further instill Zionists interest and prolong their stay and magnify their power and funds. Just like how they're exaggeraing the crimes done against Jews, milking nations for money and enforcing leverage over everybody.

>where would you go with all the innocent non-zionist Israeli's

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How can Israel have interests if it doesn't even have the right to exist? Give back that land!

Shoah 'nuff.

Killing woman and children so you can extend your living room?

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So we should nuke Tel Aviv then. Like you said, we have to do what is necessary to protect our interests.

All kikes must die.
It's the only way to secure a lasting peace

Interesting, kinda like israel doesn't have absolute allies anymore...
kinda a weird that people who excel at lying and deceiving for their own interests, get similar bedfellows...

They murder people in my country regularly to trick people from my country into killing people from your country so that more people from your country will kill people from my country.
They are fucking monsters


In their minds, a couple innocent civilian or militant souls here and there is a profitable tradeoff for a big down-payment or raise in funds or change in policies or economic embargoes or gaining leverage to be given exclusive weapons or support from foreign forces.

In their minds: so what? A couple innocent civilians get blown up here, stabbed there, or shot up somewhere.

We literally got shelled for years by US funded terrorists (funded by Israel indirectly of course) that claimed to be freedom Fighters. School, mosques, churches, homes. What fucking ever. Everybody got shelled with mortars. Not to add fear of explosives. It's all in the past now thankfully.

The amount of money those borderline terrorist opposition forces paid to not get killed by our army but escorted safely to the north is unimaginable especially in a third world country like ours.

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The last time some few Europeans tried to protect their interests you manipulated half of the civilized world into destroying them and then blamed them for muh 6 gorillion. Go gas yourself.

i know...right? like, for example, if a certain (((people))) show that their loyalties are to a certain (((tribe))), internationalism and a certain nation in MENA instead of the nation on their passport, those people should be expelled. shouldn't they?
we should follow the model set forth by israel. they've determined that Palestinians are not particularly loyal to israel. they therefore deem them second class citizens, ghettoize them, give them color coded passports and sharply restrict their movements.
something similar should be done here with our own tribe of traitors.

Jesus Paul, cool it with the anti-semitism

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You guys are making me actually believe in the supernatural by making me consider the possibility you are the synagogue of satan

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Unless they go full Bobby Fischer, how can they be trusted?

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I believe it was jordan and some other middle eastern country

They have a holiday where they jubilantly reminisce about the time they sacrificed a bunch of goats, dabbled in blood magic, and summoned a demonic entity to have a bunch of children murdred in the middle of the night.

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You can only expect these guys to swallow shit to keep their media platforms so long until they cave in.

Alex always described SPLC, ADL, etc as a mafia. Think about what they are - they basically threaten you with psychological and financial violence and aggression if you don't do what they want. They're literally a Jewish mafia

What happened to this guy.
Before he was famous he called out international jewry every chance he could.
Then once famous he was a shabbos goy that would vehemently deny ANY connection between stupid marxist commie bullshit and jews.
Now after he is no longer famous, he returns to his anti jew roots.
Im glad and it is good thing but he should come clean on who forced him to stop talking about jews for that time period.
Name names PJW, name some names.

If from Jordan, that would have been an interesting turn of events.

CHN breaks down Kevin Spacey word for word in the first 15 min of his show....
>cup mug is a symbol of the Queen of England and a threat
>he might be in witness protection
>he is definetly threatening Hollywood and elite
>he might flip

Interesting timeline this is


You realize that simply translates to "do whatever you want to get whatever you want", right?
You're a textbook psychopath.
You have no ideology aside from your own desire.
Truly satanic.

That’s why Israel must be destroyed

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Sure he is alright, but why would you try to derail this thread? I swear, any more red flags and I will have to consider bellogio as a controlled op.

Because everybody knows.

Stop right there khazar scum!

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>Before he was famous he called out international jewry every chance he could.
I believe some form of validation is in order.

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Based Assadist

Ok, let me see what I can dig up. Im sure some anons know of those videos and audios of back when he was red pilling people on the jq

This isn't true.

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